Saturday, November 30, 2019
Keisha Brent Essays (1997 words) - Digital Media, Technology
Keisha Brent Final Essay Is the Internet Really Bad What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains is a well written piece of writing by Nicholas Carr . Carr did a great job at exemplifying the exploration of the Internet's intellec tual and cultu ral consequences throughout his book. In fact I believe the internet has had a huge impact on society from many different standpo ints and even though Carr sort of touched based on most , there were a few I didn't quite agree with. I get the point he was try ing to make as far as technology advancin g and taking a toll on most I just don' t think it's a bad idea like he portrayed it as. I will further explain my reasoning to why I agree or disagree with each factor Carr could have elaborated differently s tarting with before the internet , the upcoming of the internet , the good/the bad, and the reality of how the internet influence others today. Before The Internet In the beginning Carr stated, "t he intellectual ethic of a technology is rarely recognized by its inventors. " (45) That statement is true, m ost of the modern day technology is remixed from past creations. We have come a long way in worldwide technological advancement. Computers are a way of living now but years ago everything was documented on paper and before then on stone. Being that I'm a private duty caregiver I am around a lot older people who got a chance to experience life before the internet. One of my clients Mr. Laudel is a 90yr old retired electrical engineer and I had the opportunity to talk to him about how the internet and new technology impacted his life. Mr. Laudel told me how he grew up on a farm and everything they ate and did for fun literally was outside. There were no phones, televisions, game systems, or computer just a marine chronometer they used to tell time. He then went on to say when he was an electrical enginee r things in that field were way more simple and less complex as the tools they use today. Towards the end of Mr. Laudel engineering career he admitted he did just enough to get by because of the new technology being brought into his company was becoming so advanced he wasn't able to understand how some of the tools worked and his position didn't really hav e to go too in depth with them. Although, Mr. Laudel said he did learn some of the basics of the new technology outside of work but his daughter was more into the internet and that even his grandchildren and great grandchildren use technology and internet way more than he could ever imagine. He also fe el like he lived an interesting yet eventfu l life without the internet but he always knew technology would one day evolve. "Quite a few people still listen to vinyl, use film cameras to take photographs, and look up phone numbers in the printed Yellow Pages." (89) That implication made by Carr is also true I was shocked to see one of my clients us ing a phone book to order pizza. When I asked her why she didn't just google the location she laughed and said , "That's for lazy people." Soon when she said that I thought about Carr chapter on google, The Church of Google and how he used this whole chapter to talk about how google is used and how it impacted the internet. " Without its search engine, and the other engines that have been built on its model, the Internet would have long ago become a Tower of Digital Babel. " (156) Which holds some type of veracity because most internet usage result in using some type of search engine, mainly google. The Upcoming of the Internet Indeed, the internet hosts an enormous informational base. Technology has made it possible for this information to reach far and wide. It would be almost unheard for the average American to go one day without the internet. Technology today is so advanced compared to when I was coming up. Just think
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Learning Vocabulary With Word Forms
Learning Vocabulary With Word Forms There are a wide variety of techniques used to learn vocabulary in English. This learning vocabulary technique focuses on using word forms as a way to broaden your English vocabulary. The great thing about word forms is that you can learn a number of words with just one basic definition. In other words, word forms relate to a specific meaning. Of course, not all of the definitions are the same. However, the definitions are often closely related. Start off by quickly reviewing the eight parts of speech in English: VerbNounPronounAdjectiveAdverbPrepositionsConjunctionInterjection Examples Not all eight parts of speech will have a form of each word. Sometimes, there are only noun and verb forms. Other times, a word will have related adjectives and adverbs. Here are some examples: Noun: studentVerb: to studyAdjective: studious, studied, studyingAdverb: studiously Some words will have more variations. Take the word care: Noun: care, caregiver, caretaker, carefulnessVerb: to careAdjective: careful, careless, carefree, carewornAdverb: carefully, carelessly Other words will be especially rich because of compounds. Compound words are words made up by taking two words and putting them together to create other words! Take a look at words derived from power: Noun: power, brainpower, candlepower, firepower, horsepower, hydropower, powerboat, powerhouse, powerlessness, powerlifting, powerpc, powerpoint, superpower, willpowerVerb: to power, to empower, to overpowerAdjective: empowered, empowering, overpowered, overpowering, powerable, powered, powerful, powerlessAdverb: powerfully, powerlessly, overpoweringly Not all words have so many compound word possibilities. However, there are some words that are used to construct numerous compound words. Heres a (very) short list to get you started: airanybackballroomdayearthfiregrandhandhomelandlightnewsrainshowsandsometimewaterwind Exercises for Using Your Words in Context Exercise 1: Write a Paragraph Once youve made a list of a few words, the next step will be to give yourself the opportunity to put the words youve studied into context. There are a number of ways to do this, but one exercise I especially like is to write an extended paragraph. Lets take a look at power again. Heres a paragraph Ive written to help me practice and remember words created with power: Writing a paragraph is a powerful way to help you remember words. Of course, it takes plenty of brainpower. However, by writing out such a paragraph you will empower yourself to use this words. For example, you might find creating a paragraph in powerpoint on a PowerPC takes a lot of willpower. In the end, you wont feel overpowered by all these words, youll feel empowered. No longer will you stand there powerlessly when confronted with words such as candlepower, firepower, horsepower, hydropower, because youll know that they are all different types of power used to power our overpowering society. Ill be the first to admit that writing out a paragraph, or even trying to read such a paragraph from memory might seem crazy. It certainly isnt good writing style! However, by taking the time to try to fit as many words made up with a target word youll be creating all sorts of related context to your word list. This exercise will help you imagine what type of uses can be found for all these related words. Best of all, the exercise will help you map the words in your brain! Exercise 2: Write Sentences An easier exercise is to write out individual sentences for each word in your list. Its not as challenging, but its certainly an effective way to practice the vocabulary youve taken the time to learn.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Write an Excellent “Why Tufts†Essay
How to Write an Excellent â€Å"Why Tufts†Essay SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you're applying to Tufts University, you should already have an answer to "Why Tufts?" But answering the "Why Tufts?" essay question as part of your application requires more than acknowledgement that it's a good school. Whether you attend because Tufts has some of the happiest studentsor because you want the prestige of attending a well-regarded research university, this guide to the "Why Tufts" essay prompts will guide you through the requirements, expectations, and strategies you need to write an exemplary essay. Feature Image:HereToHelp/Wikimedia Commons What's the Purpose of a "Why This School?" Essay? To craft a good "Why Tufts?" essay, you need to understand the prompt. It's not about listing a school's qualifications or discussing how beautiful the campus is- a good essay will explain not just why the school is good, but why the school is goodfor you. This essay is a common one at many schools. Colleges want to know what brings you to them specifically, including what interest you and how you'll contribute to the student body. Though the question of "why" may feel simple, it's a lot more complex than it appears at first glance. First of all, the college admissions office wants to know what sets their school apart from others. In Tufts' case, that could be their history as a research university, which puts undergrads in closer contact with graduate students, encouraging more communication between people in different fields of study. It could also be their emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, or a positive experience you had while touring the campus. Use the question of "why" as a starting point. Don't stop at, "because I like that I can study engineering and English." Develop that idea further- What does that mean to you? Why does it matter?The "Why This College?" essay also invites students to think about how they'll fit into the academic environment. Schools want to know that you're a good fit- it's to their benefit to recruit students who are passionate and committed to getting the most out of their college education. If it wasn't, Tufts wouldn't have an acceptance rate of just 18 percent. They want students who will contribute to the learning environment and bring creativity, innovation, and curiosity to the classroom. Read and understand Tufts' mission statement before writing your essay so you're informed about what these traits mean, and how you can contribute to realizing their vision as a student.But it's not just about whether you'll fit in- it's also important that Tufts is a good fit for you. That doesn't mean having your major or whatever clubs you might want to join, but also that your goals align with theirs. The interdisciplinary approach isn't right for every student, and others may prefer the more classic separation of undergrads and graduate students. Having a clear idea aboutyour goals as well as theirs will help you excel, and Tufts will appreciate the clarity. Your "Why Tufts?" essay isn't just good for the school, it's good for you, too. When you think deeply about why you want to attend a particular school, it makes you even more excited to attend, and that passion is precisely what schools want to see. Thinking in-depth about your college choices also makes you learn more about them, and that's instrumental for choosing the right school. As you're thinking about your Tufts essay, you might learn things about the school that may not be a good fit, and it's better to learn that now than six months after you've moved onto campus. Though one or two missed checkboxes in your dream school criteria isn't necessarily a reason to pull your application, having realistic expectations for your college experience will set you up for a more positive time at the school of your choice. This question has levels. What Is the "Why Tufts?" Essay Really Asking? "Why Us?" essays may look as if they're asking a simple question- why do you want to attend this school- but there's more to it than that. These essays are also often asking one of two questions: "why us?" or "why you?" In essence, these essays want you to describe why they're the right school for you, or why you're the right student for them. Paying attention to how the question is framed will give you a better sense of what kind of answer they're looking for, which will help you shape your essay. Tufts actually has two versions of the "Why Us?" essay, depending on which department you're applying to. Each one asks a different version of the question, with one version emphasizing your role as a student in a community ("Why You?") and what appeals to you about the school ("Why Us?"). To figure out which one you'll be responding to, use Tufts' Majors and Minors page. This tool allows you to select which programs you're interested in and displays the school department beneath. If You're Applying to the School of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering, or 5-Year Tufts/NEC Combined Degree: This prompt has a 200 to 250 word limit, and asks, "What excites you about Tufts' intellectually playful community? In short, 'Why Tufts?'" Notice the use and placement of "you" in this prompt- though it's certainly about Tufts, this prompt is specifically asking "what excitesyou," making it a "Why You?" style question. Tufts gives you an important characteristic of the school- the "intellectually playful community- and asks what excites you about it. When you answer, consider what such a community will add to your educational experience, and how you will add to it. This idea of playful intellectualism is core to the student experience at Tufts, so it needs to be a prominent feature of your essay. When you're brainstorming ideas, think about things that excite you about learning, and how Tufts will help connect you with them. If You're Applying to the BFA or 5-Year BFA+BA/BS Combined Degree at the SMFA: This prompt, also 200 to 250 words, asks, "Which aspects of the Tufts curriculum or undergraduate experience prompt your application? Why SMFA at Tufts?" This question still asks about your application, but pay attention to the focus- it's more on the side of "Why Us?" than "Why You?" because of its emphasis on the Tufts curriculum and experience. Your answer should discuss what draws you to this program in particular. Think beyond it being a prestigious school- why Tufts, as opposed to any other good college? Why Tufts, and not Columbia? Look through their mission statement, the experiences of other applicants, and preferably visit the campus for a tour to help you better explain why this school draws you in over others. Because you're applying to the SMFA, you need to know what that is and how it differs from the rest of Tufts University. Why this program specifically? What will the SMFA add to your experience that education at a different school would not? Get your hot beverage and motivational blocks out, because it's time to write. How to Write your "Why Tufts?" Essay, Step by Step With only 200 to 250 words to answer these prompts, you'll likely need to go through multiple essay drafts to get your response into prime shape. Not only do you have a low word count, but these are also complex topics. Though planning might feel like more work in the short term, it'll help you write a stronger essay from beginning to end. Step 1: Brainstorming Start by reading the question. Not just reading the words that are there, butreally striving to understand the question beyond the prompt. Is it asking "why us?" or "why you?" Spend some time writing down different potential angles, then sort through them to find the one that works best for you. Your essay should be clear and specific to Tufts- if you can substitute in the name of another school and have it make sense, your essay isn't specific enough. During brainstorming, come up with as many ideas as you can. Set a timer for five to ten minutes, and think of lots of different answers to the prompt. Don't worry if they're kind of out there or undeveloped; you can always cut them or expand later! For the first prompt, consider how you will participate in and contribute to the atmosphere of intellectual playfulness.Think about classes you might take, such as "Ephemeral Objects," a course about temporary sculptureslike those made of chocolate, or "Microbiology of Food," covering the role of microbes in how we cultivate and consume food. What appeals to you about classes like these? How do they fit into the idea of intellectual playfulness? What do you stand to gain from them, as opposed to a course simply on sculpture or microbiology? Cite specific moments from tours, if you've taken them. If you haven't taken a tour, you could refer to alumni who inspire you, courses you find on the website, or other features unique to Tufts. "Unique" is key- whatever you say, Tufts' curriculum, mission, or other specific features should support it.For example, you could mention the school's emphasis on interdisciplinary learning. Does it matter to you that your education at Tufts will be inclusive of other disciplines rather than focused entirely on your field? Why or why not?For the second prompt, "Why SMFA?" consider the program and what makes you want to be part of it. Why an art degree? Why an art degree at Tufts? Why an art degree at Tufts in the SMFA program, specifically? These might seem like redundant questions, but considering every angle of "Why SMFA?" will lead to a stronger essay. Look through the course catalog and see what it has to offer- courses like "Creative Futures: Business Essentials for Artists" are unique to this program, and it's worth understanding what they offer that other programs don't. Tying that into your essay along with why you want an art degree proves that you're serious about your discipline and understand what exactly Tufts will add to your education. Also consider how the SMFA and Tufts University intersect. SMFA is a school within a school, and it's important to understand how it differs from the School of Arts and Sciences. Again, cite moments from a tour if you can, or be specific about particular artists, artworks, or other features of Tufts that inspire you to attend there. The more you can tie your response specifically to Tufts rather than any other school, the better. When revising, cut all this extra stuff out of your draft. Step 2: Avoid Generalities When writing, avoid being too general. Again, if you can substitute in the name of another school and have your essay still make sense, you need to make it more specific. The question is, "Why Tufts?" so be sure that you answer that as thoroughly as possible- within your 200 to 250 words. Some students default to talking about sports or campus appearance to set the stage. Avoid that, if you can. Tufts already knows about their sports teams and how pretty the campus is, and if other people are doing it, you don't want to follow suit. Your essay should be uniquely you! "Why Tufts?" may be the question, but avoid being too shallow. Think beyond academics and reputation; your essay should consider how Tufts will help you, and how you'll help Tufts. Step 3: Write Efficiently The essay is short, so you're really going to have to hone in on one particular feature or event. Be prepared to edit and revise multiple times- have people you trust look over it and give you feedback, and do your best to follow it. Eliminate extra words; in the first sentence in the previous paragraph, I could easily change "you're really going to have to hone," into "you'll have to hone" and save myself three words. It's a small change, but three words means a lot when you only have 250! Summarize any experience you want to draw on quickly so you have time to talk about why it matters. Be brief; you want to expand where it matters rather than spending a lot of time on scenic details ("The sun was rising as I first arrived in Medford, my hands trembling from nervousness and too much coffee on an empty stomach," is great detail, but if it's not telling the school "Why Tufts?" then it has to go!). Everything should be pulling weight in your argument rather than taking up space. Go through this list as you're writing to keep yourself on track. "Why Tufts?" Essay Writing Checklist As you progress through each draft, run through this checklist to be sure you're on target. Are You Being Specific? Can you rewrite the essay with the name of another college? If you can, be more specific. Have You Mentioned Real-Life Experiences? Tying your essay to a specific, real-life experience (such as a tour of the college) or a person (a representative of Tufts that you've spoken with, someone who's graduated, or similar) gives it more specificity. Concrete detail will make your essay feel more solid. Have You Answered What Makes the School Special? Think beyond academics, sports, or prestige. What makes Tufts the right school for you above all others? Why not Columbia, UC Berkeley, or the University of Minnesota? You don't have to answer 'why not?' in your essay, but you should know the answer when you're writing. Have You Connected What Makes the School Special to Your Interests? Readers should be able to draw a clear line from the answer to "Why Tufts?" to you as a student. Okay, so you met an adviser who not only got your love of botany, but who understood exactly how a love for grass-type Pokemon led you to pursue gardening and eventually botany. What does this mean to you, and how does it contribute to your desire to attend Tufts? Have You Demonstrated an Understanding of School Culture? Tufts is quite clear about their campus culture- intellectual curiosity, research, and interdisciplinary learning are all core parts of their mission. If you can demonstrate this in your essay, you'll be set to impress! Reading work from current Tufts Students gives you insight into what the college is looking for. What Does a Great "Why Tufts?" Essay Look Like? One of the best ways to understand what Tufts is looking for in responses to their "Why Tufts?" prompts is to see what people who have gotten in have written. Thankfully, Tufts makes this easy, putting several essays that worked online for you to read. As a girl interested in computer science it's common when visiting university websites to utter "you go, girl" to the lone female faculty member smiling proudly amidst a male-dominated CS department. However, Tufts is a unique community that not only encourages minorities in STEM, but actively recruits female faculty like the spunky and inspirational activist/engineer/professor/entrepreneur Dr. Laney Strange, who I met at Girls Who Code. With my passions ranging from multimedia art to Latin American culture to CS, Tufts excites me since it's where diverse interests are celebrated and where I can have stimulating conversations with anyone I meet on campus. Let's go through this essay using our checklist to understand exactly why it worked. Are You Being Specific? Notice how this essay uses specific faculty (and a specific experience with that faculty member) to discuss what appeals to the writer about Tufts. Substituting the name of another school in for Tufts wouldn't work, because this essay goes out of its way to be clear that this is something Tufts offers that other colleges don't. Have You Mentioned Real-Life Experiences? Participating in Girls Who Code not only demonstrates the writer's interest in computer science, but also gives her a connection to the school beyond its reputation. That tie to Tufts gives her some additional insight into campus culture. Have You Answered What Makes the School Special? This writer frames her essay around empowering women in computer sciences, but, more importantly, how Tufts excels in a way that many schools do not. Have You Connected What Makes the School Special to Your Interests? As a female computer sciences student, prominent female faculty in the CS department is clearly important to the writer- something that comes through because of how neatly she ties her field to her specific experience and again to Tufts. Have You Demonstrated an Understanding of School Culture? The writer not only cites female faculty in the CS department, but also the school’s interdisciplinary education. She clearly has a familiarity with Tufts educational goals, making this essay an excellent example of not just, â€Å"Why Tufts?†but also â€Å"Why You?†Another writer answered the "Why SMFA?" prompt like this: As an artist, I believe that one's work should reflect the world beyond it. Thus, I'm most attracted to Tufts SMFA's combination of rigorous artistic study with a challenging liberal arts curriculum at the School of Arts and Sciences. I want to inform my art-making with in-depth exploration of sociology, justice, and international relations, creating works that comment on global issuesa prospect uniquely possible at Tufts SMFA. With numerous opportunities for combining art and community work on campus and in Boston, the SMFA program shows art isn't only meant for the classroom; it's meant for the world. Are You Being Specific? This student shows familiarity with the specifics of SMFA, the kind of works the organization produces and showcases, and also how the program is also part of the larger Massachusetts community. While many schools have great art programs, the specificity here ties it uniquely to Tufts. Have You Mentioned Real-Life Experiences? The previous essay mentioned faculty the student had met with, which isn’t always possible. This student may not have had the opportunity to tour campus or meet with representatives, but they still go out of their way to situation Tufts within a place- the wider area of Massachusetts. The more specific you can get, especially mentioning a community, as this writer did, the better. Have You Answered What Makes the School Special? The last line is particularly good, as it starts out quite specific and balloons out to a wider statement about art’s place in the world. The mentions of SFMA’s â€Å"rigorous artistic study†in conjunction with the â€Å"challenging liberal arts curriculum†show that the student has a good understanding of what this program entails, and how it will help them reach their goals. Have You Connected What Makes the School Special to Your Interests? This essay doesn’t mention a particular field, but it does begin with a statement- †I believe that one’s work should reflect the world beyond it†- and then goes on to demonstrate how that’s true of Tufts. This short essay reads a bit like a condensed five-paragraph essay: thesis, supporting details, and conclusion that tie the whole theme together. Have You Demonstrated an Understanding of School Culture? References to SFMA and the School of Arts and Sciences curriculashow that the student knows the difference between the two and how they feed into one another. They’ve clearly done their homework, and it shows in a polished, well thought-out essay that got them into Tufts! What’s Next? The "Why Tufts?" essay is just one of the essays you'll be writing for your application. It pays to understand them ahead of time, so check out this handy guide! (coming soon) If you need help writing essays for other colleges, this compilation of tips and tricks will help get your writing on track. Tufts University uses the Common Application, so you'll also be writing essays in response to those prompts as well. This guide will help walk you through the Common Application prompts as well as best practices for answering them! Want to write the perfect college application essay? Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
In your view what makes UBS successful Give evidence of how your Essay
In your view what makes UBS successful Give evidence of how your personal qualities (rather than qualifications) would contribute to our success - Essay Example The company's keen insight into the importance of providing clients services that reach far beyond each client's basic needs separates it from the rest and fuels its success. When a client begins a relationship with UBS, her financial adviser takes time to understand what her goals are. The client receives services that far surpass satisfying her financial needs. A financial firm is only as good as its analysts. UBS clearly appreciates this with depth and flair and this is one of the many reasons for its success. To be the world's leading financial firm, UBS excels at clients' success by drawing on the firm's expertise - expertise that is gained from picking the keen and sharp brains of its employees. Besides being an industry leader in terms of compensation/revenue ratio, UBS adopts a culture that nurtures the best talent and allows outstanding individuals to thrive, while encouraging an esprit de corps, teamwork and loyalty. Such a positive working environment, in turn, encourages professionalism and technical excellence, with the highest integrity and standards in the work of its staff. In today's fast developing economy, being the best also means being far-sighted. Undoubtedly, UBS' history of thinking ahead is a key ingredient in its recipe for success.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Communication tools Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Communication tools - Research Paper Example Concrete communication skills refer to the effectiveness and the ability to generate the desired results in the listener. Concreteness of communication also depends on the listeners and the individual team members, i-e, the way they view and perceive things and commands, and the ways of communications which get the best results. Some people utilize all five senses they are blessed with. These people are called ‘sensory individuals’ and they need concrete frame of reference in communications. They use present tense in their thought cycle as well as in their communications. This way they are better equipped to transform their thoughts and commands into reality. Concrete communications skills/tools are not something that are acquired once and then forgotten. These skills need constant improvement, learning and practice. Project managers need to look at their own communication ways and need to tone them. They need to keep only the concrete communication skills/tools in their skill bags which effectively give results. This definitely means that they need to discard the less effective skills otherwise known as the ineffective communication skills. And the first step into honing and toning concrete communication skills is listening. The PM needs to be a good listener to be an effective communicator. The PM also needs to start sending the ‘I’ message in communicating. The project manager needs to be effective in communication as well as aware of the tone and texture of communication of the team members and individuals. The following actions can be very helpful in spotting the tone and texture of communication; Following is a brief understanding of these actions. Being present during a discussion refers to being proactive or even reactive instead of only listening to the ideas and plans passively. Giving opinions and criticizing from a logical viewpoint
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Airport Security Essay Example for Free
Airport Security Essay The department of homeland security has spent $40 billion rebuilding the aviation security system since September 11, 2001. Since then airport security has changed drastically, changed the whole world’s attitude towards airport security. The terrorist attack also showed the entire world how easily the old system was to manipulate and how much improvement airports need before they can truly be considered secure. The attacks forced the airline industry to renew and strengthen their focus on security. Many airports in the U.S. have introduced ethnic profiling since September 11, 2001 and the evidence shows this method has helped improve airport security. â€Å"The suspects who have since 9/11/01 been picked up are at least mostly Arabs†(Gale â€Å"Airport Security.†Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection). Security checks are not intended to embarrass or harm anybody; they are a necessary precaution to protect all passengers including Muslims. Not only does the TSA keep an eye on airline security around the globe, but also they have many different layers of security in our nation’s airports. The newest and most controversially is the full body scanner. These x-ray machines strip a person down to their birthday suit. Airport screeners are now federal employees. People are now having to wait longer to be able to pass thru security line to check in. many travelers get pulled aside for full body searches. There are 40 active full body scanners at 19 different airports, by the end of the year officials would like 500 in place. Today forty five thousand employees are working as passenger’s screeners in more than four hundred airports around the country. â€Å"Our top priority is the safety of the traveling public, and TSA constantly strives to explore and implement new technologies that enhance security and strengthen privacy protections for the traveling public†. (â€Å"TSA Takes Next Steps to Further Enhance Passenger Privacy.†) Though airport security was enforced, there was another incident. On Christmas December 25,2009, a twenty-three year old Nigerian named Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to detonate explosives aboard a Northwest Airlines flight traveling from Amsterdam to Detroit, Michigan. Abdulmutallab had hidden plastic explosives in his underwear, which had gone undetected during the passenger screening process. Abdulmutallab had also been identified as having connection to the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda less than two months before the attempted bombing, and his own father had contacted the American embassy in Nigeria to warn them of his son’s extremist beliefs. The only reason the bombing Failed was because abdulmutallab did not properly activate the device, and other passengers aboard the plane subdued him. Two weeks after that incident Obama administration mandated extra scrutiny- including full body pat downs- for people flying into the United States from 14 mostly Muslim countries. Under the new rules, all citizens of Afghanistan, Algeria, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen must receive a pat down and an extra check of their carry-on bags before boarding a plane bound for the united states, officials said. Citizens of Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria- nations considered â€Å"state sponsors of terrorism†(â€Å"Airport Security†January 6,2010). Airlines are still responsible for checking passenger information against government-issued watch lists intended to flag potentially dangerous travelers. Two of the lists are often referred to as the â€Å"No-Fly†(â€Å"Airport Security†January 6,2010) list, are the â€Å"Terrorist Watch List†, (â€Å"Airport Security†January 6,2010) and travelers appearing on these lists are subject to more detailed search or in the case of the â€Å"No Fly†list, are denied the ability to travel. We should appreciate that the airport security is making our trip safe and secure. Any inconvenience people feel is unimportant compared with saving lives by preventing terrorist attacks.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Obstacles to General Purpose Augmented Reality Essay -- Virtual World
Obstacles to General Purpose Augmented Reality Abstract Augmented reality allows the enhancement of the real world with text, images and virtual objects. General purpose augmented reality is designed to be used continuously, as a part of everyday life. While this is potentially very powerful, it will also be very difficult to implement. Introduction Augmented reality allows the enhancement of the real world with a computer generated virtual world. This virtual world can be simple or complex, and can contain text, labels, sounds, images and even virtual objects that appear to be real. Many uses have been proposed for augmented reality. In general, they can be broken down into two categories: those that use limited augmented reality for a specific task, and those that use a general purpose, continuously worn system. General purpose, continuously worn augmented reality systems hold great potential for enhancing everyday life. They will allow instant and effortless access to vast amounts of information. They will enable seamless interaction with the increasing number of computer systems that we find in our world. They promise new means of enhancing social interaction and communication. The also will have many other uses that have not even been thought of yet. Despite their great promise, general purpose augmented reality systems are very complex and will be very difficult to adequately implement. They have demanding hardware requirements, and also present software problems that are likely to be even more difficult to overcome. Hardware Issues While present portable computers are useful in many respects, the hardware they contain falls far short of what is needed to adequately implement augmented ... ...f this is Surface drawing , an experimental system that allows the creation of 3d objects using gestures. While the problem of designing interfaces is not likely to be fully solved the near future, it will be possible to create interfaces that will be adequate for many situations. Conclusion General purpose augmented reality will have to overcome many obstacles before it can become widespread. It must be able to draw on numerous sources of data, filter that data for relevance and usefulness, be able to effectively and efficiently display that data, and finally allow the user to easily interact with that data. It must also have adequate hardware to support these goals. Despite the challenges it faces, general purpose augmented reality will prove to be very useful in many situations. As it becomes more practical, it is likely to become increasingly common.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Sontrary to popular belief, a natural emotion or feeling Essay
What is sadness? Sadness is, contrary to popular belief, a natural emotion or feeling. People feel sadness whenever they lose something that they previously enjoyed such as someone they loved, or something as simple as a stuffed animal. This particular emotion is actually good for you. It offers relief from the pain of the loss and it gives you some measure of the importance of what you’ve lost. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury strives to create a society that lives in the absence of sadness. He aspires to give everyone happiness by getting rid of conflict and inequality. However, what the society did not recognize was the value of this gloomy emotion. Guy Montag, the central character in the book, has learned to conform to the idea that the society he lives in is so very rigid and standard. Our Service Can Write a Custom Essay on Sadness for You! However he eventually realizes that the society he lives in is not suitable for a happy life. In an attempt to solidify happiness, society became dehumanized through its abandonment of human instinct, which ironically caused society to become anaesthetized. In the various attempts to abolish despondency by the elimination of literature, all emotions in society were destroyed. In the past, the society was able to read books, and therefore had no reason to burn them. For this reason houses were not fireproof, and therefore Clarise alludes to the fact that firemen used to put out fires, not start them. (8.) Thus proving that at one point in this society, books were accepted and then eventually were banned. While education doesn’t seem like an awful attribute, it created inequality, which made people unhappy. In order to explain the abolishment of books, Beatty expressed to Montag, Technology, mass exploitation, and minority pressure carried the trick, thank God. Today, thanks to them, you can stay happy all the timeÃ•à ¤ (58). As Beatty explained, the government utilized technology, mass exploitation, and minority pressure to eliminate sadness. One example to substantiate the statement made by Beatty would be the use of the houn d. The government used the hound in order to find and destroy books, which would, according to their society, create equality and peace. They believed that the elimination of books would solve everyone’s problems, and as a surrogate for books used controlled technology. Since there were no learned people, there would not be controversy over the explanations of ideas, or ideas themselves. However, what he did not account for was the fact that without thought, there was no emotion, and therefore no happiness or sadness. Happiness and sadness interplay off of each other, there cannot be happiness without something to contrast it to. Therefore, in the attempt to make everyone happy by eliminating literature, the ultimate outcome was a society that was essentially all robots. These â€Å"robots†were incapable of comprehending personal history, and therefore had no sense of the passed time. The theory behind destroying a sense of time was that if no one were to grasp the idea of time, then they would, among other things, have no awareness of aging, and everyone would be happy. However, unexpectedly in doing so people were not happy nor sad, merely indifferent. In the conversation between Montag and Mildred the morning after the ordeal with Mildred’s blood cleaning, Mildred cannot remember the events of the past night and therefore questions, â€Å"Last night- What about last night?†(19). Mildred had no recollection of time or of past events and therefore no one knows whether Mildred was unhappy or just couldn’t remember. The attempt to eliminate sadness did not work, because since she couldn’t remember anything in the past she not only couldn’t remember the bad things, but she also couldn’t remember the ha ppy events. The two therefore neutralized themselves between the happy and the sad causing Mildred to be apathetic or even sometimes depressed. It is extremely hard to live a happy life when you can’t remember any of the past joyous moments because of the dehumanization impressed onto society. Unfortunately, this dehumanization made people even more depressed, because it could cause them physical harm, moreover it could cause them emotional harm because they may not be able to remember joyous moments. The supreme consequence of the mechanization of society was that the feelings about life and death became more depersonalized. To many, death is a very personal and emotional event. Contrary, though, in Montag’s society, death was absolutely depersonalized. People rarely were affected by death, however, just continued with their standard life because they believed that death was just another â€Å"thing†that happened in life. When depersonalizing death, the intent was to eliminate the sadness that went along with it, and therefore make everyone happy. While it did eliminate the sadness, it also eliminated the happiness that went along with life. People had no reason to cherish life, because they believed didn’t think about the possibility of dieing, since it was such a minor part of life. When probing the idea of death, and looking deeper, it is essentially a culmination of life. However, since the citizens were unable to remember life, the idea of death was changed. In their minds they lived for just a moment, and therefore when someone died, nothing essentially died because nothing essentially lived. Mildred articulates the ideology of society by expressing her feelings about the woman Montag killed. â€Å"She’s nothing to me; she shouldn’t have had books. It was her responsibility, she should’ve thought of that.†(51). Mildred wasn’t at all concerned that someone’s life was just taken, she was concerned that Montag was sick because of her. This clearly illustrates the ideology of society in that no one cared about death, it wasn’t happy nor was it a particularly sad time. So in the end, since no one understood that death was actually a very catastrophic event, no one therefore cherished life and lived unconcernedly, not happy nor sad. Eventually Montag grasps the fact that his society is extremely corrupt due to the mechanization and dehumanization. There are various causes, which lead to the demise of a normal society, and lead to the society prevalent in F451, which relies on technology and abandons human instinct. As a result, the citizens have become non-threatening, non-interesting humans who can be easily led and manipulated through fear. The intent was to eliminate sadness but the end result were humans with absolutely no emotions.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Government Is a Necessary Evil Essay
Authors have debated the role of governments for hundreds of years. Two of these authors, are Thomas Paine and Henry David Thoreau. â€Å"In Common Sense by Thomas Paine, he expresses his opinion on how the government is a â€Å"necessary evil†, and in the 21st century the government still appears to be evil. †Thoreau also expresses his concern with a government in â€Å"Civil Disobedience†. Both of these authors had valid opinions, and if they still were alive today they would be outraged with the U. S. Government. Paine was a hard working man. He participated in many events throughout his life, including fighting in the American Revolution. There was no doubt that Paine was a patriotic man, he simply did not agree with the values and ideas of a government. He had a strong concern for the rights of men, and expressed it clearly through his literary work, Rights of men. Michael Williams states in â€Å"Visionaries and Sceptics: Tom Paine and some Contemporaries†, â€Å"While Paine shares their concerns with the rights of women, his principal focus is on the revolutions he witnessed in America, and later in France, on the deleterious effects of tyrannical government, and on an idealistic vision of the future, once these effects are eliminated. (Williams p. 1). This shows that Paine was not only concerned with the ideas of a government; he was well rounded and cared for many people. He was not a stubborn, grouchy man that did not agree with authority. Paine wanted to fix the problems in the government. Paine was not naive, and he realized that the government will always be around. He was looking for a way to make it better. He knew that without a government there would be no order. Williams also states†The first section of Common Sense is headed as ‘the origin and design of government in general’, and it offers a sustained attack on the principles of monarchy and, in particular, those of the English monarchy. †(Williams p. 6). It does in fact attack on the principles of monarchy, especially the English monarchy. Paine was originally from England and he had a special love for England. He did not want to see the English people being treated unfairly due to the monarchy. Paine thought that king’s were unfit to govern. Paine did not believe that one man should make the ultimate decision on how people choose to live their lives. Although Paine was concerned with England, he was equally concerned with the thirteen colonies. Many historians believe that Common Sense sparked an American Resolution, and during the war Paine always encouraged and inspired patriots with a series of pamphlets entitled The American Crisis. Paine did not want to be a part of the problem; he wanted to be a part of the solution. According to The Norton Anthology of American Literature,†Paine received a number of political appointments as rewards for his services as a writer for the American cause, but too indiscreet and hot tempered for public employment, he misused his privileges and lost the most lucrative offices. †(The Norton Anthology of American Literature p. 325). Paine wanted to make a change in the government and society, but is interpersonal tact prevented him from doing so. Many people lost respect for Paine, because people looked up to him and was hoping he would help make a change. He did make change but not as much as he could have. Paine had a lot of potential and influenced many people. The author of â€Å"Tom Paine: Utopian? †, Mark Jendyrisk states â€Å"Paine lived with a dual vision, one both forward-looking and traditional. †(Jendryisk p. 139). Even though Paine did not agree with the old Puritan ways and their ideas of a government, Paine still had traditional values. His values were not as extreme as the Puritans. Paine had high hopes and goals to fix the â€Å"old fashion†way of thinking and to help change the corrupt world. Jendryisk also stated, â€Å"He believed that republican government could nurture or create a uniform, shared public-interest and citizen self-control. †(Jendryisk p. 139). Paine wanted a republican government where everyone could talk about their opinions without being ridiculed. Paine wanted people to have a say on how the society should have been ran. Paine knew the government was a necessary evil, because without the government the society would not have order. The government is necessary for many reasons, and without it society would be troubled and lost. He also knew that power will eventually make a person corrupt, and that is why there should not be a Monarchy. The Monarchy would mean one man; a king would be over a mass number of people. Paine strived for a more republican government, where more people in the society would have a say. According to Jendryisk,†In all his major works and especially in Common Sense, Rights of Man, and The Age of Reason, he smashes the idols and shibboleths of his time: kingship, established religion, aristocratic hierarchy, and unexamined tradition. †(Jendryisk p. 140). Not only did Paine despise the government’s way, like the set up of kings, he also disliked established religion. Paine was not a religious man, and the Puritans put a â€Å"bad taste in his mouth†when it came to religious ways. A lot of people also had unexamined traditions, traditions that have been around for years and did not make any sense, and people still abided by them. Paine lived by two things, common good and individualism. If the people of his day could have practiced those two things, everything would have went a lot smoother with society. Jendryisk also points out that, â€Å"Paine sees human progress as inevitable, but he recognizes the need for direct action to motivate that progress. †(Jendryisk p. 141). Paine has faith that the government will get better and will change. He knows that change is a good thing, especially in this certain situation. Paine also realizes that the religious extremist will eventually calm down as well. This will help change a lot of different things in the government, such as laws. Many of Paine’s literary works helps contribute to the progress and definitely motivates others. Henry David Thoreau had several of the same values and thoughts about government that Paine had. Cathryn McIntyre, the author of The Politics of Thoreau: A Spiritual Intent, states that†Thoreau’s views are always worth considering when assessing the political landscape of any time, but as I read through his politically inspired essays and lectures I am continually impressed, not by his political views, but by the way his spiritual awareness influenced his political views, and in fact all of his thinking, and it is that spiritual awareness, not his politics, that interests me most. †(McIntyre p. 1). Unlike Paine Thoreau has religious beliefs, and talks about his views often. Thoreau believed that people had a duty to God and themselves before the government. Even though Thoreau did not believe in the old ways and traditions, he still had religious beliefs, so this proves that he was not being a â€Å"rebel†. Thoreau simply did not believe in an organized government. Thoreau wrote Civil Disobedience, and in this he is more resistant than Thomas Paine was. Comparing Paine and Thoreau to two men that were fighting for the same thing but different in many ways when it came to their values would be, Martin Luther King Jr. nd Malcolm X. Paine is more like Martin Luther King Jr. and Thoreau is more like Malcolm X, because of how resistant they both were. Thoreau once refused to pay his taxes, because he was unhappy with the government and the way they were handling the slavery and Mexican-American War situation. He spent the night in jail as his punishment. Carl Bankston III, the author of Thoreau’s Case for Political Disengagement states, â€Å"His refusal to pay the poll Tax does not come from any moral compulsion to right the wrongs of the world, but from the ethical desire to avoid doing wrong himself. (Banston III p. 7). He believed the U. S. was unjust because of slavery; the Declaration of Independence says â€Å"All men are created equal. †McIntyre also states,†Thoreau believed if you confine a man under government rules, tie him to his occupation, and monopolize his time with strictly material pursuits while holding him back from a direct relation with nature or from a direct connection to the divine, you will have a man who is leading a life of quiet desperation. †(McIntyre p. 1). Thoreau is stating that the government cannot control everyone’s life. All of the strict, unnecessary rules will make people miserable. So Thoreau’s simple solution to the government was to not follow the majority and to have your first obligation to yourself and what you believe. He thought people should do what they believe is right and not follow the laws made by the government. Even if this meant breaking the law, he still thought your personal belief came first. He did not believe people should obligate and devote themselves to the evils of the government. In Civil Disobedience, Thoreau states, â€Å"Unjust laws exist: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once? Men generally, under such a government as this, think that they ought to wait until they have persuaded the majority to alter them. †(Thoreau p. 834). Thoreau is asking the society, do they want to be miserable and wait for things to change or do they want to take a stand and do something about the problem. Thoreau believed that society could make a stand by disobeying the rules, because if you obey the rules nothing will be changed. He knew that society had to let the government know that many people had an issue with the particular law or rule. Thoreau thinks the government rarely proves itself useful and that it derives its power from the majority. This is why Thoreau did not like the majority, he says the majority is the strongest group, and not because they hold the most legitimate viewpoint. Everyone seemed to have the same simple state of mind, and did not want change and to become more â€Å"of the world†. Although Thoreau was against slavery and the war, he really did not have a plan to fix it. According to Bankston III, â€Å"While Thoreau was opposed to slavery and to the Mexican War; he does not provide us with a blueprint for the peaceful and free society that he wanted to see conscience bring into existence. †(Bankston p. 11). Thoreau had many negative things to say about the government and society but did not take charge. Like many people in the 21st century, everyone has a complaint and no one has a solution. This is how Paine and Thoreau differ; Paine had a plan and tried to make the society better in any way. Another literary work by Bankston III, Civil Disobedience, states â€Å"He says that he was born to live in the world, not to make it a better place to live. †(Bankston III p. 1). This proves the theory that Thoreau had no intention to make the government better, and try to get rid of the evil. Much like many people in the 21st century, they complain and dislike the government system but never do anything to change it. Thoreau did not believe in voting or petitioning, he felt it does not make a difference. Many people in the 21st century have the same beliefs as Thoreau. Although Paine had a bad temper and could have excelled more in making the government and society better, he did make many changes and influence a lot of people. Indeed Thoreau had a mentality to not make a change, he still influence many people with his writing. Thoreau had good intention and could have been a great leader. The Government is a necessary evil, it is now and it has always been. Paine and Thoreau eventually lost hope in a change; they realized the government will never change. They accepted the fact that no matter what there will always be a government, and when people receive the power to lead and to make decisions, they turn corrupt.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Battle of Guilford Court House in the American Revolution
Battle of Guilford Court House in the American Revolution Battle of Guilford Courthouse - Conflict Date: The Battle of Guilford Court House occurred on March 15, 1781, and was part of the southern campaign of the American Revolution (1775-1783). Armies Commanders: Americans Major General Nathanael Greene4,400 men British Lieutenant General Lord Charles Cornwallis1,900 men Battle of Guilford Court House - Background: In the wake of Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarletons defeat at the Battle of Cowpens in January 1781, Lieutenant General Lord Charles Cornwallis turned his attention to pursuing Major General Nathanael Greenes small army. Racing through North Carolina, Greene was able to escape over the swollen Dan River before the British could bring him to battle. Making camp, Greene was reinforced by fresh troops and militia from North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland. Pausing at Hillsborough, Cornwallis attempted to forage for supplies with little success before moving on to the forks of Deep River. He also endeavored to recruit Loyalist troops from the region. While there on March 14, Cornwallis was informed that General Richard Butler was moving to assault his troops. In actuality, Butler had led the reinforcements that had joined Greene. The following night, he received reports that the Americans were near Guilford Court House. Despite only having 1,900 men on hand, Cornwallis resolved to take the offensive. Detaching his baggage train, his army began marching that morning. Greene, having re-crossed the Dan, had established a position near Guilford Court House. Forming his 4,400 men in three lines, he loosely replicated the alignment used by Brigadier General Daniel Morgan at Cowpens. Battle of Guilford Court House - Greenes Plan: Unlike the previous battle, Greenes lines were several hundred yards apart and were unable to support each other. The first line was comprised of North Carolina militia and rifleman, while the second consisted of Virginia militia situated in a thick forest. Greenes final and strongest line was comprised of his Continental regulars and artillery. A road ran through the center of the American position. The fighting opened approximately four miles from the Court House when Tarletons Light Dragoons encountered Lieutenant Colonel Henry Light Horse Harry Lees men near Quaker New Garden Meeting House. Battle of Guilford Court House - Fighting Begins: After a sharp fight which led the 23rd Regiment of Foot advancing to aid Tarleton, Lee withdrew back to the main American lines. Surveying Greenes lines, which were on rising ground, Cornwallis began advancing his men along the west side of the road around 1:30 PM. Moving forward, British troops began taking heavy fire from the North Carolina militia which was positioned behind a fence. The militia was supported by Lees men who had taken a position on their left flank. Taking casualties, the British officers urged their men forward, ultimately compelling the militia to break and flee into the nearby woods (Map). Battle of Guilford Court House - Cornwallis Bloodied: Advancing into the woods, the British quickly encountered the Virginia militia. On their right, a Hessian regiment pursued Lees men and Colonel William Campbells riflemen away from the main battle. In the woods, the Virginians offered stiff resistance and fighting often became hand-to-hand. After half and hour of bloody fighting which saw a number of disjointed British attacks, Cornwallis men were able to flank the Virginians and force them to retreat. Having fought two battles, the British emerged from the wood to find Greenes third line on high ground across an open field. Charging forward, British troops on the left, led by Lieutenant Colonel James Webster, received a disciplined volley from Greenes Continentals. Thrown back, with heavy casualties, including Webster, they regrouped for another attack. To the east of the road, British troops, led by Brigadier General Charles OHara, succeeded in breaking through the 2nd Maryland and turning Greenes left flank. To avert disaster, the 1st Maryland turned and counterattacked, while Lieutenant Colonel William Washingtons dragoons struck the British in the rear. In an effort to save his men, Cornwallis ordered his artillery to fire grapeshot into the melee. This desperate move killed as many of his own men as Americans, however it halted Greenes counterattack. Though the outcome was still in doubt, Greene was concerned about the gap in his lines. Judging it prudent to depart the field, he ordered a withdrawal up Reedy Creek Road towards Speedwell Ironworks on Troublesome Creek. Cornwallis attempted a pursuit, however his casualties were so high that it was quickly abandoned when Greenes Virginia Continentals offered resistance. Battle of Guilford Court House - Aftermath: The Battle of Guilford Court House cost Greene 79 killed and 185 wounded. For Cornwallis, the affair was much bloodier with losses numbering 93 dead and 413 wounded. These amounted to over a quarter of his force. While a tactical victory for the British, Guilford Court House cost the British losses they could ill-afford. Though unhappy with the result of the engagement, Greene wrote to the Continental Congress and stated that the British have met with a defeat in a victory. Low on supplies and men, Cornwallis retired to Wilmington, NC to rest and refit. Shortly thereafter, he embarked on an invasion of Virginia. Freed from facing Cornwallis, Greene set about liberating much of South Carolina and Georgia from the British. Cornwallis campaign in Virginia would end that October with his surrender following the Battle of Yorktown. Selected Sources Guilford Court House National Military ParkBritish Battles: Battle of Guilford Court HouseUS Army Center for Military History: Battle of Guilford Courthouse
Monday, November 4, 2019
Bid Taxi for Business Administration and Management
In spite of the fact that passage confinements are regularly advocated on value grounds, there is no proof that drivers charge better in limited markets. Again, higher costs and lower accessibility irregularly influence low salary buyers of bid taxi administrations. Change of the bid taxi business has regularly been contradicted because it is probably going to diminish the salaries of drivers, which are often low where they are not themselves proprietors of bid taxicab licenses (Wen, 2017). Specifically, the industry supposedly suffers recurrent decrease, while the quantity of accessible cab drivers tends to ascend in monetarily less great circumstances. Nonetheless, there is no proof to propose that cab driver livelihoods are higher in business sectors with prohibitive passage conditions. Or maybe, the monopoly leases that accumulate because of these limitations give off an impression of being appropriated exclusively by permit proprietors. For instance, Melbourne has taxi licenses esteemed at nearly A$600,000, and driver livelihoods evaluated at A$8 - 10 every hour (Graells, 2017). In this way, passage limitations have all the earmarks of being inadequate methods for defending driver salaries (Chen, 2018). All the more imperatively, rivalry strategy does not, for the most part, acknowledge the suggestion that section to an industry ought to be obliged with a specific end goal to ensure the pay position of occupants, while there is no critical reason for belligerence that the taxi business constitutes an u mon case in such manner. By differentiating, confining passage to the taxi business causes outstanding value issues: low salary bunches are lopsidedly clients of taxi administrations. The effects of passage limitations in expanding cost and lessening accessibility is in this way very backward in its purchaser affect poor buyers are harmed more by section confinements than rich ones. Expanding quantities of OECD nations have evacuated supply confinements on Bid taxis. The ou es of these changes have been unequivocally positive, with decreased holding up times, extended customer fulfillment and, by and large, falling costs being watched. Emulating the undeniably far-reaching acknowledgment of the misfortunes to monetary welfare and purchasers es about because of confinements on the supply of cabs, a few OECD nations have attempted significant changes to taxi control which include the expulsion or generous decrease in the degree of passage limitations (Chen, 2018). These nations incorporate New Zealand, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Where taxi supply has already been vigorously confined, and these limitations were expelled, significant increments in taxi supply have been experienced. All in all, the degree of a section of the business has overwhelmed the levels anticipated preceding deregulation where endeavor to gauge real request were m ade. Also, these higher taxi numbers have by and large been supported in the medium term (Deng, 2015). Post-change confirms for the most part shows firmly positive ou es estimated against scope of criteria (Speta, 2016). Generously expanded taxi numbers mean client holding up times tend to fall significantly, while consumer loyalty levels have additionally considerably progressed. Value levels have regularly dropped after the change; however, this has not been the situation. Now and again, static or expanding costs, post-change, may reflect directed values being set misleadingly low in the pre-change condition. Also, if charges are not addressed there is a high probability, even under open passage conditions, that makers will have the capacity to practice a level of imposing business model, evaluating power because of market blemishes existing, in the rank and hail markets. Some value direction should, along these lines, be kept up even where changes have prompted an open section administrative condition. It may appear as most extreme value control or may constitute lighter-gave types of direction. Value control courses of action may likewise separate between the rank and hail markets and the pre-booked market, given buyers' more grounded relative position in the last mentioned. In insufficient taxi markets, prompt execution of an open passage arrangement is probably going to be politically testing. In any case, embracing arranged methodologies defers the a plishment of change advantages and stances significant down to earth chances that change will be slowed down or switched. Prompt changes have been efficiently finished in some exceedingly confined markets. Where substantial supply limitations have prompted vast syndication rents collecting, there will unavoidably be substantial resistance to change r mendations from occupant permit holders. Hostage administrative bodies are also far-fetched to go about as promoters of significant change (Leng, 2015). Adding to the political trouble of change is the measure of the bonus misfortunes that officeholder permit proprietors would bear in case of a quick move to an open-section administrative framework. Contentions are regularly made that permit proprietors ought to be made up for a lost permit an incentive in ca se of changes being authorized. There is little legitimacy to the contention that permits holders ought to be repaid by the citizen for the loss of their entitlement to keep on extracting restraining infrastructure rents (La, 2017). Notwithstanding, hardship based claims for making a few installments to officeholder permit holders in case of real change are probably going to demonstrate all the more extensively adequate. And now and then proposed elective is to embrace an organized way to deal with change. Arranged change is usually upheld as methods for decreasing maker restriction by spreading and lessening the regular misfortunes to be borne by occupants. It may be additionally advanced at times as an all the more "efficient" way to deal with change which will maintain a strategic distance from or limit real here and now showcase interruptions, "overshooting" on the supply side and other, and conceivably huge, transitional expenses. A few models of organized change can be recognized. One approach includes issuing extra licenses to every officeholder. This tends to limit their misfortunes by guaranteeing that the rest of the imposing business model rents keep on accruing pletely to this gathering. This model can help make more quick increments in numbers practical. On the other hand, new licenses can be issued for sale or ticket (Bhatnagar 2018). Now and again, these tallies are available to all, while in different cases inclination is given to representative cab drivers and additionally different gatherings. While arranged change is viewed as a method for making a difference all the more politically possible there is much uncertainty. With regards to the viability of this approach: makers are probably going to campaign similarly unequivocally against organized change while keeping campaigning is probably going to prompt the ending or inversion of arranged change programs before their culmination. Methods for lim iting this hazard incorporate reporting the points of interest of the long haul change program ahead of time, administering the subtle elements of the changes and giving control of future permit issue to a free, multi-sectorial financial controller. When "open passage" industry isn't unequivocally settled as the endpoint of change, it is likely that supply will stay limited. Evacuating section limitations does not infer expelling quality based direction. Without a doubt, strong control is a precondition for pletely a plishing the potential advantages of embracing an open passage arrangement (Guo, 2017). That said staying administrative plans must not unduly hinder the advancement of inventive administration offers and industry models. Financial control (grasping amount and value limitations) and quality direction ought to be unmistakably recognized. While significant monetary and shopper advantages can be gotten from a change of financial course, there is a substantial case for keeping up successful quality control in the taxi business. Quality direction grasps typically a scope of vehicle and driver gauges which try to guarantee traveler welfare and least administration measures. A few challenges of an open section to the taxi advertise to try to contend that passage confinements are basic if benefit quality principles are met. Nonetheless, there is minimal hypothetical or exact help for this suggestion. Then again, inability to guarantee that quality control is kept up and, where required, upgraded can altogether trade off the advantages of change and its acknowledgment by buyers and the general population (Velde, 2015). Quality direction must the be posed deliberately to guarantee that it doesn't keep the advancement of inventive administrations and market structures that drive a significant number of the advantages of change. For instance, vehicle norms ought not to be set in ways that would unduly confine the arrangement of low cost or low-quality administrations that might be sought after. Proposals Bid Taxi can do to enhance their administrations are; 2. As reported by the Minister for Transport, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) will acquaint measures with enhancing taxi accessibility to serve workers better. This audit was started with the National Taxi Association (NTA) and the taxi administrators since May 2012 to guarantee that taxicabs better satisfy their open transport part, as an end-result of the concessions concurred to them. For example, bring down street charges, and the utilization of Category (CAT) A Certificates of Entitlement (COEs). Taxicabs have also been taking up a more significant extent of CAT a COEs as of late. Given these concessions, it is vital that cabs are used better and made more accessible on the streets to serve suburbanites, particularly amid top periods. There is tenacious criticism about cabs not being accessible. Pushing ahead, LTA expects to require taxi administrators to meet new taxi accessibility (TA) principles. In the long run, we plan likewise to connect taxi administrators getting COEs to extend their armada, to their gathering taxi accessibility norms (Lovri?, 2016). To permit the taxi business time to conform to this new prerequisite, LTA will give a transitional period, amid which taxi administrators will be permitted to get COEs to develop their armadas generally by the reported taxi ridership development, however without being liable to the taxi accessibility principles (Rwelamila, 2016). When moving towards a lower vehicle development rate, LTA will likewise roll out improvements to how taxis get their COEs, contemplating late COE patterns and criticism from both people in general and the engine business about the impact that taxi administrators may have on COE costs. First, taxicabs will be removed from the COE offering process. This is independent of whether the new cabs are planned to supplant deregistered taxis or to add to the current armadas. Second, the COEs applied for taxi armada extension will be removed from the Open Category (CAT E) (Kottapalli, 2017), which can be utilized to enlist vehicles in any COE classification. This is more intelligent of the part of taxicabs in our open transport framework, and it is more evenhanded to utilize CAT E amounts that are contributed by all vehicle poses, as opposed to drawing exclusively from CAT A quantities (Graells, 2017). This additionally mirrors the present circumstance in which taxi organizations enlist an asso rtment of cars as taxicabs, including both CAT A and CAT B models and also some minibus models. LTA is in discourse with the taxi administrators on the proposed taxi accessibility guidelines and COE related changes. LTA finishes the points of interest and gives data on the COE associated changes, before the beginning of the following COE offering cycle. It will provide subtle elements on the taxi accessibility models. 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Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Effects of Over-processed Foods in the United States Essay
The Effects of Over-processed Foods in the United States - Essay Example Since invention of processed foods, people directed their time towards microwavable dinners and tasty preserved artificial snacks instead of home cooked meals from local ingredients. As soldiers needed fast, travel-safe foods, the introduction of these processed foods came as a real blessing to them. During the war many women went to work, creating little time to cook at home. Continuing into the 1970’s, soy, corn and cattle became the staple food products when the age of canned, frozen and boxed foods became easily accessible. Most of these products turned into low fat and low-carb foods, which allow large food industries to sell unhealthy foods masked as healthy foods. Red meat consumption in the United States has then continued to rise with 58% of citizens consuming it. In 2003-2004, the consumption of processed red meat was averaged at 128 grams per day, with variations in race, gender, education and age. The nutritional value of a granola bar in another case more closely resembles a candy bar than granola. These foods are easily accessible and marketed to make people believe they are getting a sufficient amount of nutrition while on-the-go. Unfortunately, the public is not aware of the true ingredients that are used to make these foods.
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