Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Nursing and midwifery council Essay
Malnutrition can be defined as a serious condition that occurs when a person does not include the right amount of nutrients in their diet such as water, protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in their diet (NICE, 2012). This can lead to serious adverse circumstances where one can become malnourished. Kirch (2008) also stresses that malnutrition can also arise as a result of disease. The rational for the chosen topic ‘malnutrition in elderly patients, was based on being one of the largest contributors to elderly mortality in health care. In support Sinclain (2011) states that up to 15% of elderly in the community, 62% of hospitalised patients and 85% of nursing home residents suffer from malnutrition which is a strong independent predictor of mortality in elderly. Evidence based practice in nursing is finding solid research and applying them in nursing practices, in order to promote quality of care given to patient’s. Furthermore Baker (2013) states that it i s a process which involves the use of evaluation, research process, problem solving, assessment of care, decision making and requires the patients involvement. Evidence based practice is important in clinical settings having the potential to improve the of care patient, implemented to improve recovery. The nursing and midwifery council (NMC 2008) recommended that all nurses must have the ability to critique and use evidence based practice. Developing a framework for critiquing health research (Caldwell et al, 2005) will be used as an appraisal method to critique the 3 empirical research articles. This was chosen by the writer because the authors made it clear, straightforward, easy and precise to use in critiquing academic research papers, both qualitative and quantitative using tables, numbers, keywords subheadings, guidelines and relevant websites. It was also discussed that this assists the ‘novice’ nursing student and health-related research with learning about the two approaches to research by giving consideration to aspects of the research process that are common to both methodologies approach and different stages of crit iquing them. Boud et al (1985) articulate reflection as a act in which an individual examines their experiences, beliefs, values behaviour and knowledge that leads to a new understanding and appreciation of a situation which prompted the reflective process. Yun, (2008) emphasise reflection is an active and intentional process that uses thinking in order to learn from experience. We reflect in order to learn from current or future experiences aiding us in improving academic skills in theory and in practical, the ethics of reflection contain information such as asking questions or reflecting on what actually happened, looking at the skills that were used to deal with the situation, examine the negative and positives looking into what feelings arose from the experiences, what could have be done and what can be done better in the future. As nurses we need to reflect on our own practice to enhance the care given to patients. Rolfe et al model (2001) Cycle has been chosen to support writer reflection and this was chosen because it is a simple model which raises the following questions what, so what and now what in order to reflect effectively and improve the quality of care given to patients stimulating both personal and professional growth. In nursing practice we need to plan and leave time in order to reflect on the care delivered to patients. Following this we need to reveal the service given has confidentiality, privacy and dignity and this is being maintained, check if the patient treated is being fairly and with respect, if the nurses communicate with the patients in ways they understand. All these collective questions need to be in place when caring for patients in order to support reflection and deliver a good standard of care. Elder, Evans and Nizette (2012) states reflection allows nurses to examine both thei r practice and the accompanying cognitions and effective meanings in relation to values, biases and knowledge and in relation to the context in which the situation occurred.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Jury of her peers Essay
After the first reading 1. What do the women think happened at the farm? The women thought Mrs. Wright might have murdered her own husband. After the second reading 2. What is the climax of the story (When in the story does the narrative take a turn)? The story’s climax is when there are more evidences compiled at the end (the dead bird, broken cage, abuse, marital oppression) this turns the story to Minnie Foster as a victim and not as a criminal. 3. How well does this story fit the model of the stages of narrative? The story shows all the stages of narrative in correct order (intro, rising action, climax, falling action) except that the conclusion is left for the readers to think. 4. What other things do you notice? The women were not allowed to be jurors but in this story, they outsmarted their husbands/men in collecting evidences that would point to who the victim and who the murderer was. The strongest evidences would be the abuse and loneliness experienced by Mrs. Wright and the irony of how the bird and Mr. Wright were killed in the same way. 5. What questions do you still have?  Will the women tell their husbands/men what they saw? Will the women stand up at the trial for the evidences?
Monday, July 29, 2019
Anita Roddick The Body Shop Commerce Essay
Anita Roddick The Body Shop Commerce Essay Moore and Buttner defined female entrepreneurs as those who use their knowledge and resources to develop or create new business opportunities, who are actively involved in managing their businesses, and own at least 50 percent of the business have been in operation for longer than a year†. In this 21st century, women had a dramatically changing over the year and year. Women breakthrough from the traditional position that as an internal housewife to a working woman in several fields. Nowadays, more and more women try to get rid of work as an office woman and get fixed salary every month but they are tries to set up and develop their own business. Since women’s level of education has increasing compare to 20 century, they create their own business based on their high knowledge, skills and interest in several field. There Women not only successful in business field but also other field including political, medical, economic, cosmetic, IT technology, oil and gas, software, food and beverage and so on. This is because there is more support for women entrepreneurs than ever before. However, women entrepreneur are facing constraints and there are solutions for them to improve themselves. Successful Woman Entrepreneurs There are a lot of successful women entrepreneurs who start their business by themselves. They have their own strategies and uniqueness of their products and also management skills that enable their business went for globally. Anita Roddick- The Body Shop anita roddick.jpg body shop.jpg Anita Roddick the founder of The Body Shop. She was born in England in 1942 and married with Gordon Roddick in year 1970 and had 4 children. Anita Roddick started her business in year 1976 where her shop allocated at a back street in Brighton, England. Without much of financing, she only able decorated her shop with green garden lattice to cover the ugly unpainted walls. Anita Roddick got her inspire of her products is when she travel to around the world. Sh e saw local women of Tahiti use cocoa butter to plastering their body and women in Morocco washing hair in mud. After that, Anita Roddick tried to make her own products by using all natural raw materials from fruits and vegetables at home and sales her products in her first shop. She had packaging her products in very simple packaging and inexpensive price for all natural cosmetics and herbal creams and shampoos. She only sold 15 different cosmetic products in her first shop. The first strategy that used by Anita Roddick is differentiate her products with other cosmetic products where her products is all made from natural raw materials such as from fruits and vegetables. This is because of her awareness of most women fear of use artificial chemicals cosmetic products to put on their skin and hair. She had got natural raw materials most from Africa and these natural raw materials made her products unique compared to others. Through this, she built her product brand name which The Bod y Shop sales all natural cosmetic products. The second strategy used by Anita Roddick is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). According to ISO Strategic Advisory Group defined CSR as â€Å"is taken to mean a balanced approach for organizations to address economic, social and environmental issues in a way that aims to benefit people, communities and society†. Anita Roddick used CSR strategies as a way to make advertising indirectly to community. She joined Fair Trade Community where she got her natural raw materials from Africa and paid them in a fair price to help them have extra fund to build their facilities such as school and others. Furthermore, she also prevents to use animals tested for her products. Moreover, she join society communities to raise the concern about environmental friendly, protect animals and against animal testing and defend for human rights. Through CSR, she had successful to build good reputation for her shop.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Knowledge Management in Mountville Fashions Assignment
Knowledge Management in Mountville Fashions - Assignment Example The essay "Knowledge Management in Mountville Fashions" talks about Mountville Fashions, its management and business strycture. Rather the company conducts a large amount of market research based on both internal and external teams to understand the realms of change in the fashion wear collections wore by different categories. Further the company also conducts fashion and trade shows along different periods to help gain customer and trade networks involved in the expansion of business for the fashion wear company. The company also integrates effectively with its supply chain network to gain knowledge of the new designs and fashion wears brought about by the category teams. Such new designs are well communicated to the different people in the organization both in regards to the head office and stores in order to conduct sales and operations effectively. The paper in this connection aims to conduct an in depth analysis of the organization structure and culture of the concern and thereb y aim to reveal the knowledge management effectiveness in the concern. Mountville Fashions being a mid-sized fashion department store has an effective organizational structure headed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The Chief Executive Officer of the company is followed by the Head of Finance and Head of Operations of the company. Again the Head of Finance is followed in by managers taking care of the account and credit operations. The Head of Operations would be the Coordinator of Fashions.... ategy of Mountville Fashions Organization Structure Mountville Fashions being a mid-sized fashion department store has an effective organizational structure headed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The Chief Executive Officer of the company is followed by the Head of Finance and Head of Operations of the company. Again the Head of Finance is followed in by managers taking care of the account and credit operations. The Head of Operations would be the Coordinator of Fashions, Head of the Merchandise Display and Promotional Activities and the Head of Operational Activities in regards to Stores and Supplies. The same can be depicted as follows. Figure 1 (Diamond, 2007, p.58) The above organizational chart depicts specialization rendered in regards to the organizational functions thus focusing on the development of skills and business productivity. Through the organizational hierarchy reflected in the chart given the company can effectively work in enhancing the mode of store visuals and the different marketing and promotional activities in relation to such. Thus the head of such teams are expected to work on large amount of innovation in regards to the bringing out of effective visual merchandising ideas in regards to design of the store layout, the interior color to be used and the design of the displays. Such enhancement of the store displays conducted by the visual merchandising teams would certainly help in cultivation of brand awareness in the minds of the consumers. Again the supervisory teams in regards to such project of enhancing store displays are required to effectively communicate the ideas with the teams working in the store thereby enabling them to gain hold of newer ideas and knowledge. In regards to the enhancement of supply chain activities
Oleanna Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Oleanna - Essay Example Their speech is a conditioned reflex accompanied by prejudgement of each other’s thoughts, which hinders communication. When Carol enters John’s office and presents his case, he gladly receives him as one of the needy students who have come for assistance. He abandons everything he was doing and sits to listen to the innocent college girl who wants to raise her grades. Several attempts by John to explain to Carol how she needs to study do not yield up anything because of the break up in communication. At one point, Carol misquotes John to have called her stupid. She twists words to have another meaning, which depicts her character. In their conversation Carol and John use words like â€Å"what,†â€Å"I don’t understand,†â€Å"I don’t know what you are saying.†Carol and John are seeking of each other’s conversation meaning that they do not seem to understand one another. At one point, Carol thinks that â€Å"terms of art†have another meaning. On seeking for the meaning from John who had used it, he states that he does not know. With these unclear messages, you hear either Carol or John nodding in agreement or responding to what the other is saying. All this is bound to misinterpretation. For instance, according to Mamet, After attempts to help Carol fails, Carol sobs deeply and John places his hand on her to comfort her. Carol throws his hand off her and she interprets this as a sexual harassment. Their conversation is interrupted by Johns wife who needs him at home and Carol Promises to come to the office the second time. The following day carol comes to John’s office with bills that show that she has filed a case with the tenure committee that John sexually harassed her. Professor’s noble efforts to help carol had been turned into something offensive. John could not understand such a misinterpretation and decided to sort things out with Carol, which only makes things worse. What the professor had though
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Competition, Monopoly, and Oligopoly & Monopolistic Competitive Market Term Paper
Competition, Monopoly, and Oligopoly & Monopolistic Competitive Market Structure - Term Paper Example The research explained briefly on the perfect competitive market structure and revealed some features of this market structure. It described the way firms maximize profits with the help of diagrams, the researcher revealed the way they maximize profit at the equilibrium point in both short and long run. Lastly, the conclusion summed up the discussion, and the researcher provided some significant areas for further research study. The market is structured depending on varied factors and variation that determine the market structure of a particular firm in an economy. Competition is one of the factors or conditions that determines the structure of a firm. The economists assume that there are many buyers and sellers in the marketplace; hence, they compete favorably for the available products in the market. Therefore, competition in the market contributes to changes of prices for commodities; thus creating a shift in demand and supply curve. Furthermore, there are substitute products in t he marketplace; thus, when one product increases the prices, consumers chose the alternative of consuming substitute products. The buyers and sellers have the ability to influence prices for commodities, and this contributes to increased competition in the market. ... The buyers and sellers may exchange property rights and everyone in the market interacts voluntarily in order to achieve self-interest. The buyers and sellers interact; thus, they signal much information about the product through product prices. Successful sellers reduce prices in order to influence buyers and out-compete their competitor (Mankiw 2011, 36). The sellers can maximize profits in case the price exceeds the products costs. Monopoly A monopoly refers to a market structure whereby only a single producer or buyer for a commodity exists. The monopoly firms are the price makers because they are single sellers in the market. Monopoly is a single business firm and it is characterized by varied features including market restrictions because of high costs and production of homogenous products. The government has powers to control or restrict entries into the market by creating barriers. The barrier to market entry may result because the firm may have exclusive rights of accessing the natural resources. For instance, the Kenya Power and Lighting Company is a monopolistic firm because the government takes control over the resources. The same case applies to Saudi Arabia oil industry because the Saudi government is the sole control of the natural oil reserves. The market also have a patent right that impede other competitors from entering into the market. The monopoly firm is classified into numerous features including perfect monopoly whereby the single seller does not have substitute products. Therefore, there is no perfect competition, but such firms are extremely rare. Another one is imperfect monopoly whereby the single seller does not have close substitute products meaning that the
Friday, July 26, 2019
Children with Special Educational Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Children with Special Educational Needs - Essay Example It was then things started to improve for the mentally and physically disabled children. Instead of calling the mentally and physically challenged children as handicapped, these children were then referred as special educational needs children; a more respectable name. The government of the United Kingdom started to design policies and take initiatives in order to provide equal status to these special needs children. It was undertaken by the department of education to look after the matter of special needs children and build schools accordingly (Gabbitas Educational Consultants, 2012). After the late nineteen fifties, the government of many countries started to make effort to give the physically and mentally challenged people their deserved rights and status in the society. The children with mental and physical disabilities also have the right to study, play, and work and do whatever normal children are allowed to do in the society and at school. These physically and mentally challen ged people also have feelings and are in fact more sensitive and delicate than normal children. These children must be taken under extra care and a very friendly environment so that their self-confidence is not sabotaged and harmed, so that they can grow up to become strong and responsible citizens of the society. It is a general thought that these physically and mentally challenged people are of no use for the society but in fact this is not the case, if these children are brought under proper care and guidance and are given the liberty to do whatever they can do best like any other normal children, there is no doubt that they can also do wonders for the society. Now many countries have government as well as private... This paper approves the government also initiated a campaign to hire new, young, energetic and enthusiastic teachers who are willing to spend time with these special children and make efforts to improve the life and make their life better. A proper hiring process is followed to hire the right person and the government itself carries the process under the supervision of qualified personnel so that the right person is hired and a capable person is hired who can give proper training and education to the special children. This paper makes a conclusion an act was passed by the government that is the duty of the government bodies to identify the children who require special education and then carry out a complete investigation regarding their health, family and psychological background and make conclusions and appoint the right school accordingly. It is also the duty of the government bodies to make sure that the special children are being taught and educate din the proper way and are being helped out with whatever disability they have. The government has made supervising teams whose job is to travel different schools without prior notice and observe the teaching method and curriculum being followed and the way the children are being treated and taken care of. There are numerous other small and large scale initiatives that have been taken by the government in order to make education available for all and give every child equal status and privilege without any discrimination on any grounds.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
My personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
My personal statement - Essay Example With a strong academic background in computer science and economics, it is my belief that thorough training in finance and business from NAME OF SCHOOL HERE will provide the necessary theoretical foundations for me to move forward in my career. Given the current level of demand for specialists in financial/quantitative modeling in Africa and across the world, in addition to the emerging sector of electronic financial instruments and tools, I have a strong interest in positioning my career to participate in these sectors as they emerge in the developing world. My personal strengths, coupled with an entrepreneurial spirit and affinity for business development, have prompted me to submit my application to the Masters in Finance & Investment program. The successful attainment of a Masters in Finance & Investment at this stage of my career will give me both the financial knowledge and the entrepreneurial skills necessary to enhance my management effectiveness. It will provide me with the analytical tools and new skills necessary to position myself as an important player in facilitating electronic equity trades in Africa. I believe that my broad academic background and my knowledge of financial markets and business practices in a developing context make a most valuable and stimulating addition to classroom discussions. A 750 GMAT score reflects my ability for clear and systematic thought and would erase any doubts about my ability to handle the intellectual rigor of the program. Given the confluence of my personal and professional interests, I foresee my career moving initially from serving clients in a financial advisory capacity to a leadership role within a financial entity, preferably within start-up venture. Thus, in the five-year period after I successfully complete London Business School, I figure one of two things will be happening. Either I would have found some inspiring colleagues; conceived of a plan with them, and be preparing to launch a company, or I will find a company prepared to do partake adventurous opportunities in my field and I will be ready to take the helm of their projects or organization. Additionally, I am also drawn to the Masters in Finance & Investment program instead of a more general Masters degree because of the fact that this program provides an extensive choice of electives in the field of finance, which will allow me to tailor my course of study directly to a personal career interest. While I cannot imagine doing anything else, I am also realistic and understand that there are challenges that come with taking an employment break as well as getting the consent of my partner and family members to study abroad. To overcome this challenge, I have discussed my ambition with mentor and superior, who has been quite supportive of my goals. My partner and family members are also extremely excited about the fact that I am internationalising my career. I thoroughly believe that NAME OF SCHOOL HERE will help me by placing renewed emphasis on the technical and analytical skills I need, in addition to a management orientation, coupled with rigorous research methodology. The strengths of this University in finance and investment cohere with my personal research interests and I hope to gain a great deal from my experiences here. A reputation for excellent teaching, challenging
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Outsourcing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Outsourcing Management - Essay Example Currently Information Systems (IS) Outsourcing Management it's a familiar concept that all of us have already heard something about. The Big Boom of IS Outsourcing Management started with the "Kodak Effect". Outsourcing Management of Information Systems it is a reality since 1963 when "Ross Perot with his company Electronic Data Systems signed an agreement with Blue Cross of Pennsylvania for the handling of its data processing services". (Dibbern, 6)The cases of IS outsourcing continued thought the years until 1980s when Kodak have made a successful " strategic alliance" with is IS partners led by IBM, DEC and Business Land to outsource its information systems. From this moment on no longer was possible to say that "IS is strategic and hence cannot be turned over to a third party ", because if Kodak a renowned company who considered IS to be a strategic asset and was outsourcing it in a successful way, then others could follow the same steps. This really happened like for example wit h: General Dynamics, JP Morgan, BP, and many others around the world. (Dibbern, 07)The following are a list of the three main types of outsourcing management.Total Outsourcing All operations have been contracted to another provider. This is common in generic, non-strategic businesses like food or janitorial services.Partial Outsourcing This is when certain activities are kept in house such as customer service while other more specialized activities are sourced out. Plants and telecom offices would typically engage in this type of outsourcing.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Cost Accounting Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cost Accounting Proposal - Essay Example Such things as raw materials would not be included on the balance sheet because it is non-existent. Some intangibles might be included as well. Another area of consideration is the income statement, which would include such items as expenses, marketing, net income, purchases, and beginning and end inventory. Monitoring and measuring capacity utilization and productivity levels on a continuous basis will ensure streamlined operations, resulting in an increase of return of investment for the parent company. Efficient operational activities lessen the total costs that must be allocated to the final product, increasing overall profitability and growth potential for the newly formed online business unit. There are various cost allocation methods that one could use to allocate cost. Three methods commonly used are the direct method, the step method and the reciprocal method. The direct method focuses on charging cost of support service departments to internal customers. This method does not make allocations among support-service departments. A disadvantage of this method is it does not take into account that the services that one department may provide support to another and cause higher cost allocations to the production department.
Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free
Of Mice and Men Essay We know this because Candy says ‘boss gives him hell when he’s angry’ about Crooks. Also, Curley’s wife is called ‘tart’ and ‘jail bait’ purely for being a woman. An air of bitterness hangs throughout the book, majorly from these two minor characters; both brought on by loneliness and lack of communication skills. The difference in these characters is that Curley’s wife is open about her loneliness, out looking for company, however Crooks isn’t so fond of letting people know he is lonely, he’d rather just let it go; this is until he finds that Lennie is actually good company, and it is better to have someone there to talk to. Another form of their bitterness is shown through their own mean comments, for example Curley’s wife is racist to Crooks, making the remark that shows her true feelings towards him and his race. Also, Crooks isn’t so kind to Lennie at the start of part 4, tormenting him about George, telling him he would get locked up if George never came back. Although in some ways Curley’s wife is higher up in society that Crooks, Crooks still has a job which women weren’t allowed, not on a ranch anyway. Though black, Crooks was still allowed to work and get paid, without having to marry just to have income. Curley’s wife is made to seem more of a threat by George: he tells Lennie to stay away from her and calls her vicious, sexist names, ‘tart’ and ‘jailbait’ and ‘trouble’. However he never makes comments about Crooks, or about how Lennie shouldn’t go near him, suggesting that he wouldn’t do as much harm to Lennie, or possibly that he is less important than Curley’s wife. Despite being seen as trouble, Curley’s wife could get Crooks in trouble even if he didn’t do anything, Crooks could not do this to her as she was seen as more important in the eyes of the law. Even not taking the law into consideration, the ranch hands probably viewed Crooks as more important, but being married to Curley, would probably have to treat Curley’s wife with more respect if she made accusations against Crooks. Throughout the book there is a parallel of dreams. This ties in with the American Dream, a dream that nearly everyone in America had, and was wildly advertised as ‘the American Way. ’ These two minor characters both had dreams, just like everyone else. However, unfortunately, they’ve both had their chance, Curley’s wife was offered a shot in Hollywood, and thinks that was it for her as she never got the reply she was hoping for. Crooks believes that he has already lived the dream throughout his childhood, so, just like Curley’s wife, he has no shot at a new dream. Themes play a large part in the structure of this novella, weaving in and out of the storyline the whole way through. Main themes like dreams and loneliness are featured the most; however nature, death and friendship also show. Social hierarchy played a large part in society in the 1930’s, as it still does, however not as prominently as back then. Anyone that wasn’t white was instantly looked down on and given fewer rights. Women were seen as sexual objects. With friendship playing a large part in the novella, loneliness also played a part. In particular, Crooks and Curley’s wife were lonely, Crooks is unable to show this at first whereas Curley’s wife is fully able as she is always looking for company. ‘The American Dream’, the major dream all across America to defeat the Great Depression, and to find a place of your own, earning a sufficient amount of money. It starts off just introducing to us the dream of George and Lennie: their dream, like everyone else’s, to get a place of their own and to ‘live of the fatta the lan’ ‘. This later progressed to having Candy involved. After the shooting of his beloved dog he realised that once he gets too old to work he will too be gotten rid of, not as brutally, but still ‘canned’. This also showed a theme of death, and lack of sentimentality. After Candy, Crooks finds an opening for him to join the dream, however soon backs down as he realises this isn’t the best idea. We also realise the dream of Curley’s wife: to be off somewhere in Hollywood, the opposite of where she is now, with someone she doesn’t even like never mind love. She is also lonely; it probably being her dream to have someone to talk to which she never has on a lonely ranch. ‘Soledad’, ‘solitaire’, ‘Weed’ all show ‘sol’- lonely, or ‘Weed’ being the place that George and Lennie lived, and a weed is a plant that no one wants. Bad language curses the novella, giving a real sense of the harsh reality of the 1930’s. ‘Nigger,’ ‘Son-of-a-bitch,’ ‘bastard’ are all words used throughout the book to describe characters in vulgar, often racist ways. Also ‘tart’, ‘jailbait,’ and ‘trouble’ are used to describe Curley’s wife, in the innocence of her life she must put up with these judgemental names that she doesn’t deserve just for having a less preferred gender. All of these curse words show the reality of the language used in ranch life, releasing any anger one had as a result of the hard times they were going through. Many of the men would rub off on each other, so language would only get worse. Crude language and swearing would circle the ranch until everyone was using it and it became a normal vocabulary for these poorly educated men. As well as using curse words, the way Steinbeck actually wrote the book helped to give a sense of the times. ‘†¦he had thin, pain –tightened lips, which were lighter than his face. ’ ‘Pain-tightened’ can only be describing the difficulty in Crooks’ life, he is so lonely and bitter that he has forgotten all communication, which must be such a difficult thing for a social being, however he stays quiet as he has no other option. As we know, racism was a large part of society. This was not only shown through the racist remarks that are made to Crooks throughout the book, but also how Crooks isn’t fully introduced until part four of the novella. This shows his lack of importance and meaning in the story, and that he is just a side character, merely helping to keep the ranch together, and that is it. Not anyone’s friend. Not any reason other than ‘the stable buck’s a nigger’ for him to be mentioned. When this minor character is introduced, he is introduced in such a way that we can straight away grasp his true personality and really understand who he is. His belongings show his inner personality, and his lack of hope to move on with his life, and that even though he is hardly mentioned as an important character, he is probably the most likely person on that ranch to never leave. Moving on from Crooks, Curley’s wife is also described in a way that says a lot about her visual appearance, showing that she probably cares more about what she looks like on the outside than what she is like on the inside. ‘She has full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made sup. Her fingernails were red. Her hair hung in little rolled clusters, like sausages. She wore a cotton house dress and red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers. ’ No match for ranch life, Curley’s wife enters the book also majorly in part four, displaying her unimportance. She makes a storm as she gives the unforgivable comment to Crooks, showing that she is not only heavily made up on the outside, but also heavily made up on the inside, in that she thinks she is better than him, and almost big headed. To conclude, I feel that the novella truly did show the hardship of the 1930’s, and what these men went through. The social + historical context, character description, language, themes and structure all piece together to make an unforgettably moving novella. I feel that the parallels through the book e. g. the book starting with life on the Salinas river, then ending with death in the same place, the parallels through George killing Lennie as he is a true friend who truly cares about him and wants the best for him. I feel that Crooks and Curley’s wife did say unforgivingly nasty things to others, however, given the times, probably didn’t mean a word of it, and were both trying to prove their status, showing that where you are in social hierarchy was very important to them as it was probably all they had left. I do sympathise for them as they are, like everyone else, in need of company. Overall, taking the title into account, no matter how big or small you are, fate is always against you.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Spanish Settlements and New England Colonies - 17th Century Essay Example for Free
Spanish Settlements and New England Colonies 17th Century Essay The Spanish began exploring America with â€Å"gold, glory and God†large in their minds. Cortes and the other conquistadors had conquered the empires of the South and Central Americas, but Spain wanted more. The Spanish explorers heard of great riches and cities built of gold northward, so that is where they headed, eventually arriving at what is now the southwest portion of the USA. The other Spanish goal was to convert the Native Americans to Catholicism. The British on the other hand, went to settle in New England to escape the religious persecution that they had to withstand in Europe. They came to America to be able to worship their gods in the manner of their choosing, and not in the way that their king or government decided they had to. Another reason they came to New England was because of the lack of jobs in Britain. So while both Spain and England came to America partly to gain riches, England wasn’t as blinded by gold as Spain was. Also, though both countries founded settlements, the Spanish were not looking to stay there permanently. They wanted to focus on converting the â€Å"savages†and stealing their gold and riches and getting back home to Spain. The English wanted to make a new home, though at this point they still considered themselves to be under the British crown, and had no aspirations to make their own country. Their reasons for coming to America were not all that set them apart however. They also had a completely different basis for economy. The Spanish bringing back as much material wealth as was possible to Spain to enhance the prominence and stature of their native land. England made their money by relying on manufacturing. They did exceptionally in the lumber, shipbuilding, fishing and whaling industries. The colonies were able to rade with England and other countries, and had amazingly strong economic development. Because the Spanish focus entirely on their materialistic holdings, their economy was nowhere near as strong as the colonies’ was. In the instance of economy, England was undoubtedly the prevailing country. The two countries also contrasted politically. The political system in the Spanish settleme nts was exclusively aristocratic. Spanish rulers controlled what went on in the New World and the settlements had little self-government. The people actually living in the settlements had to be the elite to be able to have any influence at all. The pureblood Spaniards were on the top of the social ladder and they had the most authority. The â€Å"half-breeds†who were a mix of Spanish and Native American were on the lowest rung of the ladder and had little or even no say in what went on. Though the New England colonies were still under the British crown and it’s rule, they had self-government to a large extent. Most of the colonies had a governor and some sort of representative assembly that were chosen by popular vote. Though the only people that could vote were white, male landowners, this was already a step towards the democracy we have today. The Spanish and the British also had different relations with the Native Americans that were there before them. The two countries went about dealing with the natives in dissimilar ways. The Spanish began to take advantage of the Native Americans. They looted their villages to extract as much gold and wealth as was possible from them. They exploited the natives and soon began to use them for manual labor on their land. The English had mixed relations with the Native Americans. Occasionally there was peace and intermittently there was skirmishing going on between the two groups of people. The colonists could not however enslave the natives as the Spanish did because they caught diseases and died too quickly. Instead they preferred to use indentured white servants that needed to pay off their passage to America black slaves captured and brought over from Africa to do their bidding. As you can see, even though Spain and Great Britain came to settle in America in the same century, living on different sides of the country and having different ideals caused their lives and settlements to go in completely separate directions. Their experiences showed how differently things could go with just a few distinctive factors in place.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Investigating The Companies Of Tesco And Oxfam Business Essay
Investigating The Companies Of Tesco And Oxfam Business Essay Tesco is Britains largest retailer, and it is the third largest grocery retailer in the world. Tesco is a profit making business which started out by selling groceries, but now they sell a whole variety of products from tea bags all the way up to televisions. The purpose of Tesco is to please every customer and keep them loyal for a life time, as this saying says on their website. Our Core Purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. The aims and objectives of Tescos are; To capitalize on sales Develop and maintain the number one retail business in the UK. To outperform rivals and remain the market leader. Highest aim of Tesco is to maximize revenue. To supply goods/services that is low-priced and affordable to consumers or the public Tesco would want to expand their business buy making new green buildings for their stores to keep their carbon footprint down. By doing this it would appeal to wider customer bases who believe in environmentally friendly buildings are to be built to sustain global warming. On the other hand Oxfam is a charity organization, which was formed in 1995 by a group of independent non-governmental organizations. Their objectives are to work together for a superior effect on the global stage to reduce poverty and injustice. Oxfam is a world front-runner in the delivery of emergency aid; Oxfam also implants long term development programs in weak societies. Also Oxfam help people to campaign with people and organizations for things such as; Ending unfair trade Demand better health and education services for all. The aims and objectives of Oxfam would be; Support third world nations in any way they can. Get rid of poverty, distress and suffering. Educate people about natural disasters and the effect this has on poverty. To campaign for a fair-minded world. Encourage western nations to aid poorer third world countries. Oxfams main concern would be the donation of food to relieve famine, over the years Oxfam has developed plans to fight the causes of famine. In addition to food and medication Oxfam also offers tools to allow people to become self-sufficient. Ownership Tesco is a Private Limited Company or Plc., it is owned by several people or thousands of people. The reason Tesco is a Plc. is because of the sheer size of the business, it is huge. Due to its size it would be tough to raise sufficient funds for Tesco if it was owned by a sole trader or by partners whereas in a Plc., the company is owned by shareholders who fund the company. This happens by the people buying shares in the company and becoming shareholders. Sometimes this may seem more appealing to people who are investing because they have the bonus of limited liability. Limited liability is where if the business goes bankrupt then you only lose the money that you invested. Unlimited liability relates to soul traders and partnerships if one of these were to go bankrupt then they could lose all their personal assets over it and the money they put into it. Stakeholders influence the purpose of Tesco because if it werent for the investors then the business wouldnt be able to run. The investors invest their own money to better the business and receive a profit. This is how the following could influence the organization; Customers Customers would want to be treated equally and with loyalty or they would go elsewhere, Tesco could lose customers. Employees Employees want better pay or theyll treat the customers in a poor manner so this would mean the customers would go elsewhere. Shareholders Shareholders invest their own money into the business and want great returns or the share values would decrease in value. Pressure groups Pressure groups could stop the business from opening stores in small communities, which would affect many small businesses. Trade unions Trade unions want staff to be treated fairly, equally and with respect. Also to be paid reasonable wages irrespective of age, race or gender. Suppliers Suppliers want fairness in business trading or would give the company a bad reputation. Government Government want their taxes paid, also to reduce unemployment in the local areas. Local community the community could protest against Tesco or boycott the business, if they damage the local environment or wildlife. Oxfam is a charity so they wont be owned by anybody, but there will be paid staff and a CEO. The CEO would deal with all the staff and media, but all the choices would be made by a panel of directors. The panel of directors would be chosen by the individuals who pay (donors/associates). The directors have the duty to follow their members or associates desires and do what they aim or set out to do. I.e. help third world countries or provide health and education to the poor. For Oxfam the stakeholder which would be the panel of directors would influence the organization because, if they were not to listen to their members/donors thoughts then they could make the wrong decisions for the organization and this could possibly put the organization out of business. I.e. if the directors were to ignore their members then no one would support Oxfam and could damage the business. This is how the following could influence the organization; Customers Customers want to be treated fair and equal or they could go to another rival charity. Employees Employees could be working voluntary or on a wage but either way they would want to be treated respectively, regardless of age, race or gender. Shareholders Shareholders within Oxfam would be the directors. They would want whats best for the business because it is a charity and it isnt a profit making business. Pressure groups Pressure groups could stop Oxfam from using plastic bags for their organization as it is not very economical. Trade unions Trade unions want staff to be treated fairly, equally and with respect. Also to be paid reasonable wages irrespective of age, race or gender. Suppliers Suppliers could provide free clothing to the charity but they could be in bad condition and this could affect how the charity would sell them. Government Government want their taxes paid. Local community the community could protest against Oxfam for not asking from clothes around the community instead of importing them from abroad. Tescos Organization chart As you can see Tescos organization chart is a hierarchical structure and a complex structure because Tesco have many levels of hierarchy and many leaders of certain departments. This means or shows that the power of owning the business is spread out. I.E. the people at the top of the chart (Chairman) and people at the bottom of the chart (employees) can make decisions about what happens within the business. Also each store in the Tesco series of supermarkets has a store manager who makes decisions regarding the store he/she is managing. Then all the managers in the region or area report the information to their regional manager. Tesco has a distributed organizational structure and the advantages of these are; Senior managers can concentrate on the most crucial decisions. Decision making powers held by the employees, may motivate them and increase their work ethic. Responses to challenges and alterations are much quicker in a distributed organizational structure. The span control Tescos has many leaders and people as heads of certain departments. This makes it easier for them to manage and control their employees and staff. Tescos have divided the responsibilities for leaders to look after certain amount of people. Oxfam Organization chart Oxfams organizational structure is based on just making enough money to cover costs. As you can see In the chart above everyone is working together to achieve a goal. Oxfam doesnt have many head of departments as Tesco, because they have teams based at different places around world and all work together. Directors The panel of directors would make the choices for the charity and take on board the views of the members/associates. Finance the finance department would look at the records of Oxfam, and provide the directors with information that they can use for future decision making. i.e., the cost of donating charity to the remote places in the world. But the directors would need to be continually conscious of their financial state, or could harm the business in future without knowing so. Staff and volunteers staff and volunteers could keep the charities income raising by selling the products within the store, and working as hard as possible for the business. Fundraising and supporter making decision Fundraising is key for Oxfam to survive because; it relies on people providing money so they could help needy people around the globe. Oxfam also take into account their donators and supporters views to better their services. International aid this is where Oxfam supports and helps people all over the world. They do this only by the money they are provided with from certain people and organizations. Span control Oxfam has many teams around the world that manage certain amount of employees/volunteers. So the employees are supervised and get their work done effectively. Style of Organizations The style of Tescos organization is very organized and very direct. Their aim is to please the consumer/customer as best they can. But their main purpose would be; To make money and capitalize, if it doesnt do that, it cant exist. Tesco is a major retailer in grocery and all-purpose retailing. To provide excellent quality goods and services to their customers Tesco mission Creating value for customers, to earn their lifetime loyalty. Tesco values Tescos fundamental purpose is to create value for consumers to earn their lifetime loyalty. The supermarkets success relies on their customers, i.e. if the customers like what Tesco are offering and doing then they are more likely to come back and shop with them again. To understand customers Be first to meet their requirements Act responsibly for the surrounding communities To work as a team Tesco objectives and Strategic aims to capitalize on sales Grow and maintain number 1 retailer in the UK To outshine and outperform competitors They would want to be able to keep their carbon foot prints down by making energy efficient buildings. Also to achieve specific targets that the business wants to achieve, like if they wanted to make a certain amount of profit a year they would have to change or adopt a business plan to achieve their goal. SMART Specific make a certain amount of profit a year Measurable Within a year Achievable Very possible to reach the target Realistic positively realistic Time specific it would be achieved within a period of a year Strategic plans allow a business to achieve its Purposes/objectives; they are based on whats going on during the current marketplace. So Tesco must do its research to find out lots of information about its customers, sales, competitors, market shares etc. Tesco strategic process making their shopping spree as relaxed as possible continually seeking to reduce their prices to help you spend less offering the convenience of either large or small stores bringing simplicity and value to complicated markets Oxfams organization is more based on working together internationally to achieve greater impact by our collective efforts. Also to work mostly through local responsible organizations, pursuing to strengthen their authorization. Oxfam mission and values are to; Further Oxfams common goals Promote, assist and co-ordinate collaboration among the Oxfams where this will result in a greater impact of the sum total of their joint efforts Protect the Oxfam name and enhance its standing. Strategic aims and objectives aim to help the poor in the developing countries and to try and make a change in a persons life. To address structural causes of poverty and related injustice Help people directly where capacity is inadequate or unsuitable for Oxfam purposes To have peace and substantial arm reduced for development SMART objective Specific To reduce poverty and hunger for the poor Measurable within 10 years Achievable with hard and dedication yes Realistic with hard and dedication yes Time specific within 10 years of starting development in poorer countries M1 The points of views from different stakeholders would vary because they would have different opinions on certain topics. For example the customers who hold a stake in Tescos could want cheaper prices for customers, but on the other hand store managers could go against lowering prices as this could lead to not making enough profit. Or they could have to sell more products to break even. Customers customers points of views or opinion if they were to effect Tesco strategic aims and objectives would be about the service they receive. As a customer you would want to receive the highest level of customer service from such a big store like Tesco. I would think that most of Tesco strategic aims are based around or on their customers feedback, like if they wanted to expand into other areas of business, like selling hardware and home furniture they would have to see if customers were interested and would they actually buy from them. We are used to seeing Tesco in all places as they are looking to expand and dominate their competitors. This would be good for customers because Tesco would expand and open large stores giving jobs and services to customers and local people. Oxfam customers The customers of Oxfam would expect Oxfam to claim more aid etc, to meet their specific aims and strategic aims. They would also expect Oxfam to open many stores across the nation to help provide jobs and aid for suffering people, also to provide customers/local people with jobs and by opening more stores this could help raise the amount that Oxfam donate to suffering people. Customers that influence the charity would like to see more posts for voluntary work which could help them reach their objectives and aims in the specific time. Tesco suppliers the suppliers of Tesco would benefit from their strategic aims and objectives because Tesco are always looking to expand. This would mean more demand for products from their suppliers, also meaning that more stores are open and more jobs made for people. This indicates more revenue made, and more cash spent on suppliers for products. The supplies would be needed throughout the world and would need to be reliable because Tesco would rely on their supplies heavily. Tesco would rely on their suppliers to deliver goods and products to all their stores nationally and internationally, so suppliers would be needed around the world, in order to cope with the demand of products that Tesco require. The strategic aims and objectives would give the suppliers of Tesco a good contact
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Circulatory System Essay -- Papers
The Circulatory System The circulatory system is one of the most important systems in the human body. It consists of the heart and blood vessels. It is what makes the blood in our body go round. The blood carries oxygen, nutrients and hormones and takes them to where they are needed and removes the waste products like carbon dioxide. The circulatory system nourishes every cell, tissue, organ and organ system in the body. There are approximately ten pints of blood constantly circulating through seventy- five- thousand miles of blood vessels. These blood vessels reach every cell in the human body. Once they reach the cells they deliver much needed oxygen and remove carbon dioxide and other poisonous waste products. The circulation to and from the lungs is called the pulmonary circulation; the circulation round the rest of the body is called the systemic circulation. On average, a red cell would go round the whole circulation in 45 seconds. Our blood is pumped to two places: the right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs, and the left side of the heart has to work harder pumping blood to the rest of the body which is why the left side of the heart is bigger and more muscular than the right side. Blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs and then travels back to the heart, where it is then pumped to the body. To get all the way round the circulation, blood has to go through the heart twice and this is why it is known as a double circulation. Blood is carried round all parts of the body by small tubes called blood vessels. The human Circulatory system is composed of three types of vessels; arteries, veins and capil... ...ood and waste products back to the heart. The blood in the veins moves slowly due to low pressure. Semi-lunar valves are found at regular intervals throughout the veins. These force the blood to move in only one direction. The veins walls are thinner, wider, less elastic and less muscular than those of the arteries. The veins are compressed when body muscles, particularly in the limbs, move so the valves in the veins have to prevent the blood flowing backwards. The blood in most veins is deoxygenated and contains more carbon dioxide but less food than the blood in most arteries. This is because respiring cells have used the oxygen and food and produced carbon dioxide. The pulmonary veins, which return blood from the lungs to the heart, are an exception. They contain oxygenated blood and reduced level of carbon dioxide.
Essay --
Just Another Chalk-line Characters: James Enfield – Detective (age 38) Lee Ames – Detective (age 48) Chris Rollins – Detective (age 26) Nolan Eckhart – Detective (age 40) – Deceased Setting: The scene takes place in an alleyway beside a popular bar named Edward’s. There are a few police officers scattered about closing off the area. (Extras during the stage production.) They would leave the stage until the end of the act when the detectives call the coroner to take away the body. James, Lee and Chris are on the site of a murder. The murder in question is of one of their co-workers and friend Nolan Eckhart. They are standing around the body of Nolan; James is kneeling down actually checking on the body. The alley is empty with the exception of the body and a small pile of garbage from the bar. Act One: Scene One ( James is a man nearing forty. His build is average; he has light skin and dark hair. He is sensible and caring enough for his partners. He’s dismayed that Nolan has been killed. They were close friends in the office. Lee has been around for a while nearing his fifties he has been working on the force for twenty years. He is experienced but tired. Nolan’s death is not easy on him either, though he won’t show it. He’s a larger man than James, with a bit of a round gut and his head is affixed with greying and balding hair. Chris is the youngest of the trio; he is the newest member in their office having been transferred from another precinct. He shows promise to be a great detective, in his first few cases in their precinct he has already impressed the chief and was rewarded a raise to his salary. He is more muscular than the other two and his brown hair is cut professionally short.) James: Damn†¦I still can’t ge... ... Lee, he may not be as useful as he used to be out here in the field, but in the office he still has his purpose. I’m so glad the chief and I share a similar thought process in all this. It’s quite thrilling to be able to practice my forensics skills; just in this case it’s in reverse. (Notices James returning and stops speaking, leaning against the wall as if his speech moments before never occurred.) James: (Returns from off-stage) Coroner’s on his way. The officers will watch over the scene. We’re officially done for the night. Now, let’s get warmed up shall we? Chris: Alright then. I feel it’s going to be quite cold later on, better enjoy it while it lasts. (Both men leave the stage, going inside the bar for drinks. James turns to look at Nolan once last time) James: (sighing ) I still can’t believe Nolan is dead. Chris: Let’s go make you forget about it, huh.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Macbeth: Choices :: Macbeth essays
Macbeth: Choices          In The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare characters often could not escape the consequences of their choices. The choices that some characters made in the play put them in a position which they could not escape. In most of these cases the character feels remorse for the choice they had made. The characters that I will be concentrating on are Macbeth, Macduff, and Lady Macbeth. These characters are the best examples of how characters could not escape their choices in the play.          The actions of Macbeth during the play sometimes put him in a situation which he could not escape. An example of this is when Macbeth murders Duncan. After he does it he regrets it and is afraid to think about it. This is shown in the quote: I am afraid to think what I've done; look on't again I dare not./(50- 51, Scene 2, Act 2) Another example is after Macbeth had Banquo killed and he sees Banquo's ghost at the table. He goes crazy and starts yelling at the ghost and he realizes that he cannot change what he has done so he tries to ignore it. That same scene Lady Macbeth says: Things without all remedy should be without regard: what's done is done./(11-12, Scene 2, Act 3) These examples show how Macbeth cannot escape the choices he made.         Macduff's allegiance to the country of Scotland leads to consequences which he cannot change. Macduff's allegiance is shown when he left Scotland and his family to go to England. There he met with Malcolm and started raising a army to overthrow Macbeth.         The result of this is the slaughtering of Macduff's wife and children by Macbeth's men.         He blames himself for their death and he knows he can do nothing to change it. This is seen in the qoute: Sinful Macduff, They were all struck for thee! Naught that I am, Not for their own demerits but for mine fell slaughter on their souls. Heaven rest them now!/(224-226, Scene 3, Act 4)         Lady Macbeth cannot escape the consequences of her choices either. She pressured Macbeth into killing Duncan when he did not want to. She also smeared the blood all over the guards and put the daggers in their hands. She went along with the murdering of Banquo and tried to tell Macbeth that he could not change what he had done in the second quote of my second paragraph. All of the choices she made had a huge impact on her life and we see what she has become in the
Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Effects of One-Child Policy on Chinese Kinship
Burt Jiang Anthropology 331 4/22/2013 Term Paper The origins of Chinese civilization derive its roots from the Huang-he and Yangtze Rivers. Like other ancient river valley civilizations, these two rivers provided early Chinese settlers with the raw materials necessary to sustain culture and society. Burgeoning from small, scattered clans, autonomous groups of Chinese villages situated around the rivers would in turn become the building blocks of the ancient Chinese dynasties to the modern day, People’s Republic of China.The system of clans became an effective method of identifying one’s own lineage through the maintenance of a single surname throughout the clan. As the social structure of the clan grew, the complex interactions among clan and non-clan members eventually synergized to create China’s own form of kinship. Anthropologists have since come to classify Chinese kinship under the broader term of Sudanese kinship. The Sudanese, and by extension Chinese, ki nship is considered the most complex system with a separate designation for almost every one of ego’s kin based on generation, lineage, relative age, and gender.As observed, the Chinese kinship system already has a strictly defined scheme of kin identification, but the monikers only serve as an outline of China’s kinship system. The true backbone of Chinese kinship draws its source from Confucian ideals, ideals that have been deeply ingrained in Chinese dogma since the late fifth century B. C. Among his teachings of filial piety and ancestor worship, Confucius outlines for the Chinese people the five most basic interactions: interactions between ruler and subject; father and son; elder and younger brother; husband and wife; and between friends.Of the five interactions, the interactions between father-son, and husband-wife, have seen the greatest amount of development and change throughout to course of China’s history. As China exited the feudal age and entered t he modern world as The People’s Republic of China, the two interactions identified experienced considerable changes while maintaining their signature Chinese accent. Feudal China’s departure, and the advent of communist China, has brought forth rapid family reform and ultimately, the initiation of the One-Child Policy. Even in the face of rapid modernization and reform, the trong influences of Confucian ideals and an intrinsic patrilineal descent pattern still characterize Chinese kinship; however, the introduction of the One-Child Policy, and its ramifications, has put stress on the traditional Chinese family structures as well as possibly creating many more problems future generations must solve. Of all the pseudo-religious institutions that took hold in China, Daoism and Zen Buddhism, most notably, the concept of ancestor worship put forth by Confucius is by far the most ubiquitous in Chinese culture and kinship relationships.Defined by the nine agnates, Confucius t ook great efforts to outline the nuclear family as clearly as possible, three generations prior to the ego, the ego, and three generations after the ego. Within the nine agnates, ancestral worship and filial piety became the driving forces that perpetuated kinship interactions in China for generations. Thus forms the cyclical cycle of Chinese kinship, the younger generations are kept in line by the rules of filial piety while the older generation is kept in memory and reverence via ancestral worship.The importance of ancestor worship can be conceptualized and materialized through the complex mourning attire and rituals exhibited by the Chinese people. Much like the suru’ai of Kwaio, individuals in mourning must display no worldly attachment, must not be seen in public, must have abstain from sexual activity, and generally must live a life of detachment throughout the mourning period (Akin March 11). The mourning period is defined by the relationship of the mourner to the indi vidual that has passed away; consequently, the duration of this period can range from three months to three years based on the strength of the bond shared.During a time of mourning, individuals must also wear complementing attire to signify which stage of mourning he/she is in; hence the attire has evolved into the five degrees of mourning attire. Chinese mourning rituals were taken very seriously within the clans and the act of proposing to an individual exhibiting any stage of the five degrees of mourning attire was considered highly immoral and taboo. Rituals of ancestor worship, like mourning ceremonies and attire, serve to underscore the importance of the ancestors to the Chinese people.The sterility, and structure, of the mourning period is an excellent example of the reverence Chinese individuals hold for their deceased kin; to interrupt the transition from individual to ancestor is still considered highly disrespectful and taboo even in modern China. Ancestor worship provide s a broad blanket of allegiance for the Chinese kinship system. The importance of ancestor worship is to keep entire clans together, but the smaller familial units require a force more tenable and exact.Within the nuclear family, Confucius saw the wisdom to conceive of another ideal that complements the notion of ancestor worship, that idea being filial piety. Filial piety, in turn, provides the construct in which the five relationships, outlined earlier, can be practically maintained and perpetuated. Confucius’ relationship of father and son is kept constant by the power of filial piety. Younger generations are taught to respect and heed the advice of their forefathers. Consequently, this interaction creates an incredibly structured kinship system in which obedience is preferential to individuality.The rules defined by filial piety culminated in the written document known as The Great Qing Legal Code, introduced during the Qing Dynasty, 1644 to 1912. This document not only p rovided, in great detail, the laws and codes regarding kinship bonds on all five levels of relationship, but it also included the punishments if those bonds were broken or tested by crime (Jones 29). Criminal activity was therefore punished more severely if the crime committed was within the clan, and further intensified if the offence was committed against a higher ranking individual.The importance of upholding the kinship relations set forth by Confucius can be seen in the Code’s punishment for breaking the first and foremost relationship of ruler and subject. Punishment for breaking China’s most important bond resulted in what is known as: â€Å"The extermination of nine kindreds†. Any individual who commits treason against his/her emperor would be subject to the complete annihilation of his/her nine agnates, effectively erasing that individual’s bloodline (Jones 16).This incredibly overt punishment trickled down, with lesser severity, to the other fou r relationships, and ultimately underlined the importance of loyalty to kin and emperor. Filial piety’s significance is further stressed in the father-son relationship because of China’s early affinity to the patrilineal descent system, echoes from the country’s roots in the clan structure. Since only males can bear and preserve the family surname, loyalty of the son to the father became critical in a patrilineal descent system.In order to ensure the lineage’s continuation, carefully arranged marriages between families would rise as the forefront solution. Chinese kinship, like many other systems, relies on the institution of marriage as bridge between two bodies of people. Recognized in Confucian teachings, a married couple is considered the most basic social unit from which other relationships stem. In Chinese culture, marriages were generally arranged by a matchmaker who would bless the union. After the marriage, the wife would be incorporated into the husband’s family; thus resulting in the importance of the production of sons to keep the family surname.Throughout history, Chinese marriages and kinship revolved around the production of viable sons to carry the family name. Like Kwaio societies, fertility of the mother proved to be of paramount importance when evaluating a marriage relationship (Akin February 20). It is important to take note, however, that while monogamy was the accepted practice, polygamy gained prominence in imperial families that could not produce a healthy male heir, a problem solved also by nurture kinship (Akin January 23).Once married, divorce was possible only if the wife was proved to have engaged in one of these seven offences: failure to observe filial piety to the parent-in-laws, failure to bear a son, consistently vulgar or lewd, harbors jealousy, has a vile disease, gossips too much, or commits a theft. Although unusual to western societies, gossip is viewed as a poison to families and clans because of its inherent proclivity to hyperbole and fabrication. Patrilineal descent’s importance can be clearly observed in marriage rituals as divorce is only possible if the female fails to produce a son or commits other errs.There are, however, three distinct situations in which a wife is guaranteed immunity from a divorce, those three situations being: the wife has no family to return to, the wife has observed a full three year mourning period for her parent-in-law, or if her husband was poor during marriage and is currently wealth. In conjunction with ancestor worship, filial piety, and the structured marriage system, Chinese kinship has developed these three hallmark pillars to safeguard strong kinship bonds of father-son and husband-wife from one generation to the next.Although only briefly mentioned earlier, the wedding ceremonies themselves are a testament to the extravagance and importance of a decision such as marriage to the Chinese people. Categorized by the si x etiquettes, Chinese wedding ceremonies consisted of: the proposal, birthdates, bride price, wedding gifts, arranging the wedding, and the ceremony itself. Each of the six etiquettes involves a highly organized succession of events that would lead to marriage of husband and wife. The first two steps, proposal and birthdates, involve a matchmaker evaluating a potential daughter-in-law for marriage.If the divination rituals, Suan Ming, are positive and both sides of the marriage accept the terms, the next step would be submitting a bride price (Wolf 102). Bride price, or betrothal gifts, is then presented by the matchmaker to the bridegroom’s family completing the pre-wedding rituals. The actual wedding ceremony is somewhat austere in comparison to its preparation. It simply involves, in western society terms, the exchanging of vows and good blessings followed by paying respects to the Jade Emperor, other deities, and each family’s ancestors.Finally, the wedding banquet is the closing event in the marriage process and is often more lively and festive. Traditionally, the groom is responsible for the cost of the wedding invitation, pastries, the banquet invitations, and the wedding itself. Wedding banquets are elaborate and consist usually of five to ten courses, with ingredients such as shark's fin, abalone, lobster, squab, sea cucumber, swift nests, fish roe in soup or as decoration on top of a dish to symbolize fertility, and local delicacies (Wolf 88).Customarily, the father of the bride is responsible for the wedding banquet hosted on the bride's side and the alcohol consumed during both banquets. The wedding banquets are two separate banquets: the primary banquet is hosted once at the bride's side, the second banquet, smaller banquet, at the groom's side. While the wedding itself is often based on the couple's choices, the wedding banquets are a gesture of appreciation, to those that have raised the bride and groom, suc h as grandparents and uncles.Additionally, this gesture incorporates the ideas of nurture kinship, in which kinship persists and even thrives beyond the nuclear family. Grandparents, aunts, and uncles, of both sides of the family would often offer help in raising a family’s child in an attempt to establish nurture kinship bonds. These bonds would then be materialized through gift exchange during the wedding banquet and other important family occasions. The two banquets serve also to ensure the relatives on each side meet the relatives on the other side (Wolf 49).Thus out of respect for the elders, wedding banquets are usually done formally and traditionally, which the older generation is thought to be more comfortable with. As one can see, the six etiquettes of the marriage and its accompanying practices come together to create a single cohesive event meant to bring two families of different clan origins together as one. The traditions and conventions of Chinese kinship that have been examined have been kept constant for much of the nation’s history until the late 19th century and early 20th century.As political turmoil and growing dissatisfaction with the incumbent Qing Dynasty rose, the Chinese population made a push towards reform. After two decades of consolidation, dynastic China emerged from the feudal era as The Republic of China in 1912 headed by Sun Yat-sen. During the Nationalist era, Chinese kinship saw a slow movement towards modernity, a topic discussed in other sources but not focused on in this paper (See Hinton and Zarrow). The one exception to the evolution of kinship in China during this period was the residual influence of The Great Qing Legal Code.Although never referred to by name since the fall of the Qing, the collection of codes put forth by China’s forefathers manifested itself as a strict penal code during the Republic era, and would be re-adapted based on socialist law during the People’s Republic era (Jon es 229). Even when the governments representing China adjust to better fit its changing political landscape, the influences of Confucian teachings still resonate deeply in Chinese kinship and culture. Ultimately, the capitalistic ways of Nationalist China began to brew dissatisfaction among the classes as predicted by the rising popularity of Marxist theory at the time.The issues described by Marx, such as class conflict, were only exacerbated by China’s already enormous proletariat population. Eventually, and inevitably, The Republic of China was usurped by the communist oriented People’s Republic of China, headed by Mao Zedong in 1949. Mao’s rise to ascendancy and the subsequent initiation family reform policies such as the One-Child Policy has had tremendous consequences on traditional Chinese kinship structure and maintenance. The communist party’s policies regarding family and kin have persisted into the 21st century with some repercussions already a pparent, and others that have yet to be evaluated.The newly formed People’s Republic of China introduced itself to the modern world as a backward, unsophisticated nation of peasants led by a few intellectuals. Needless to say, the communist party saw prudence in creating a new image for itself. Family size and structure rose to the top of the communist party’s agenda as a target for transformation. In 1979, the Chinese government embarked on an ambitious campaign of market reform following the economic stagnation of the Cultural Revolution. The government saw strict population containment as essential to economic reform and to improvement of living standards.So championed by The State Family Planning Bureau, the One-Child Policy was introduced. In its execution, the Policy did everything the Chinese government hoped for by preventing roughly 100 million child births as of 2009 (Hesketh 1173). Although effective in containing China’s population growth, the One-Ch ild Policy proved to have meaningful impacts in other aspects of Chinese culture, particularly Chinese kinship. The Policy’s repercussions are in direct conflict with China’s oldest tradition of ancestor worship.A ritual that had been a driving force of Chinese kinship since the very beginning of feudal China is now at odds with the policies of modern China. Specifically, the One-Child Policy has created a conundrum known as the four-two-one (referred to as 4:2:1) phenomenon. The phenomenon is the estimated ratio of grandparents to parents to children currently existing in China (Hesketh 1171). Immediately, the most apparent issue is the imbalance of the ratio between grandparents to grandchildren, essentially for every one child there exist four grandparents.This many not seem like an issue to western societies, but China’s enormous population, a result of post-WWII baby boom trends, exacerbates the ratio to a breaking point. Traditional kinship bonds dictate t hat the younger generations must care and nurture for their elders. However with such an unbalanced ratio of individuals between the generations, China’s sons are failing to support their fathers while jeopardizing their own livelihood. Confucius’ signature relationship of father-son is now threatened greatly by the incurred financial burden of China’s youth.Changes in kinship structure and, to a lesser degree, family structure are driven by changes in fertility and mortality. The drastic reduction in fertility has substantially reduced the number of children born to each family, so that the extensive horizontal kinship ties of China’s past have essentially been curtailed (Jiang 128). However, improvements in mortality have brought unprecedented longevity to China’s elderly, and an overlap of generations that has made vertical kinship ties increasingly common (Jiang 129).Ancestor worship is at odds with China’s new agenda of population refor m and containment. The sudden reduction of horizontal kinship bonds and gross amplification of vertical kinship bonds forces China’s newest generation to pick between financially stability, through neglecting their elders, or supporting their elders, through draining their own personal capital. Similar to ancestor worship, the Confucian concepts of filial piety and marriage are also tested by the One-Child Policy.Starting with filial piety, the stipulation that families can only bear one child has put tremendous emphasis on patrilineal descent and the birth of sons. In feudal China, citizens were given the opportunity to produce as many offspring as needed and yet some families still failed to produce sons, and lineages were lost. Now, with only one opportunity, modern Chinese families have put an unprecedented level of importance to a mother’s ability to bear a male child. This in turn critically affects the father-son dynamic established by Confucius.Instead of overt ly obeying one’s parents, male children in China now understand the importance of their position, and exploit it. China’s newest generation of males have exhibited an unrecorded level of sexual, social, and media experimentation, generations of sexual and individual repression are just now starting to be shattered (Fong 1103). Additionally, the One-Child Policy has had mixed impact on the status of females and by extension marriage. With very limited contraception available for women, the One-Child Policy has forced families to prioritize the birth of males over females.This inevitably leads to the marginalization of the female gender in modern China and an incredibly imbalanced gender ratio. However, the results of the Policy on woman’s social status in China are not completely skewed to one, negative aspect. Those women who are kept by their families have just recently seen an unparalleled lift in their social positions and powers. Daughters empowered by the s upport of their parents, with no sons to favor, are able to defy detrimental norms while strategically using ones that give them advantages in the educational system and the job and marriage markets (Fong 1105).Furthermore, divorce rates have never been higher in modern China as a result of the empowered female gender. Women are more freely seeking new relationships and marriages, a notion inconceivable during the height of Confucian marriage practices. Modernity is an atypical force. Traditional kinship relationships and marriage practices of China are not necessarily broken by modern policies, like the One-Child, but they are certainly altered from their ancestral conceptualizations in feudal China. Chinese kinship is one of the most unique and complicated kinship systems ever examined.The kinship bonds established by the Chinese people may appear outwardly strict or even ascetic, but underneath the guise of structure, is an incredibly resilient dogma that still influences kinship in China today. Confucius’ ideas of ancestor worship, filial piety, and marriage all amalgamate to create a system of kinship that has withstood dynasties, regimes, and political parties. The recent challenges presented by the One-Child Policy have certainly put strain on traditional kinship relationships like that of father to son.Yet, the elevation of the female gender and increased fluidity in marriage rituals signify that Chinese kinship is not as stagnant as some anthropologists believe. No matter how much change is imposed on China’s kinship, the voice of Confucius will always permeate families, marriages, siblings, and children. Works Cited Directly used in paper: Akin, David. â€Å"Doubts, Critiques, and Revisions of Kinship Studies. †Anthropology 331. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, 23 January 2013. Akin, David. â€Å"Totem, Taboo, and Identity (part 1). †Anthropology 331. University of Michigan.Ann Arbor, 11 March 2013. Akin, David.  "Marriage as Exchange. †Anthropology 331. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, 20 February 2013. Fong, Vanessa L. â€Å"China's One-Child Policy and the Empowerment of Urban Daughters. † American Anthropologist 104. 4 (2002): 1098-109. Print. Jiang, Lin. â€Å"Changing Kinship Structure and Its Implications for Old-Age Support in Urban and Rural China. † Population Studies 49. 1 (1995): 127-45. Print. Jones, William C. The Great Qing Code. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1994 Hesketh, Therese, Li Lu, and Zhu Wei Xing. The Effect of China's One-Child Family Policy after 25 Years. † New England Journal of Medicine 353. 11 (2005): 1171-176. Print. Wolf, Arthur P. , and Chieh-shan Huang. Marriage and Adoption in China: 1845-1945. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1980. Print. Additional Research Hinton, William. Fanshen; a Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village. New York: Monthly Review, 1967. Print. Zarrow, Peter Gue. After Empire: The Conceptual Transformation of the Chinese State, 1885-1924. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 2012. Print.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Organizational Behavior Outline
CHAPTER 2 Challenges for Managers What ar the four challenges in globalization? 1. Globalizing the firms consummation to compete the global village 2. track a diverse motionforce 3. encouraging plus ethics, character, and someone-to- soul integrity 4. pass on and implementing technological innovation in the encounter What are the changes in the global grocery? 1. Social changes 2. Political changes Social and governmental upheavals grant led organizations to change the authority they take away business and encouraged their members to re omen globally. self-Assessment Planning for a global locomoteSelf-assessment is the critical first ill-treat in any life history be after effort. Self assessment is especially important for those whose cultivation is to live an exert abroad, i. e. , where familiar individualised and professional support systems may be non-existent. Readers interested in pursuing transnational employment should consider their issues to the following types of questions in assessing their readiness for planetaryistic employment 1. why am I interested in an international kindly go bad career? 2. Am I interested in effecting change on a macro instruction/global level? 3. Am I interested in expireing flat with clients from a variety of cultural backgrounds? both(prenominal)? 4. Am I interested in the personalised and professional development which results from the carry out of live abroad, whatever the employment emplacement? 5. Does my commitment to an international career embarrass being based abroad, or would I prefer to be based in my home verdant? 6. What skills do I withstand to absenter in an international setting? These skills might let in generic wine fond work abilities such(prenominal) as strengths in psycho- genial assessment, supervision or computer programme development specific social work skills contactd to particular issues or clients, such as pre-natal service for dolescents, AIDS b arroom programming, or working with clients who are cognitive content abusers and technical and linguistic skills which may be particularly useful in international settings, such as computer skills, health professions training, and of course language competencies. 7. What are my full general and specific practice interests? These might include considerations of macro vs. micro practice administrative vs. case management positions and work evolving from its setting, such as direct service in an agency base, research and teaching in a university setting, or advocacy work in a human rights organization. . What international/intercultural experience do I have? This might include personal background, work, live or study abroad, or work with clients of diverse education. 9. What are my issues/preferences concerning lifestyle and adjusting to tender settings? Would I feel comfort fitted with the living conditions in a developing demesne or do I urgency a to a greater extent Westerni zed lifestyle? befool I tested my abilities to be flexible in adjusting to unfamiliar surroundings and cultures? 10. What is my geographic preference? Is it global in orbital cavity? Developed or developing country? 11. Finally, what is my dream job?In planning a career, as opposed to inquisitive for a particular position, it is crucial to have a sense of direction. Even should your pass judgment direction change in 6 months of starting your first job, your preparatory extremity go away serves as the impetus for more careful exploration and experimentation. A make articulate for the nineties has be get down trust globally, act locally. With an international social work career, it is possible to have the shell of both worldsthat of acting on major international social issues, both at home or abroad, and wherever unrivaled chooses to work to be engaged in solving social problems of worldwide dimensions.As the social context of the human services be lie withs increasingl y more internationalized, it is crucial that social workers broaden their world view the personal and professional rewards for doing so screwing be immense. Self-Assessment Activity How much do you love ratiocination cozy anguish? As defined by the Philippine Anti- predicateal torment Act of 1995, cozy agony is a request for a sexual favor, received or not, from an employer, employee, omnibus, teacher, instructor, professor, coach, trainer or different persons who have authority, influence or moral ascendancy over an otherwise. It is committed by anyone who demands a sexual favor in exchange for work, promotion or other privileges. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical train of a sexual nature when 1. entry to such send is made every explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individuals employment, or 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions af fecting such individual, or 3.Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individuals work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. sexual worrying includes many things 1. Actual or attempted rape or sexual assault. 2. casteless pres real for sexual favors. 3. unwelcome deliberate touching, leaning over, cornering, or pinching. 4. thrown-away(prenominal) sexual looks or gestures. 5. Un penuryed letters, call off calls, or materials of a sexual nature. 6. Unwanted pres confident(predicate) for dates. 7. Unwanted sexual teasing, jokes, remarks, or questions. . Referring to an adult as a girl, hunk, doll, babe, or honey. 9. Whistling at someone. 10. Cat calls. 11. internal comments. 12. Turning work discussions to sexual topics. 13. Sexual innuendos or stories. 14. Asking just most sexual fantasies, preferences, or history. 15. face-to-face questions about social or sexual life. 16. Sexual comments abo ut a persons clothing, anatomy, or looks. 17. Kissing sounds, howling, and tang lips. 18. Telling lies or spreading rumors about a persons personal sex life. 19. govern apart massage. 20. Touching an employees clothing, hair, or body. 21.Giving personal gifts. 22. Hanging around a person. 23. Hugging, kissing, patting, or stroking. 24. Touching or rubbing oneself sexually around another person. 25. Standing close or brushing up against a person. 26. Looking a person up and down (elevator eyes). 27. Staring at someone. 28. sexually suggestive signals. 29. Facial expressions, winking, throwing kisses, or thrash lips. 30. Making sexual gestures with hands or finished body movements. Sexual curse rat be a silken thing to prove. While its a recognized threat in the study, very few are willing to come out and complain.Find out what you washstand do about sexual harassment in case it happens in your view The Sexual torture Act not only covers those who are directly convolute but also those who cooperate in the commission of the violation. Sexual harassment can take some(prenominal) forms. If youre the objective lens of attention, you could be at the receiving end of vindictive stares, jokes, comments, notes, letters, graffiti or physical contact. What to do in case of sexual harassment? Sexual harassment can be difficult to prove, especially if it becomes a he said/she said item. To make sure you protect yourself, do the following take No or Stop it intemperately and loud enough for someone to hear. If in that location are potential witnesses, reject the advances through a firm but accomplished refusal. Unless youve been harassed many measures before, wear downt make the first nuisance a sideshow. * Express your objection to the persons behavior clearly and securely but avoid making similarly much fuss about it. adage Stop it in a loud, piercingly voice or screaming at the top of your lungs might be viewed as proof that youre a hysteric al person. In case of an investigation, you might come off as un sure or worse, prone to exaggeration.Remember that you might be dealing with a sneaky person who can dismiss your complaint as an exaggerated reaction. * Express your disapproval and be clear about it. If the person asks you why, tell them it makes you uncomfortable and you dont judge its appropriate behavior. Dont grinning and dont apologize, either. Youll come off as weak and unconvincing. * Document the event/s. Write down the date, time, place and witnesses to the incidental in detail. Use a journal or a notebook and bear it in a safe place. In case you have to file for a complaint later, this will come in handy as evidence.If the harassment escalates, you can also show the journal or notebook to your supervisor. * Inform someone about what happened. Tell your closest confidant or friend at the office. If the incident snarly touching, force out, psychological or physical threats, do the same and then go to you r manager or supervisor. In his absence, talk to the HR person immediately. Dont stave the incident into office gossip, however. If you must inform anyone, make sure they are either a person of authority or someone who could become a reliable witness for you. * File a complaint.Chances are your company has policies regarding sexual harassment in the workplace. Check your company manual or go to HR to make sure you make the right steps. They should be able to help you resolve this problem. CHAPTER 3 Personality, Perception, and ascription Research diversity statistics in the Philippines for the workplace THE identify DOWN OR LAY OFF POLICY IN THE employment Many women workers are subjected to sexual harassment or sexual violence in the workplace (Bureau of Women and Young Workers,Sexual Harassment at the Workplace, 1991. ).There is a phrase in the Philippines that sums up the sexual violence experienced by women in the workplace. We call it the degrade Down or Lay Off Policy. Pr ior to the bit of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 (RA 7877), women resorted to the pertinent alimentation of the Revised Penal Code to adjudicate redress for sexual harassment. SIBOL comments that, While state Act No. 7877 is a step forward in addressing sexual harassment, it has several significant limitations. Research an MBTI Instrument and answer it. CHAPTER 4 Attitude, Values and Ethics What is Machiavellianism? How this relate to you personally? Machiavellianism is the political doctrine of Machiavelli, which denies the relevance of morality in political personal business and holds that craft and deceit are warrant in pursuing and maintaining political power. I do not agree with this doctrine since the core of my personality is morality. Exercise Chinese, Indian and American Values Chinese Indian American 1. Mandate of Heaven 2. Confucian relations 3. Harmony 4. The Chinese nurse the importance of the family 5. bedience, moderation and self-restraint 6. They want to fulfill their own potential 7. With time and patience, the mulberry leaf becomes a silk robe 8. Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere 9. A book holds a house of capital 10. Courtesy demands reciprocity 11. Cooperation 12. Group harmoniousness 13. Modesty 14. Value is placed on respect for an individuals dignity and personal autonomy 15. Placidity is valued, as is the ability to remain quiet and simmer down 16. Patience 17. Generosity 18. Indifference to monomania 19.Indifference to saving 20. Indifference to work ethic 21. Moderation in manner of speaking 22. Careful listening 23. Careful musing 24. Permissive child rearing 1. Personal control over the environment/ province 2. Change is seen as natural and positive 3. Time and its control 4. Equality/ fair-mindedness 5. Individualism/ independence 6. Self-help initiative 7. controversy 8. Future orientation 9. Action/ work orientation 10. Informality 11. Directness/ nudity/ honesty 12. Practi cality/ efficiency 13. Materialism/ acquisitiveness
Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues
Describe the intelligent and ethical issues surrounding Andersens auditing of companies accused of story improprieties The largest bankruptcy of a non-profit organization,the investors of Baptist Foundation of Arizona sued Andersen which served as the auditor for $217 one thousand thousand for issuing off-key and misguide approvals of BFA financial statements and also lost $570 million sponsor funds. BFA management allegedly took money from other investors to salary off the current investors which the court held that there is a Ponzi scheme going on.Here, the auditors of Arthur Andersen has clearly compromising their rectitude and honesty by issuing a false information to the public. The next company up in the sacks is Sunbeam whereby Arthur Andersen audits failed to address serious accounting errors man they issued an unqualified opinion. Losses to the shareholders amounting to well over $4. 4 billion and 1,700 people was jobless. Andersen paid $110 million out of an approve d $141 million for the settlement of the grammatical case which they resolve the claims without admitting fault or liability.Andersen was also named in the case of Waste Management where they could earn surplus fees in some special work which in this case overstating nearly $1. 4 billion earnings. At first, Andersen identified those improper accounting practices and presented them but both(prenominal) Waste Management and Andersen went into a closed-door elaborateness with Andersen to write off those accumulated errors. Here there is a Self-Interest threat.In the case of Enron, Andersen admitted that they had destroyed a number documents concerning its audit on Enron which had filed bankruptcy in late 2001. The destroyed documents had led to an indictment for restriction of justice on March 14, 2004. Further scandals surfaced and this cartridge holder is WorldCom where they blame Andersen for failing to find the accounting irregularities notwithstanding Andersen blame for the scandal insisting that the expense irregularities had not been disclosed to them and it had complied SEC standards in its auditing for WorldCom
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