Saturday, August 31, 2019
Agriculture Education Essay
An interim development plan was prepared for undergraduate and postgraduate studies. It was agreed that the three existing courses in plant-breeding and genetics provided an adequate scientific background in this field and that priority should now go to fruit and vegetable production. To this end, two new courses should be added so that the overall course would include: vegetable growing, vegetable production (two courses) and seed production. – 5- 19. In vegetable growing, in addition to the existing areas of definition, classification, soil and climatic requirements, the Faculty should add rotation, green manuring and kitchen garden cultivation. The two courses in vegetable production would give time for major crops to be dealt with in greater detail and for more practical training. The area in Sind under vegetable cultivation is increasing steadily as farmers realise its value for cash crops, but the yield is still very low. This is due mainly to lack of knowledge and experience (which the agricultural extension services could provide) and a lack of good seed. 2 0. A course in vegetables, fruit and ornamental plant seed production should be offered. Students would learn how to collect, harvest, clean, dry, pack and store seeds and they would study seed dormancy, germination and treatment, together with methods of breeding self and cross-pollinated crops. Postgraduate Curricula 21. The present postgraduate curricula cover horticultural plant nutrition, plant propagation and fruit production (two p arts). This last should be replaced by two new courses : (a) the soil and water relations of horticultural plants; (b) temperature and water relations of horticultural plants. Optional courses should be introduced for M. Sc. students to supply them with additional information needed in their fields of study. Options could include courses on major horticultural crops and general courses on the improvement of horticultural plants, on growth†regulators and on protected cultivation. As most research experiments on vegetables must be conducted at the Agricultural Research Institute at Mirpurkhas, 30 miles away, it was decided that priority should be given to raising vegetable crops at Malir, the university Farm,to provide the Horticultural Department with the facilities needed for research. Vegetable Crops (1) Objectives and Methods 22. The main objectives of the Horticultural Department in growing vegetable crops were to provide practical training for staff, students and labourers; to become familiar with problems of vegetable production in Sind; to evaluate crops and varieties, and seed production. It was planned to start by using two acres in the horticultural garden for growing most of the vegetable crops for practical training, and four acres at Malir Farm for a four-year crop rotation. Winter vegetables, carrots, radishes, turnips, cauliflowers, spinach and beet, were grown in the garden. The local varieties were identified, evaluated, weighed and measured. Promising varieties of radish, carrot and onion could be improved by breeding. All peas and spinach were of poor quality, most of the peas being dwarf types, with an average plant height of only ten – twelve inches. – 6- The spinach varieties were prickly-seeded and, during the shortest winter days, started flowering early. The seed stalks had an extreme male-type of inflorescence. Seed of selected suitable varieties of peas and spinach should be imported. (2) Growing Methods (a) Trailed Tomatoes; 2 4. Trailing tomatoes were tried in the open; local and imported varieties were planted and supported by iron stakes, galvanised wire and plastic string. Students and labourers were trained to tie the vines to strings, to pinch and remove auxiliary shoots and to apply fertilisers. The trial was successful, the plants standing well throughout the season and bearing -heavily. Later, owing to virus diseases on some vines, all plants were removed and burnt. A second trial was begun in the summer, the tomato vines being shaded by luffa plants – ridge gourd (luffa acutangula) and sponge gourd (luffa aegyptica) – the small luffa fruit being edible. (b) Soil-level mulches: 2 5. Cucurbits – bitter gourd (mermodica charanta), tinda or Indian squash (citrullos vulgaris, var fistulosa), tori (luffa s p. ), cucumber and cantalope were grown- early. Seeds were planted on December 21st in hillocks on raised beds covered with clear polyethylene film to form soil-level mulches. Two weeks later, seed emergence was observed, with a minimum temperature o f 6 C. Minimum and maximum temperatures and germination percentages were recorded. (c) Plastic tunnels: 2 6. Plastic walk-in and mini-tunnels were†made of local materials. The mini-tunnels were used for raising nursery plants and for getting tomato, pepper and egg-plant seedlings†¢ They gave high germination percentages and well-established seedlings. The walk-in tunnels were used for trailed tomatoes and for cucumbers, temperature and humidity data being recorded.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Mental Health Essay
Within this essay, I will examine the definition of mental health, as well as it’s connection in our daily lives. I will be discussing a particular mental health problem which is depression under mood disorder. By examining a scenario of a patient who I have looked after who is suffering from this mental problem, and the available treatment options. I am please to focus in this topic that made a real difference to people lives, most especially to the patients who are suffering the kind of mental illness. To understand fully what is mental health, let me first start by giving the definition of health. Health as define by the World Health Organization, â€Å"is a complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity†(WHO, 1948). By examining the definition, one cannot conclude that anyone who is seemingly healthy to their outer appearances but in fact may be there is a possibility that person may have hidden characteristics which may consider or regard them unhealthy. For instance, a person with normal vital signs, example of this is an individual with normal blood pressure of 120/80mmhg (Uren & Rutherford,2004) ,may be suffering from any degree of anxiety or depression. By assessing the physical health of a person is relatively easy by taking health measurement of the body. Nonetheless, mental and social aspects of health are much more difficult to determine. It needs a careful and complex assessment to conclude that the individual is mentally healthy. Mental health reflects a person approach or ability to adapt and respond to life by communicating emotions, giving and receiving ideas, working alone as well as with others, accepting authority, displaying a sense of humour and coping successfully with emotional conflicts (Shives & Issaacs p.6). Another definition of mental health is a state of wellbeing in which individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life productively and fruitfully, and to be able to make contribution to his or her community (World Health Organization, 2001). It is easy to disregard the intrinsic value of mental health until some unusual circumstances or behaviour is noticed. We live in the world full of challenges such as pressure from work, studies, family issues, financial difficulties, relationship problems and poor physical health. These are only few examples that affects individual to perceive and act accordingly to their surroundings. Mentally healthy people who achieve self-actualization are able to have positive self concepts and relate well to people and their environment, form close relationships with others, make decisions pertaining to reality rather than fantasy, be optimistic and appreciate and enjoy life (Abraham Maslow, 1970). Problem solving occurs because people are able to make decision pertaining to reality rather than fantasy; they are able to appreciate and enjoy life; optimism prevails as they respond to people, places, and things in daily encounters; they are independent or autonomous in thoughts and action and rely on personal standard of behaviour and values such people are able to face with relative serenity and happiness circumstances that would drive other to self- destructive behaviour, they are creative, using a variety of approaches as they perform tasks or solve problem (cited in Shives, 2002). Mental illness cannot be viewed in isolation from physical functioning; the two are inseparable. Memory and cognition are mental functions, but because they are initiated in the brain, they are also physical function. A change in brain chemistry- a physical occurence, cause, perhaps by something as seemingly benign as stress- can cause changes in mental functions that manifest as anxiety, panic attacks, or depression. Physical and mental are two inseparable components of the complete human experience. In attempting to understand the complexities of mental illness, it is important to understand that physical and mental, that is, body and mind, cannot exist in isolation from one another ( Marie Thompson,2007 p.5) . Although scientist do not know exactly what causes mental illness, like cancer, mental illness can strike anyone and variety of causes. Scientist are certain that genetic vulnerability plays a role in many mental illness, since the risks of becoming ill is greater if you have a close relative who suffers from depression, bipolar illness, schizophrenia, anxiety or alcoholism among others. However, no specific gene has yet been isolated that causes any of this illness (James Hicks, 2005 p.2). Mental illness or mental disorders defined as an illness or syndrome with psychological or behavioural manifestation and /or impairment in functioning as a result of a social, psychological, genetic, physical/chemical, or biological disturbance ( The American Psychiatric Association). Depression is an important global public health problem due to both it’s relatively high lifetime prevalence and the significant disability that it cause. In 2002, depression accounted for 4.5% of the worldwide total burden of disease (in terms of disability- adjusted life year ). It is also responsible for the greatest proportion of burden attributable to non-fatal health outcome, accounting for almost 12% of the total years lived with disability worldwide. Without treatment, depression has the tendency to assume a chronic course, to recur, and to be associated with increasing disability overtime (World Health Statistics ,2007, p. 16). Depression is considered a disorder of mood (sometimes called an affective disorder, 2 signifying the disturbance of â€Å"affect†) in all widely used classification and diagnostic schemes. In general, a mood disorder represents a departure from what we might consider to be a typical mood state experienced by most persons most days of their lives. Depressive disorders are characterized by sad, guilty, remorseful, tired , withdrawn moods and the influence of these moods on a person’s day to day behaviour ( Sam Victor et al., p. 6 ). The term depression is used in variety of ways. In everyday language, it is commonly used to describe feelings of sadness or despondency. These feelings are part of normal emotion and may be the consequence of disappointments or failures. As a medical term, depression can refer to a symptom, syndrome or illness. In its usual clinical context, depression denotes a disorder of mood that is distinct from normality. Disorders involving abnormalities of mood used to be called manic-depressive but are now more often termed affective disorders. This is more accurate because only a minority of sufferers experience episode of both mania and depression (bipolar affective disorder) and most have recurrent episodes of depression only (unipolar depression) (Malhi, p.1). It is imperative to recognise the severity of depression as it can lead to life threatening such as suicide. Therefore ,it is important for health professionals to assess the potential risks for this. As presence of depression can sometimes not obvious to clinicians, some symptoms, when observed in combination with the others can clearly indicate that a person is in depression. Symptoms often associated with depressed states include early morning wakening, a feeling of grinding tiredness, loss of energy, loss of sexual interest in relationship, loss of appetite, feeling â€Å"down†and feeling of bad temper (Alexander et al, 1994). To maintain confidentiality the patient’s name has been changed to a pseudonym, in order to conform to the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct (NMC, 2008). I will call my patient Mrs. M is a 35-year-old woman who complained of feeling very low for the last 4 months but always attributes this from being tired from work. She was diagnosed with Sero-posivite Rheumatoid Arthritis five years ago but refused to be treated because she believes her joint pains and inflammation can be cured with only paracetamol . Not until her inflammation was uncontrollable and left some of her joints in hands and feet some deformities. Mrs. M. has a husband and two children who are still very young. She describes that the family relationship is good. She was brought up mostly of her childhood by her grandparents. Mrs. M. worked full-time as a Registered Nurse where she was admitted as a patient. Mrs. M has been in the hospital for some time due to the flare up of her disease and over a week I have looked after her. I can still remember when I first met her, the doctor ordered to give her intravenous steroids infusion. It has to be administered through her peripheral line in her right radial vein by Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT) (Anonymous, NHS Trust, 2007). This is the protocol to decrease risks of acquiring infection through intravenous lines. To observe how is this being done, I went with my mentor. At first, we greeted her and introduced ourselves. My mentor explained what we were about to do. I observed that Mrs.M. was calm and only answer when we speak to her. It was discussed by her doctor that after having been given steroids , inflammation of her joints will get better and so improve her mobility but she would have some side effects. Mrs. M. knew these will happen which made her felt hopeful but somehow low and upset. As a nurse herself, she was aware the medication would lower her immune system, could experience mood swings, difficulty sleeping at night, increase her appetite in eating and will contribute in gaining weight. I found it interesting as a student nurse to learn how to respond to a particular situation and observe a patient’s treatment can improve his/her disease or condition. Every shift I am working , I made sure I go and see Mrs. M. For me always visible and ready to listen to verbalise her concerns in consistent way will develop a rapport which I learned was very important in a nurse-patient relationship. I can remember there was a day Mrs. M. was feeling so happy and laughing telling me stories about her family in her own family, her favourite hobby making handicrafts and her experience being a nurse. She also told me how her strength differs prior to the diagnosis of her disease. There were times I saw Mrs. M. not interested in doing anything for the day. She was only lying down in bed crying frustrated in trying to get out of bed independently. She was irritated expressing she did not wish anybody to be near her if not her own doctor or assigned staff nurse. It has been reported she never sleeps soundly at night and always seen sitting at the bedside seemed in deep thoughts. The curtain around her bed was remained closed all the time. As her student nurse, I made sure I frequently checked and asked if she was needing any help. Whenever she was ready to speak , I was there for her. During one of my conversation with her , I have learnt that she used to be being independent with her activities of daily living and looking after her family. She rarely asked for other people’s help. Since she suffered from the disease, she had some deformities in different joints of her hands and feet which added to her mobility problems. She had mentioned to me how she felt frustrated when she cannot complete her household chores. Mrs.M. remembered the day told by doctor to commence on anti-depressant tablet because she was diagnosed with mild depression, she was very scared her family and friends to know. She had decided not to take any medication for her depression. After few days of looking after her she is somewhat different from our first meeting. She became more relaxed,expressing her interests in eating her food, more energy when meeting people, good eye contact and happy while talking. To actively listen to Mrs. M was showing her that I can be always ready to listen and trusted like her family or close friend. Although some patients can be quite adamant to take medications for their depression , there are some that are referred for counselling. GP’s frequently find themselves in the position of providing emotional support, advice and counselling to depressed patients in an effort to give reassurance, warmth and encouragement . Indeed, this is probably the most common and effective treatment for the majority of patients with mild depression. In this situation, active listening is more important than advice-giving; paying attention to non-verbal and hidden messages as well as what the patient is expressing verbally, and feeling emp athy for their predicament. It should be noted that much of this support is provided by ministers of religion, voluntary agency and self-help support groups (Wilkinson, G.etal). According to my research for patient to be emotionally responsive, I found out some interventions that nurse can use independently without doctor’s order. Use a warm, accepting, empathic approach. Be aware of and in control of one’s own feelings and reactions (anger,frustration,sympathy). With depressed patient: Establish rapport through shared time and supportive companionship. Give the patient time to respond. Personalise care as a way of indicating the patients value as a human being. With the manic patient: Give simple, truthful responses. Be alert to possible manipulation. Set constructive limit on negative behaviour. Use a consistent approach by all health-team members. Maintain open communication in sharing of perceptions among team members. Reinforce patient’s self-control and positive aspects of patient’s behaviour (Stuart,G.,1998). Within this assignment, I am going to use (Gibbs, 1988) reflective cycle. I choose to use this cycle because it encourages a clear definition of this project. The analysis of the feelings, the evaluation and the way to make sense of the experience, and pla what needs to be done in the future. It has helped me demonstrate my ability to reflect on my personal experiences in doing this essay and gave the opportunities to explore my personal learning needs. Before I continue my reflective writing ,let me first discuss the importance of reflection. Reflection as defined by ( john, 2000 ) as a window through which a practitioner can view and focus self within the context of their own lives experience in a way that enable them to confront, understand and work towards resolving the contradictions within their practice. Knowing how to reflect is a process for making sense out of all experience (Taylor, 2000 ). For my first assignment, I have to write a reflective project based on what I have learned. We were asked a project focusing on the subject ,â€Å" What is mental health?†. At first, I was struggling to figure out what topic to write about the given subject. I started to collect data from vast resources of books but the more I read, it becomes more difficult to put my ideas into writing. I am getting more frustrated because I was making little progress. My idea was to sit down and write one long essay and then be finished early. Finally, I decided to write about depression. This essay was about a patient I have encountered and looked after who was diagnosed with sero- positive rheumatoid arthritis. When I wrote this assignment, I have to look back and remembered an interesting nursing experience. Writing this kind of essay was difficult and challenging in a way it was emotional and stressful due to time pressure in meeting deadline and juggling placements and family time. I felt more confident now in dealing with my personal issues as well as dealing with my patient’s physical and emotional needs. I think my writing has improve during this time because of all the different resources and help I have use. With regards to my future assignment, it has broaden my knowledge in constructing my essay. Instead of collecting vast materials to read, I will be more selective of materials to read and will more focus on the specific subject given. I will do more planning and thinking around the topic as much as pos sible. The benefit of this approach is that from the start, I can get the sense of the shape my essay will take. To the greater extent, I really enjoyed writing this essay because it is about the professional nursing field which I am pursuing through schooling. I believe that thru studies and placements, I wil develop my capabilities to be a good and proper nurse to help and support every person to be physically, emotionally, socially and mentally healthy. Because of the many things that I have learned and witness from nurses and nursing aids, I feel this reflective essay will help me in my future career. In conclusion, this reflective assignment demonstrates my ability to show and express my feelings concerning different kind of situations and difficulties while I am writing this project. By basing my own reflection using Gibbs reflective cycle, it gives me the chance to explore, to improve my skills and knowledge to have a better foundation for the nursing career I am aiming for. Through critical reflecting, I can learn from my mistakes and highlight my knowledge and expertise. Nurture yourself with good nutrition: Depression can affect appetite. Appetite is typically decrease and you may loose weight. Sometimes, although appetite is still decrease, you tendto eat for comfort and may gain weight. So you will need to be extra mindful of getting the right nourishment. Proper nutrition can influence a person’s mood and energy. Identify troubles, but don’t dwell on them: Try to identify any circumstances that have contributed to your depression. If you know what is the cause and you feel down, why not talk about it with a caring friend. Talking is a way to release the feelings and to receive some understanding. Focus yourself and look on the bright side: Depression affects a person’s thoughts, making everything seem dismal, negative, and hopeless. If depression has cause you negative outlook in life, make an effort to notice the good things life has to offer. Consider your strengths and blessings. Most of all, do not forget to be patient with yourself. Depression takes time to heal.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Body Shop Proposal
A. This is because they choose to focus on targeting working adults which is leaned towards a mature image and does not appeals to teens. B. They will lose the potential to increase their sales volume if this continues. II. There are three main possible themes that we would like to propose. A. Firstly, â€Å"Fire†will be emphasising on the strong yet feminine aspects of the product. B. Secondly, â€Å"Earth†will bring attention on the environmentally-friendly nature of the products C. And lastly, the â€Å"Air†theme showcases the comfort level of the products. D. This is a proposal for an advertisement spread in Seventeen selling The Body Shop Bath Body products. ?There is a choice of three themes for the campaign, â€Å"Fire†, â€Å"Earth†, and â€Å"Water†. The recommended products for the 4-ad campaign are to be bath shower gel, body lotion, body butter, and body scrub. P2: Potential (3 paras) I. The Body Shop is currently lacking of advertisement directed to teenagers. A. For a cosmetics retail company, The Body Shop noticeably lacks of photographs of models with beautiful hair and perfect skin, which would attract attention of teenagers. B. Currently, The Body Shop is targeting working adults and the advertisement that they made is leaned more towards a mature image. This image does not appeal to teenagers. II. The Body Shop does not appeal to teenagers and in doing so, it loses a huge number of potential customers. A. Teenagers are not attracted to The Body Shop because of a lack of celebrity representation. B. With the lack of advertisement, targeted audience will not be encourage to trial purchase, brand switch and develop brand loyalty towards The Body Shop. III. Sales would be greatly boosted if The Body Shop were able to appeal to teenagers. A. The Body Shop will be able to maximise it’s profits because Singaporeans teenagers aged 15-19 are very willing to spend money on body products. B. Products such as body products could easily allow the consumer to develop brand loyalty towards the brand because they would have develop a habit for using our brand’s product. This results in repeated purchases and promotes sales in long term. P3: Possibilities (3 paras) I. The first theme, â€Å"Fire†theme will emphasize the strong yet feminine aspects of the product. A. â€Å"Fire†will pitch the products in a sexy yet elegant way, appealing to girls who want to be seen as confident and independent women. B. For example, in the Body butter advertisement, we can feature a model clad in only lingerie and high heels and applying body butter on her body. This would suggest that one would feel confident with their body after using our products. The main colour of this advertisement will be red, black and white to give off a Parisian feel, which represents elegance, yet at the same time emphasizes on the fiery and bold aspects of the theme. II. The second theme, â€Å"Earth†will focus attention on the environmentally friendly nature of the products. A. Products would come across as environmental and relaxing under the â€Å"Earth†theme and would appeal to both males and females because it makes them feel comfortable. B. The advertisement for bath shower gel portray a model unwinding in a bathtub full of soapy water, implying that she had just used the product and suggest that one would feel relaxed after using the product. The background of this advertisement could be a natural setting filled with trees and plants to emphasize on the nature aspects of the theme. III. The third theme, the â€Å"Air†theme, will showcase the comfort level of the products. A. Under the â€Å"Air†theme, products would be pitch as simple yet lasting comfort, appealing to both genders because of the theme’s purity and freshness. B. One example of a body lotion advertisement under the â€Å"Air†theme is to do a compare and contrast of a model who applied the body lotion in the morning and the same model looking energetic and fresh at night to represent the lasting effects and the comfort level can be seen through the model’s cheerful appearance. The advertisement would be in pastel colours to emphasize on the theme’s purity. P4: Proposal (3 paras) I. We have decided to go with the â€Å"Earth†theme because it highlights the key feature of our product and will be effective in attracting our target audience’s interest. A. The Body Shop unique selling point is being environmentally friendly and it is also what the audience associate The Body Shop with. By going along with this theme, audience are able to identify The Body Shop because our concept will be consistent. B. B. Our target audience have a very hectic lifestyle and by portraying a product, which comes across as relaxing to them is a very feasible idea because it is what the target audience need and that is also what they are looking for. This will thus increase sales of the products. II. We have rejected the â€Å"Fire†theme because it doesn’t specifically appeals to our target audiences. A. The â€Å"Fire†theme might seem over-mature to our target audiences and they would not want to be associated with such image. B. The â€Å"Fire†theme might also be inappropriate and clashes with The Body Shop image because The Body Shop has always emphasize that beauty can be achieve even without baring a lot of skin. II. We have also rejected the â€Å"Air†theme because it’s concept is very common in Body products. A. The concept of comfort in a body product is not unique and thus, would not be effective in attracting the targeted audience as it doesn’t stand out. B. Audiences are easily able to find cheaper alternatives with the same benefits. *Total number of paras: 11 (do not create any more paragraphs†¦ it’s 11, no more, no fewer) Body Shop Proposal A. This is because they choose to focus on targeting working adults which is leaned towards a mature image and does not appeals to teens. B. They will lose the potential to increase their sales volume if this continues. II. There are three main possible themes that we would like to propose. A. Firstly, â€Å"Fire†will be emphasising on the strong yet feminine aspects of the product. B. Secondly, â€Å"Earth†will bring attention on the environmentally-friendly nature of the products C. And lastly, the â€Å"Air†theme showcases the comfort level of the products. D. This is a proposal for an advertisement spread in Seventeen selling The Body Shop Bath Body products. ?There is a choice of three themes for the campaign, â€Å"Fire†, â€Å"Earth†, and â€Å"Water†. The recommended products for the 4-ad campaign are to be bath shower gel, body lotion, body butter, and body scrub. P2: Potential (3 paras) I. The Body Shop is currently lacking of advertisement directed to teenagers. A. For a cosmetics retail company, The Body Shop noticeably lacks of photographs of models with beautiful hair and perfect skin, which would attract attention of teenagers. B. Currently, The Body Shop is targeting working adults and the advertisement that they made is leaned more towards a mature image. This image does not appeal to teenagers. II. The Body Shop does not appeal to teenagers and in doing so, it loses a huge number of potential customers. A. Teenagers are not attracted to The Body Shop because of a lack of celebrity representation. B. With the lack of advertisement, targeted audience will not be encourage to trial purchase, brand switch and develop brand loyalty towards The Body Shop. III. Sales would be greatly boosted if The Body Shop were able to appeal to teenagers. A. The Body Shop will be able to maximise it’s profits because Singaporeans teenagers aged 15-19 are very willing to spend money on body products. B. Products such as body products could easily allow the consumer to develop brand loyalty towards the brand because they would have develop a habit for using our brand’s product. This results in repeated purchases and promotes sales in long term. P3: Possibilities (3 paras) I. The first theme, â€Å"Fire†theme will emphasize the strong yet feminine aspects of the product. A. â€Å"Fire†will pitch the products in a sexy yet elegant way, appealing to girls who want to be seen as confident and independent women. B. For example, in the Body butter advertisement, we can feature a model clad in only lingerie and high heels and applying body butter on her body. This would suggest that one would feel confident with their body after using our products. The main colour of this advertisement will be red, black and white to give off a Parisian feel, which represents elegance, yet at the same time emphasizes on the fiery and bold aspects of the theme. II. The second theme, â€Å"Earth†will focus attention on the environmentally friendly nature of the products. A. Products would come across as environmental and relaxing under the â€Å"Earth†theme and would appeal to both males and females because it makes them feel comfortable. B. The advertisement for bath shower gel portray a model unwinding in a bathtub full of soapy water, implying that she had just used the product and suggest that one would feel relaxed after using the product. The background of this advertisement could be a natural setting filled with trees and plants to emphasize on the nature aspects of the theme. III. The third theme, the â€Å"Air†theme, will showcase the comfort level of the products. A. Under the â€Å"Air†theme, products would be pitch as simple yet lasting comfort, appealing to both genders because of the theme’s purity and freshness. B. One example of a body lotion advertisement under the â€Å"Air†theme is to do a compare and contrast of a model who applied the body lotion in the morning and the same model looking energetic and fresh at night to represent the lasting effects and the comfort level can be seen through the model’s cheerful appearance. The advertisement would be in pastel colours to emphasize on the theme’s purity. P4: Proposal (3 paras) I. We have decided to go with the â€Å"Earth†theme because it highlights the key feature of our product and will be effective in attracting our target audience’s interest. A. The Body Shop unique selling point is being environmentally friendly and it is also what the audience associate The Body Shop with. By going along with this theme, audience are able to identify The Body Shop because our concept will be consistent. B. B. Our target audience have a very hectic lifestyle and by portraying a product, which comes across as relaxing to them is a very feasible idea because it is what the target audience need and that is also what they are looking for. This will thus increase sales of the products. II. We have rejected the â€Å"Fire†theme because it doesn’t specifically appeals to our target audiences. A. The â€Å"Fire†theme might seem over-mature to our target audiences and they would not want to be associated with such image. B. The â€Å"Fire†theme might also be inappropriate and clashes with The Body Shop image because The Body Shop has always emphasize that beauty can be achieve even without baring a lot of skin. II. We have also rejected the â€Å"Air†theme because it’s concept is very common in Body products. A. The concept of comfort in a body product is not unique and thus, would not be effective in attracting the targeted audience as it doesn’t stand out. B. Audiences are easily able to find cheaper alternatives with the same benefits. *Total number of paras: 11 (do not create any more paragraphs†¦ it’s 11, no more, no fewer)
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Journal paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Journal paper - Essay Example For instance, people surrounding me get the notion that I am supposed to be aware of all the affairs between the British government and Iraq. On the contrary, I am a male from the young generation of Muslims in Britain. Therefore, I am more inclined to be conscious of social issues that occur within the country than Islam’s external influence on local political affairs (Wade, Kayann and Hunter 82). My identity has shaped the way I interact with the world in a similar way that the most renowned Muslim terrorists have. For instance, Osama Bin Laden was the main cause of the major concerns the western world chose to monitor because of the terror attacks he caused. As a male Muslim in a developed country, I have encountered fears expressed on other individuals I interact or even come across (Wade, Kayann and Hunter 55). An imminent cultural conflict, and the resulting need for security from Islamic assailants, normally occurs at public places that I visit, or fellow colleagues that interact with me (Wade, Kayann and Hunter 74). Moderate democracy and worldwide capitalism form the main issues I address to individuals who express fear in my presence or ideas, because of the media images they are exposed to on a daily basis. Developing a sense of belonging in a culture is an essential part of every person’s maturity. Every individual’s self-conception forms part of a one of a kind combination of identifications that define a person. These identifications would significantly contribute to the research thesis and topic since they appear to correspond with every person’s interests. For instance, gender, religion or ethnicities are proper examples of identifications expound on culture. I volunteered in the formation of a blog entitled â€Å"Jihad watch.†This blog will assist in the sharing of various ideas concerning the Islam culture and religion, recent affairs and improvements, and experiences in interaction with the outer world. My
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Write an abstract for 5 given articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Write an abstract for 5 given articles - Essay Example In an empirical study, the research sampled a population of 29 women whose aspects of concealment, perception and prospect were investigated. The main findings of this research was that people prefer light in their immediate environment than having the path ahead of them put in front of them. The conclusion of the research is that energy wastage is avoidable by illuminating only those parts that are sufficient to ensure the safety of a traffic user. There has been a prevalent idea that physical activity in human beings plays a great role in prevention of chronic illnesses. The main of this research was to investigate the perceived social and environmental; supports for physical activity and walking. For the purpose of this research, the research team evaluated the perception of a sample of population from the eastern county. The sample population was categorized according to the extensiveness of their physical activity and their walking patterns. The research categorized the population in terms of their age, gender, education and race. The research design took a statistical approach as multivariable modeling was the main data processing approach. The main findings of this research is that increased awareness is one the best ways to increase physical activity and that adequate lighting in the playgrounds and sports fields would foster human activity. In tandem with the hypothesis developed by the research team, there is a positi ve relationship between perceptions of social and physical activity and the walking behavior. This research provides a platform for promoting human physical behavior within the population. It is generally acceptable that lighting improves human safety, apart from the principle function of improving visibility. The main aim of this quantitative research is to investigate the how residents experienced
Monday, August 26, 2019
Accountability, Representation and Control and the Euro crisis Essay
Accountability, Representation and Control and the Euro crisis - Essay Example Some of the common perspectives on the crisis suggest that the weaknesses in the accountability processes, compromised systems of control, and poor representation are at the core of the Euro crisis (Hopwood, 2009, p. 797). Those who hold onto this view contend that revamping the structural basis of the three features is fundamental to resolving the crisis. The banking sector, the government spending practices, and the corporate world remain some of the areas that have received significant focus by analysts of the Euro crisis. Poor controls feature in the manner in which governments have failed to put in place regulatory systems to stem bad spending practices, which lead to increased deficits that imperil economic growth. Weak accountability systems encouraged unethical accounting practices that threatened the collapse of the banking sector in the region attracting large amounts of bailouts that burdened the taxpayers. The genesis of the Euro crisis stems from failure of some member s tates to regulate their sovereign debt. The sovereign debt, which had been capped at the 60 percent of the gross domestic product GDP, determines the state of stability of the economic stability of the member states (Arnold, 2012). Proposals for austerity measures, which have been suggested by countries like Germany have incurred the displeasure of some of the most affected countries such as Greece and Poland. The central thinking of the affected countries is that austerity measures will stunt economic growth and leading to states of economic instability, which would expose the affected countries to more damage from the systems. It is important to consider some of the reasons of the economic crisis in terms of the structural germ of their causes. At the bottom of the debt crisis is the need for stronger and reliable regulatory frameworks that would enable accountability, control, and representation in order to shield the Eurozone from the adverse consequences of the crisis. Pursuit of economic self-interest among the Eurozone member states remains one of the challenges facing efforts of addressing the Euro crisis (Lynn, 2011, p. 31). Entry into the Eurozone necessarily required member countries to cede some control of their economic structures to a centralized operational framework without mortgaging their sense of autonomy. Further, the challenge also involves the question of competition, which drove some countries to practice subjective accounting practices with the intention of protecting certain self-interests. According to some economic policies, the Euro crisis would have been averted had the member countries adjusted their accounting policies and operations in ways that embrace the aspect of representation as understood within the framework of fair trading practices (Arestis, 2012). Such structures would have provided the necessary points of economic convergence, which would have shielded the countries from the threats posed by the crisis. Much of the f ocus of the Euro crisis has involved unqualified accounting practices in the corporate world (Knight, 2012, p. 13). A number of banks, for instance, presented unqualified audit reports, which gave hints of growth based on misrepresentation of certain disclosures on assets and mortgages. Such banks later encountered numerous operational challenges that led to their being declared bankrupt. On this account, many banking institutions led to massive government expenditure in terms of bailouts, which were necessitated by the fact that failure to put in place appropriate regulatory mechanisms would expose the banking sector to the threat of collapse, which would then touch of a series of economic challenges that
Critically evaluate the policy network model Essay
Critically evaluate the policy network model - Essay Example In this case, we can expect too that solution can be best achieved through network of elucidation. NETWORK OF PROBLEMS: AN OVERVIEW OF POLICY NETWORK MODEL Introduction In our society today, there are many things in which we are trying to explain and identify why such things occurs. We also try to analyze situations or problems to come up with a solution that we thought to be a result of the observations. Well, this is the essence of being an analysts - This give us the right to be coined as analysts because we try to explain everything based on the content and what the other had perceived it to be and eventually lead us to create our own unique perception on that issue also with of course basis. In this part, we will be dealing on a policy model that is known to be one of the most influential models in these days in policy making. A policy network model by Rod Rhodes states that policy is prepared because of the interactions made between the pressure groups and the policy makers. .. . Policy Network Model As it were discussed and stated in the lecture presentation about policy analysis made by Dr. Adam White entitled ‘Theories of the Policy Process’, he identified there that a policy network model focus on policy subsystems. Primarily it focuses on subsystems because the actors involved may not be in line with the hierarchical structure. Leader’s prerogative on matters of laws or policies and other matters which involved the state (individual level of analysis) is not the only source of policies as well as state laws because there are multiple actors involved in here. The players in this model are the groups that make the state work as a whole which is consist of the departments and bureaucracies as well as interests groups in the states. We can label them as the trans-governmental or transnational actors coined in the complex interdependence theory. The policy outcome is indeed made because of the departments and bureaucracies’ intermed iations with each other together with the interest groups. These components are the main actors bounded by their beliefs and norms in the society in governance (Scharpf 1998, p.195). Furthermore, actors operate through interdependent relationships, with a view to achieve their personal goals by collaborating with each other (Bevir & Richards 2009, p.1). In a broader sense, what makes the policy are not because of the leaders’ ability alone to rule and create policy to make its country better but rather, it is a product of collective individual’s rational thinking ability shaped by their societal norms and its interactions to the government bureaus – their exchange of resources; and policy makers. â€Å"Policy network analysis stresses the importance of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
How to take risks in business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
How to take risks in business - Research Paper Example Every business in the competitive world has to take charge of its own operations specifying clearly, what they really want to achieve (Ferrell etal, 2011, p.89). Whatever the specifications, they have to be in form of plans and in fact lifelong plans and future aspirations and endeavors. The plans have the impact of helping the business in question visualize in the manner in which to attain the enjoyable heights in operations that have since only been dreams. Risk taking plan process only brings business dreams to a clear view in terms of how they could be achieved (Rees, 1977, p.53). It is a fact that any merits that are normally realized in the life of any business normally only opens the doors to the realities that such forms of businesses are faced with. The realities to achieve greater heights of business operation, realities to make greater profitability, realities for future business expansions and even the realities of the likelihood of beating all the fierce competitors in t he market of their operations and become the giants, holding closer to if not 100% of the market share (Rees, 1977,p. 53). Assumptions, procrastinations, and fears are normally the sole and foremost obstacles to the attainment of the above aspirations. As it is always very clear that fear is the first step and sign towards failure (Ferrell etal, 2011, p. 90). The moment’s one individual decision maker in any form of business takes the first step geared towards what the individual really wants for the business. Then in such instances, the individual must as well be prepared to accompany the relevant decisions with an equal amount of risks. The risks that we are referring to in such a case are the risks that are likely to help the business be recognized, get the required attention, and forcefully propel it forward in its operations. They are the risks that the business really
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Product and Service Design Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Product and Service Design - Research Paper Example Limitations of the review can be summarized in the following manner; The researcher is reviewing only chapter 4 but through reading of all the chapters is needed in order to provide comprehensive review of the book. Lack of knowledge about all the aspects covered by William J Stevenson might encourage the researcher to take subjective view while reviewing the book. The researcher is reviewing the 11 Edition (Global Edition) of â€Å"Operations Management†written by William J Stevenson while Chapter number 4 named as â€Å"Product and Service Design†is the topic of discussion in the review. In this chapter, Stevenson (2011) has penned down topics like definition of product design, why companies go for product design, human aspects, cultural aspects, environment sustainability factors, design considerations, different phases of design and production and service design. Before going to the main discussion, let us try to understand credential William J Stevenson who is th e author of the book. Name of the Author and Publisher Dr. Stevenson or William J Stevenson wrote the book â€Å"Operations Management†which was published by McGraw-Hill Education. McGraw-Hill Education is not only the publisher of the book but also they hold distribution right of the book. Dr. Stevenson is an associate professor of Decision Sciences in the College of Business at Rochester Institute of Technology (Stevenson, 2011). The author has years of teaching experience in the field of production/operations management, quality concepts, management science and quality applications and Dr. Stevenson wrote many articles in the field of Management Science and Decision Sciences (Stevenson, 2011). Dr. Stevenson earned M.B.A and PhD in the field of production/operations management from University of Syracuse. It is evident from such descriptions that there might be argument regarding the content of the book written by Dr. Stevenson but there should not be any argument exists r egarding academic qualification of Dr. Stevenson. Objectives and Targeted Audience Every book is written taking into consideration of the requirements of target audience. Simple fact is that every book has its own target audience and success of the book is being considered whether the book meets the expectation of its target reader or not? Now, the question is that what is the objective of the book â€Å"Operations Management†written by William J Stevenson? Another important thing is that who are the target audience for the book? Well, to be honest, the book has been primarily written for college students and university students who want to know about product and service design process. In the first place, the book can be considered as the rudiments of product & service designing process but cannot be considered as scholarly source that can be reviewed and criticized by other academic scholars and industry experts (Stevenson, 2011). According to writer of this review, the bo ok has been written for teaching purpose and focus of the book is not to develop a
Friday, August 23, 2019
Managing the Human Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Managing the Human Resource - Essay Example In each region, area presidents and executive team run their operations. As new businesses are evolving around the world, resistance to change has become a primary factor for business failure. The success depends on the ability to foresee and capitalize on the change. The quality of the Hilton brand is such that the customer service, managerial and operational excellence is higher than in most industries. The management at Hilton believes that training and development of its employees play a very vital role to stay ahead of the competition. Hilton group it totally decentralized; splitting into different regions and countries; cities and individual hotels. Management of people, materials and affairs become very difficult and affects the management of the company. The critical issues faced by Hilton because of the changes in the organizational structure are Labor market and retention remain the areas of managerial concern especially in the UK, where booming economy and high profits in the hospitality industry could not save many international hotels from the market retention in what is called the tightest labor market since 1978 ( Benini and Sturken, 2000, Kennedy 1998).The reasons cited by the employees for high turnover in the hospitality industry is because of lack of career structure available, low remuneration and the working environment. Employee turnover in the hospitality industry is a whopping 50% and 25% for management staff, enough to make employers lose tangible and intangible costs of employee turnover. Turnover has an immediate effect, particularly in the customer service dependent areas of the business where there is direct interaction with the customers. A vacant position means more work for the remaining employees without having to compromise on the quality of the work. The ageism issue is difficult to identify and eliminate and in hospitality industry the older
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Bill Gates And Steve Jobs Essay Example for Free
Bill Gates And Steve Jobs Essay Many people look at Steve Jobs and Bill Gates as two rivals. A lot of opinions can be expressed regarding these two geniuses. The two are celebrities at their own right. Their similarities and differences are emphasized probably because their contributions to the society are both important but are different relative to the other. People were divided as fan of PC and as a fan of Mac. Many people argue that one is better than the other. One type of computer-user says that one is better depending on how you use your computer. For example, gamers find it troublesome to use the Mac while other computer-users find the PC more troublesome than Mac. Although Gates is not Microsoft, as Jobs is not Apple, people commonly think of Gates when we talk of Microsoft, and of Microsoft when we talk about Gates. The same is true for Jobs and his Apple. But how do Gates and Jobs differ from each other? Both were not able to get a college diploma. Despite of that, they were able to become successful and are now household names. They created their own companies which are big companies now, and that goes to show that the two has excellent leadership and managerial skills. Perhaps, their difference lies on their personality and on how they drive their companies to suit the needs of the people. Jobs went to Reed College while Gates went to Harvard. Both Jobs and Gates were college drop-outs. After dropping out from college, Jobs got a job as a technician in a video game manufacturer, Atari. Jobs was given a break when Atari gave him the task to create a circuit board for a video game and he was able to fulfill this task with his friend Wozniak. He got a nice pay with this work. Gates first experience with computers was when he and his friends hack Computer Center Corporation (CCC) to get extra time with the computers. They were caught and were banned by the CCC but, later, CCC hired them to find bugs for their system. Although their job was only to find bugs all over the system, they use their spare time to study about the machines. Jobs did Apple while Gates created Microsoft. The Apple was the first computer to have a graphical user interface and an on-board ROM. Microsoft, as we all know, is very popular software. Both, now, are very wealthy since the day they established their companies. Jobs has CEO position of his company which is a large innovator when it comes to computers, operating systems and softwares. During the beginnings of the apple, Jobs was only a shareholder. Although he was seated as the chairman, the decision of the company was not solely his. He has once left the company to focus not on hardwares but on softwares so he built NextStep. He wanted to have a solution to some computer problems at that time. He wanted to satisfy the needs of education with computers and has once envisioned his new sets of computers to be the computers of college students. He failed on this in a way that the consumers did not want to spend for the latest technology at that time and the NeXTstep computers were really expensive. But the software really helped out programmers so he got good reviews. He, then, formed partnerships with different companies. Apple, then, was getting weaker when Jobs left it. Jobs later returned to Apple some reconsideration. Gates, meanwhile, is a major shareholder of Microsoft. He had never left Microsoft in any way. He was focused on making it big on the market and he was very successful in that. Jobs was focused on innovating. He wanted solutions to problems. He is thinking of the needs of the people when he does his creations. This is his biggest difference with Gates. Gates and Microsoft are interested on marketing. Microsoft is concern on, at least, getting at par with their competitors. If a competitor has done something brilliant, Microsoft would find its way to have a better version of that something brilliant. Gates was often criticized as being more of a businessman than a computer genius. Jobs has once said that it is hurting the computer industry that Microsoft is killing its competitors because that also kills innovation. In fairness to Gates, he gives a lot to those who are needy. He gave millions to institutions in which he believed in. They call Gates a philanthropist for all of his donations to charity. This is one thing admirable to Gates. He has not forgotten about other people. He was sensitive. He gives back what he receives. As a leader, they are both very efficient to create such big companies. They were both able to drive these two companies to success in spite of the many competitions that are coming. They were very good in analyzing the needs of the company and the market. These two individuals show that success comes from determination, right timing, and the drive to attain it. We now have MacBooks with Microsoft in it. In their TV interview, Jobs said that the competition is over between them and that it is time to think of innovations for the future. We should be thankful to these two individuals, who have changed things since their time. We may find them as competitors, but that would be fine for competitions are healthy and it has really made them strive harder to be on top. The competition between the two, if there is, has benefited us. We can expect more from these companies in the near future. Hopefully, they would come up for more things that will make everything more convenient and a solution to security problems. Work Cited: Apple Inc. 2008. Steve Jobs. Retrieved from http://www. apple. com/pr/bios/jobs. html. Brightman, Jason. 2007. After Bill Gates, Five Possible Futures for Microsoft. Retrieved from http://www. pcworld. com/businesscenter/article/147518/after_bill_gates_five_possible_futures_for_microsoft. html. Cobweb Publishing Inc. 2008. The NeXT Years: Steve Jobs Before His Triumphant Return To Apple. Retrieved from http://lowendmac. com/orchard/06/steve-jobs-next-years. html. Mirick, John. 1996. William H. Gates III Before Microsoft. Retrieved from http://ei. cs. vt. edu/~history/Gates. Mirick. html#microsoft.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
NVQ Assessment Essay Example for Free
NVQ Assessment Essay Understand the principles and requirements of assessment 1. Explain the functions of assessment in learning and development. 2. Define the key concept and principles of assessment. 3. Explain the responsibilities of the assessor. 4. Identify the regulations. Compare the strengths and limitations of arrange of assessment methods with reference to the needs of individual learners. 5. Compare the strengths and limitations of a range of assessments methods with reference to the needs of individual learners. Understand how to plan assessment 6. Summarise key factors to consider when planning assessments. 7. Evaluate the benefits of using a holistic approach to assessment. 8. Explain how to plan a holistic approach to assessment. 9. Summarise the types of risks that may be involved in assessment in own area of responsibility. 10. Explain how to minimise risks through the planning process. Understand how to involve learners and others in assessment. 11. Explain the importance of involving the learner and others in the assessment process. 12. Summarise types of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process. 13. Explain how peer and self-assessment can be used effectively to promote learner involvement and personal responsibility in the assessment of learning. 14. Explain how assessment arrangements can be adapted to meet off individual learners. Understand how to make assessment decisions. 15. Explain how to judge whether evidence is: a)Sufficientb) Current c) authentic. 16. Explain how to ensure that assessment decision are: a)Made against specifiedb)validc) reliable d) fair. Understand quality assurance of the assessment process. 17. Evaluate the importance of quality assurance in the assessment process. 18. Summarise quality assurance and standardisation procedures in own area of practise. 19. Summarise the procedures to follow when there are disputes concerning assessment in own area of practise. Knowledge to be assessed and evidenced: Understanding how to manage information relating to assessment 20. Explain the importance of following procedures for the management of information relating to assessment. 21. Explain how feedback and questioning contribute to the assessment process. Understanding the legal and good practise requirements in relation to assessment. 22. Explain legal issues, policies and procedures relevant to assessment, including those for confidentiality, health, safety and welfare. 23. Explain the contribution that technology can make to the assessment process. 24. Evaluate requirements for quality and diversity and, where appropriate, bilingualism in relation to assessment. 25. Explain the value of reflection practise and continuing professional development in the assessment process.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Corporate Strategy Model
The Corporate Strategy Model Understanding the strategic position is concerned with identifying the impact on strategy of the external environment, an organizations strategic capability and the expectations and influence of stakeholders. The sort of questions this raises are central to future strategies. The Environment Environment plays an important role in building up the strategies and how it affects the organisation strategies and goals looking out for the opportunities and threats from the outer world. Therefore it is very important to evaluate the environmental impacts on the organization. The capabilities Capabilities depends upon the resources and competences within the organization. One way of thinking about the strategic capability of an organization is to consider its strengths and weaknesses. Look for the core competences and USPs which the competitors will find difficult to imitate. Purpose The major influences of stakeholder expectations is organizations purposes. Purpose is summarized in an organisations vision, mission and values. This is important since it clarifies who should the organization serve and how should it work. this reflects the corporate social responsibilities and ethics. Culture These influences directly either on organizational, sectoral or national. Corporate Governance Corporate Governance is concerned with the structures and systems of control by which managers are held accountable to those who have legitimate stake in an organization. (4) There are many other reason which has made its presence an important issue for the organization. Out of which the three main reasons are as follows; The separation of ownership and management control which means that the organization works with hierarchy or within the chain of governance. This chain basically represents those groups that influence an organization through their involvement in either ownership or management of an organization. Scandals by the corporate have increased a lot of public debate about different parties in the governance chain should interact and influence each other. Most notable here is the relationship between shareholders and the boards of businesses as well as relationship between government or public funding bodies and public sector organizations. Increased accountability to wider Stakeholder interests has also come to be increasingly advocated; in particular the argument that corporations need to be more visibly accountable and responsive , not only to owners and managers in the governance chain but to wider social interest. Governance Structure Strategic Purpose Social responsibility and ethics Stakeholder expectations Figure 4.0 Influences on strategic purpose (4) The governance chain explains completely the roles and relationships of different groups which are present in the governance of an organization. The chain is very simple to understand it is similar like a family tree. It has shareholders, family members, managers and a board. It is a large and publicly quoted organization with more investors layers as well. Hence good corporate governance can be achieved only if it is an embedded part of corporate life: part of the DNA of the organisation, its internal processes and the way it makes information available externally. In many countries most companies are run mostly for the benefit of the shareholders, the rightful owners. But there is another model, where companies are run for the benefit of other significant groupings as well such as customers, the general public or employees. This is the stakeholder model. Choosing a board for each of these models or something in between requires people with different backgrounds and outlooks. The following table compares the shareholder and stakeholder models: Shareholders Stakeholders Maximize shareholder value and look after shareholder interests Look after all stakeholder interests, especially public Seek profitability and efficiency Look for survival, long term growth, and stability Hard-nosed and commercial Less concerned with profit than value for money A Stakeholders mapping can be used appropriately to understand the stakeholders influence. Stakeholder mapping can define his expectations and power and helps in understanding political priorities. It emphasizes the importance of two issues: Interest of the stakeholder group on organizations purposes and choice of strategies Power of stakeholders to actually do it They are described in a quadrant of four different types based on level of interest and their power, as follows Non Profit Organizations A non-profit organization is an organization which does not distribute its surplus funds to owners or shareholders, but instead uses them to help pursue its goals. Examples of NPOs include charities (i.e. charitable organizations), trade unions, and public arts organizations. Most governments and government agencies meet this definition, but in most countries they are considered a separate type of organization and not counted as NPOs. They are in most countries exempt from income and property taxation. Profit Organizations An organization is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals, controls its own performance, and has a boundary separating it from its environment. It is a business which has a primary goal of making profit and a proposed goal such as helping the environment. Differences between Profit and Non-profit Organization Ownership is the quantitative difference between for- and not-for-profit organizations. For-profit organizations can be privately owned and may re-distribute taxable wealth to employees and shareholders. By contrast, not-for-profit organizations do not have owners. They have controlling members or boards, but these people cannot sell their shares to others or personally benefit in any taxable way. While they are able to earn a profit, more accurately called a surplus, such earnings must be retained by the organization for its self-preservation, expansion and future plans. Earnings may not benefit individuals or stake-holders. While some non-profit organizations put substantial funds into hiring and rewarding their internal corporate leadership, middle-management personnel and workers, others employ unpaid volunteers and even executives may work for no compensation. However, since the late 1980s there has been a growing consensus that nonprofits can achieve their corporate targets more effectively by using some of the same methods developed in for-profit enterprises. These include effective internal management, ensuring accountability for results, and monitoring the performance of different divisions or projects in order to better benefit from their capital and workers. Those require satisfied management and that, in turn, begins with the organizations mission There are a variety of perspectives, models and approaches used in strategic planning. The way that a strategic plan is developed depends on the nature of the organizations leadership, culture of the organization, complexity of the organizations environment, size of the organization, expertise of planners, etc. For example, there are a variety of strategic planning models, including goals-based, issues-based, organic, scenario (some would assert that scenario planning is more of a technique than model), etc. Goals-based planning is probably the most common and starts with focus on the organizations mission (and vision and/or values), goals to work toward the mission, strategies to achieve the goals, and action planning (who will do what and by when). Issues-based strategic planning often starts by examining issues facing the organization, strategies to address those issues and action plans. Organic strategic planning might start by articulating the organizations vision and values, an d then action plans to achieve the vision while adhering to those values. Some planners prefer a particular approach to planning, eg, appreciative inquiry. Some plans are scoped to one year, many to three years, and some to five to ten years into the future. Some plans include only top-level information and no action plans. Some plans are five to eight pages long, while others can be considerably longer. For-profit and nonprofit business plans have many similarities. For that reason, nonprofit personnel would benefit from reading the links in the section above, For-Profit Business Planning. Some of the terms are different, but in most cases they can readily be translated into words more commonly used in the nonprofit sector. For example, balance sheet is what nonprofit call a statement of financial position, profit and loss statement (or income statement) is essentially the same as a statement of financial activities, and so on. One of the key difference between a for profit and a non profit plan is the marketing section. In a for profit business, the served customers are generally those who provide the revenues needed to cover expenses and continue operations. For a non profit, often the served constituents do not provide this sustaining funding, and it must be sought from a third party donors. This means the marketing plan must describe both how the organization will communicate its services to its service target market and how it will communicate its need for funding to its funding target market. This means detailing these two separate marketing messages and two strategies for marketing. Another key difference is the non profit part of the business plan. Financial plans for a non profit do not have to show net profit, and, if they do, there must be some explanation of what those retained earnings will be used for. They cannot be distributed as dividends, as the organization is technically owned by the public and not by the directors or board. However, profits can be accumulated for the purposes of creating an endowment or capital fund for future expenditures. An accountant should be consulted for any decisions of this nature. International dimensions of strategic business management and planning Going global is one of the key visions of most of the organizations. Choosing globalization increases the option for the organizations range of products or services and how to manage across the borders. Through international strategy framework it becomes achievable in a better way. International strategy as the core theme, depends upon two things, the external environment and organizational capabilities. If you see the figure 6.0 it focuses more on internationalisation drivers and on the capabilities side it emphasises on international and national sources of advantage. Figure 6.0 International strategy framework Internationalisation drivers Market selection Sources of competitive advantage Mode of entry International Strategy (4) Market Drivers Similar customer needs Global customers Transferable marketing Internationalisation Drivers Figure 7.0 Internalisation Drivers International Strategies Cost Drivers Scale economic Country-specific differences Favorable logistics Government Drivers Trade Policies Technical Standards Host Government Policies Competitive Drivers Interdependence between countries Competitors global strategies (4) Market globalization drivers There is a general belief that several markets are converging around the world. There are several reasons for this. First, the convergence of Gross National Product (GNP) per capita in the developed world is leading to a convergence in markets sensitive to wealth and level of income such as passenger cars, television sets, and computers. Second, there is evidence to suggest that in some industries, customers tastes, perceptions, and buying behaviours are converging, and that the world is moving towards a single global market that is basically Western and, more specifically, North American. In a landmark article titled The globalization of markets Levitt (1983) predicted that globalization drivers such as new technology would lead to homogenization of consumer desires and needs across the world. He argued that this would happen because generally consumers would prefer standard products of high quality and low price to more customized but higher-priced products. Third, in the quest to build a global brand and company image, multinational firms are increasingly favouring a global standardization of marketing and advertising efforts. This does not mean identical marketing and advertising campaigns, but the use of similar themes that send the same message across the world. Recent developments in broadcast media, particularly direct-broadcast satellite and international media, are making this more possible. CNN, for example, broadcasts standard adverts around the world. Cost globalization drivers Several key cost drivers may come into play in determining an industry globalization level. One key factor is global scale economies. That is, the costs of producing a particular product or service are often subject to economies or dis-economies of scale. Generally, economies of scale arise when a product or a process can be performed more cheaply at greater volume than at lesser volume. This is often the case when the product or service is standardized; hence it becomes hard for multinational firms to differentiate themselves, and cost becomes key in achieving and sustaining a competitive advantage. Producing different products for different countries leads to higher cost per unit. This is because multinational firms serving countries with separate products may not be able to reach the most economic scale of production for each countrys unique product. Multinational firms could reduce the cost by using common parts and components produced in different countries. Another factor is sourcing efficiencies. Global sourcing efficiencies may push multinational firms towards a global strategy. The prices of key resources used in the production process have a strong impact on the cost of the product or service, the cost of inputs depends on the bargaining power of the firm with their suppliers. For example, large firms purchasing large volumes have more clout with their suppliers than their small rivals. Hewlett-Packard (HP) is a good example. In the past, country-level subsidiaries used to solicit bids for insurance coverage independently. Each subsidiary chose the local provider who bid less than the competition. However, HP now belongs to a global insurer-insured pool which provides rebates based on business volume. In addition, as noted earlier, some countries provide a cost advantage because of low cost of raw material, low cost of labour, or low cost of transport because of location. Thus multinational firms locate their activities in different countries to benefit from these advantages. Further, in sectors where transportation cost is low, closeness to customers is not important, and urgency to distribute the product is low, multinational firms tend to concentrate their production in large plants producing large-scale products. Finally, high cost of product development drives multinational firms to focus on core products that have universal appeal to control cost. Government globalization drivers Governments have different policies for different industries. While (as discussed above) the general trend is lower trade barriers and less regulation, for a few sectors trade barriers are prohibitive and highly regulated by governments. In addition to trade barriers and regulations, technical standards are becoming similar around the world. For example, several countries have accepted new international accounting norms and standards. In Europe, the International Accounting Standards (IAS) are quickly becoming the norm. This will allow direct cross-border comparison of financial statements, and facilitate communication between subsidiaries and the centre. Companies like Nokia, the Allianz group, and Novartis are working to bring about a convergence of US accounting standards with IAS. Competitive drivers Because of tight interlinks between key world markets, intense competition across countries, and the continuous increase in the number of global competitors, multinational firms are adopting a globally centred rather than nationally centred strategy. According to George Yip, the increase in interactions between competitors from different countries requires a globally integrated strategy to monitor moves by competitors in different countries. He notes that by pursuing a global strategy, competitors create competitive interdependence among countries. This interdependence forces multinational firms to engage in competitive battles and to subsidize attacks in different countries. Cross-subsidization is only possible if the multinational firm has a global strategy that monitors competitors centrally rather than on a country-by-country basis. Globalized competitors drive industries to adopt a global strategy. Yip noted that when major competitors, especially first movers, use a global strategy to introduce customers to global products, late movers adopt the same strategy so as to achieve economies of scale or scope and other benefits associated with adopting a global strategy. Last, the ability to transfer competitive advantage globally drives multinationals to adopt a global strategy. For example, IKEA succeeded in transferring its locally developed advantage to a global market. Conversely, sectors where the competitive advantage is locally rooted and hard to transfer across countries, multinationals tend to adopt an international strategy rather than a global one. (8) Strategic Management Strategic Management is a term which underlines the importance of managers with regards to the company strategy. Strategy needs to be defined by the people especially the managers who also implement them. Strategic Management involves a greater scope than that of any one area of operational management. It is characterised in way it makes easy for the managers to make decision and judgement based on the conceptualisation of difficult issues. Corporate strategy is defined as the identification of the purpose of the organization and the plans and actions to achieve that purpose. Corporate strategy consist of two main elements: corporate level strategy and business level strategy .See figure 7.0 At Corporate Level: All the decisions need to be taken over what business the company is in or should be in. The culture and leadership of the organization are also important at this broad general level. Corporate strategy is the pattern of major objectives, purpose or goals and essential policies or plans for achieving those goals, stated in such a way as to define what business the company is in or be in and the kind of company it is or be. (9) At Business Level: corporate strategy is more alarmed with the competing for customers, generating value from the resources and the underlying principle of the sustainable competitive advantages of those resources over rival companies. Figure 8.0 The essence of corporate strategy At the individual business level: How do we complete successfully? What is our sustainable competitive advantage? How can we innovate? Who are our customers? What value do we add? At the general corporate level: What business are we in? What business we should be in? What business our basic directions for the future? What is our culture and leadership style? What is our attitude to strategic change? What should it be? What is the purpose of the organization? And what are our strategies to achieve this? (10) The three main areas of strategy At both the levels of corporate strategy every organization has to manage its strategies in three main areas: Organizations internal resources; External environment within the area of organization operates; Organizations ability to add value to its organizations process. Resources Strategy Resources of any organization includes human resource skills, investors and the capital. Organizations need to build a good strategies to optimise the use of the resources. In particular, it is essential to investigate the sustainable competitive advantage that will allow the organization to survive and prosper against competition. Environmental strategy Environment encompasses all the aspect external to the organization itself: not only the economic and political circumstances, which depends place to place but competitors, customers and suppliers, who may vary widely around the world, but also competitors, customers are particularly important here. Hence organizations therefore needs to develop corporate strategies that are best suited to their strengths and weakness in relation to the environment in which they operate. Adding Value Apart from environment and resources organizations still need to add value to the supplies brought into the organization. For long term survival, an organization take their supplies seriously and then deliver its output to its customers. The main purpose of corporate strategy is to make the organization create and add vital values to make sure the organization adapts the changes and continue to add value in future. Core areas of Corporate Strategy There are three core areas of corporate strategy are strategic analysis, strategy development and strategy implementation. Strategic analysis: The organization, its mission and objectives have to be examined and analysed. Corporate strategy provides value for the people involved in the organization, its stakeholders but its the managers who decide the objectives of the organization. They also analyse the resources and examine the objectives as well as the relationship with the environment. Strategy development: A strategy options has to be developed and then the right has to be selected. To be successful, the strategy is build upon a particular skills of the organization and the special relationship that it has or can develop with the other outside suppliers, customers, distributors and government. Strategy implementation: The selected options now has to be implemented and the organization will find many other difficulties in terms of motivation, power relationships, government negotiations, company acquisitions and many other matters. Hierarchical Characteristics of Strategy Strategy can be formulated on three different levels: Corporate level Business unit level Functional or Operational level, While strategy may be about competing and surviving as a rum, one can argue that products, not corporations compete, and products are developed by business units. The role or the corporation then is to manage its business units and products so that each is competitive and so that each continues to corporate purposes. While the corporation must manage its portfolio of businesses to grow and survive, the success of a diversified firm depends upon its ability to manage each of its product lines, While there is no single competition to Textron, we can talk about the competitors and strategy of each of its business units. In the finance business segment, for example, the chief rivals ate major banks providing commercial financing. Many matagers consider the business level to be the proper focus for strategic planning. Corporate Level Strategy Corporate level strategy fundamentally is concerned with the selection of businesses in which the company should compete and with the development and coordination of that portfolio of businesses. It is concerned with: Reach Defining the Issues that are corporate responsibilities; this might include identifying the overall goals of the corporation. The types of businesses In which the corporation should be involved and the way in which businesses will be integrated and managed . Competitive Contact defining where in the corporation competition is to be localized. Take the case of insurance; In the mid-1990s, Aetna as a corporation was clearly identified with its commercial and property casualty insurance products. Managing Activities and Business Interrelationships Corporate strategy seeks to develop synergies by sharing and coordinating staff and other resources across business units. investing financial units across business unit to complement other corporate business unit. Management Practices Corporations decide how business units are to be governed: through direct Corporate intervention (centralization) or through more or less autonomous government (decentralization) that relies on persuasions and rewards. Corporations are responsible for creating value through their businesses. They do so by managing their portfolio of businesses. ensuring that the businesses are successful over the long-term. developing business units. and sometimes ensuring that each business is compatible with others in the portfolio. Business Level Strategy A strategic business unit may be a division, product line, or other profit centre that can be planned independently from the other business units of the firm. At the business unit level. the strategic issues are less about the coordination of operating units and more about developing and sustaining a compititive advantage for the goods and services that are produced. At the business level the strategy formulation phase deals with: positioning the business against rivals anticipating changes in demand and technologies and adjusting the strategy to accommodate them inf1uencing the nature of competition through strategic actions such as vertical integration and through political actions such as lobbying. Functional Level Strategy The functional level of the organization is the level of the operating divisions and departments. The strategic issues at the functional level are related to business processes and the value chain. Functional level strategies in marketing, finance, operations, human resources and RD involve the development and coordination of resources through which business unit level strategies can be executed efficiently and effectively. Functional units of an organization are involved in higher level strategies by providing input into the business unit level and corporate level strategy such as providing information on resources and capabilities on which the higher level strategies can be based. Figure 9.0 Levels of Strategy (10) Global Strategies Global strategies have been deliberately pursued in some industries to integrate worldwide strategy. Essentially, strategy is centralised for the whole world, with an integrated network of production and market positions in all the leading countries on a broadly similar platform. The need for strategic business management planning can be easily understood by the porters diamond model. The diamond model is an economical model developed by Michael Porter in his book The Competitive Advantage of Nations, where he published his theory of why particular industries become competitive in particular locations. The phenomena that are analysed are classified into six broad factors incorporated into the Porter diamond, which has become a key tool for the analysis of competitiveness: Factor conditions are human resources, physical resources, knowledge resources, capital resources and infrastructure. Specialized resources are often specific for an industry and important for its competitiveness. Specific resources can be created to compensate for factor disadvantages. Demand conditions in the home market can help companies create a competitive advantage, when sophisticated home market buyers pressure firms to innovate faster and to create more advanced products that those of competitors. Related and supporting industries can produce inputs which are important for innovation and internationalization. These industries provide cost-effective inputs, but they also participate in the upgrading process, thus stimulating other companies in the chain to innovate. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry constitutes the fourth determinant of competitiveness. The way in which companies are created, set goals and are managed is important for success. But the presence of intense rivalry in the home base is also important; it creates pressure to innovate in order to upgrade competitiveness. Government can influence each of the above four determinants of competitiveness. Clearly government can influence the supply conditions of key production factors, demand conditions in the home market, and competition between firms. Government interventions can occur at local, regional, national or supranational level. Chance events are occurrences that are outside of control of a firm. They are important because they create discontinuities in which some gain competitive positions and some lose. The Porter thesis is that these factors interact with each other to create conditions where innovation and improved competitiveness occurs. (11) Figure 10.0 Porters Diamond Model Government Related and supporting industries Demand Conditions Factor Conditions (11) Conclusion No nonprofit entrepreneur should launch prior to completing a strategic business management planning. This is where entrepreneurs perform the well-known SWOT analysis to determine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) associated with their nonprofit business proposition. Strengths and weaknesses identify factors that are under their control, such as what they do better or worse than the competition. Opportunities and threats are external or not under their control. For example, an opportunity may be a new foundation looking to fund nonprofit organizations within a specific time frame. A threat may be the lack of philanthropic donations due to a recent tax increase or the reduction of the nonprofit tax deduction. Many nonprofits fail because they fail to complete their SWOT strategic analysis. The strategic planning process depends on the nature and needs of the organization and the its immediate external environment. For example, planning should be carried out frequently in an organization whose products and services are in an industry that is changing rapidly . In this situation, planning might be carried out once or even twice a year and done in a very comprehensive and detailed fashion (that is, with attention to mission, vision, values, environmental scan, issues, goals, strategies, objectives, responsibilities, time lines, budgets, etc). On the other hand, if the organization has been around for many years and is in a fairly stable marketplace, then plann
Monday, August 19, 2019
war in iraq Essay -- essays research papers
George W. Bush is asking Congress for $80 billion more for the failed Iraq war. Congress is gearing up to pour more money to "stay the course" of the past two tragic years. Tell your Member of Congress that not one more dime should go to waging war in Iraq. Instead, the U.S. must end the occupation, bring our troops home, and support Iraqi sovereignty. Many good-intentioned people in the United States say we can't withdraw our troops now and abandon Iraqis to chaos and disorder. Yet the U.S. presence on the streets of Iraq is fueling animosity, motivating the armed resistance, and sealing the fate for failed democracy in Iraq. Every extra day and dime the U.S. spends on its reckless course in Iraq deepens the suffering in Iraq and at home. The President's fourth "supplemental" spending request for the Iraq war will add $80 billion to the more than $151 billion already appropriated. It is time for us to demand that the Administration and Congress stop perpetuating the cycle of violence in Iraq, stop sending so many soldiers and civilians to their graves, and stop diverting precious resources that could be used to rebuild Iraq and fund critical domestic needs 110 of these organizations have banded together to form U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW), a national organization committed to ending the war, returning the troops, restoring funding to social programs and government services, and changing the direction of U.S. foreign policy. (A list of USLAW affiliates is posted at the USLAW website at Union members and their family members are being killed, wounded, disabled and psychologically traumatized in a war that has already killed almost 1500 U.S. military personnel, wounded more than 10,500 others, a war in which more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians have died. This war is siphoning resources from our communities, starving or eliminating essential public services and social programs, eroding our democratic rights, and making our country even less secure. It is time for labor to speak out! At this time of discussion about renewing our labor movement, how can we not discuss the most urgent issue facing American and its working families? We ask you to put the issue of the war on the agenda of the up-coming Executive Council meeting. And we urge the national leadership of the AFL-CIO to oppose this reckless, i... ... the US to more than $200 billion through 2005. One obvious question when considering costs is why the government has to ask for supplemental appropriates in the first place. Why can't it be put in the annual budget request? According to Chris Preble, director of foreign-policy studies at the Cato Institute in Washington, DC, "There is one good argument for not using Iraq costs for not being in the annual military budget. That is the risk you build in tens or hundreds of billions of dollars that are not applied to Iraq, but applied to somewhere else. However, that concern is completely overwhelmed by the fact that funding for war by supplements really seems to be intended to conceal some of the costs, and to present costs to Congress to be a fait accompli. Congress can't vote against such things without being accused of undermining troops in the field." According to Chris Hellman, military-policy analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation in Washington, DC, "It seems to me you have to ask the fundamental question. I believe if the president went to Congress and said we are going to put it in the top line and we need to fund it, Congress would say
Loyalty In Book Characters Essay examples -- essays research papers
Can the perfect ideal of loyalty ever be achieved? What is loyalty, how can you become loyal person? How do the people of today compare to the heroes in the stories that we read Beowulf Sir Gawin and the Green Knight and Camelot. When do you know you are a loyal person, is it something that you are born with or do you learn to become loyal? Is loyalty a valuable human characteristic?How does someone become a loyal person? In Sir Gawin he proved to be loyal when he showed up to a challenge that no normal man could ever win, but he did he went to get his chopped off he was very loyal to his word. Today if you want to become loyal you do not need to do some heroic. That is not good the word loyalty today is used to loosely. If you do something as little as going to work everyday and you are loyal. That is not loyalty that is making money so you can eat. A very good example of loyalty is serving your country at any cost, if you go to war there is a good chance that you will not come back, but you put that aside just to keep the rest of the country safe. That is the ultimate sign of loyalty when you have to face death. So I think that people of today need to make sure that a word is not used just for simple thing, but the correct thing so young people can understand what the word means. Can the perfect ideal of loyalty ever be achieved? In our times I think that loyalty is almost never achieved, why do I think this? The people of today don't know the proper terminology of a w...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
How Huck Matures in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay examples -
A French philosopher named Henry Burquen once said, 'To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.' A good example of how a person develops his or her maturity is the story of Huck in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. In the novel, a young boy from the South travels down the Mississippi River with a runaway slave where they encounter many adventures and meet many different people. Along the way, not only does Huck mature, but he also becomes a kind and loyal person, sometimes going against the values of society. Huck's adventure down the Mississippi River is a passage into manhood because he learns to make decisions on his own as well as gain respect for Jim as a person. Huck matures throughout his adventures as he makes decisions on his own. For instance, before the trip down the Mississippi river, Tom explains to Huck how they should be like the robbers in the books, Huck responds, ?Well, if that?s the way, I?m agreed, but I don?t take no stock in it...But go ahead, I ain?t got nothing to say? (Twain 18). Earlier ...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Chinese Fireworks Essay
The Chinese fireworks industry thrived the late 1970s, and grew to make up 90 % of the world’s fireworks export sales. However, starting from the mid-1990s, safety concerns led governments both in China and abroad to set up stricter regulations. At the same time, there was rapid growth in the number of small family-run fireworks workshops, whose relentless price-cutting drove down profit margins. . Jerry Yu is an American-born Chinese in New York who has been invited to invest fireworks factory in Liuyang, Hunan. The industry analysis, estimating the industry attractiveness, and proposing possible ways to improve the industry attractiveness from an individual investor’s point of view, has been presented in this report. Other investment options are introduced for the investor in this report. Introduction Situated in the Hunan province of China, Liuyang has a greater concentration of fireworks manufacturers than anywhere else in the world. Liuyang currently produces about 65% of the world`s fireworks. In fact it has over 1,000 factories in Liuyang each specializing in a specific product, thus there are factories making only sparklers, only firecrackers, etc. To support these factories, Liuyang also has related manufacturing such as chemical processing, paper mills, fuse factories, printing factories. It also has a highly skilled fireworks workforce. These factors make Liuyang the most economical place to manufacture fireworks. Furthermore, the support of the local government makes Liuyang a fireworks friendly environment. Liuyang has been producing fireworks for more than 1300 years. The earliest fireworks were produced in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), and Chinese fireworks manufacturing began to flourish during the Song Dynasty. During the Yongzheng reign of the Qing Dynasty (1644 -1911), Liuyang was honored to be the official supplier of fireworks to the royal families. After 1949 government- run factories replaced the family- owned workshops. Since 1979 legal restrictions, local protectionism, aggressive price competition, hard to penetrate distribution channels have limited the domestic sales of Liuyang fireworks. The Chinese fireworks industry thrived after China adopted the open door policy in the late 1970s, and grew to make up 90% of the world`s fireworks export sales. Chinese companies began to export fireworks to more than 20 countries and regions. Today, Chinese fireworks are amongst the best in the world and the quality and variety of the pyrotechnics. But on the other hand, the Chinese fireworks industry also has weaknesses. Indeed, the fireworks industry in general is unstable. In terms of quality, packaging and timing devices. There are problems with distribution channels in which it is hard for companies to penetrate established chain of delivery. The most common form of factory in Chinese fireworks industry is the family-run workshop which is poorly funded and lacks R&D capital, and managerial input. The competition is intensified bythe emergence of a huge amount of small companies. The abundance of small, flexible, competitive shops has created a climate of intense commercial rivalry. It is common that certain companies copy any popular product design and sell it for much less prices than government-owned or some collectively-owned factories, which results in price drop, and this fact has become a serious problem for the whole industry. Furthermore, foreign competitors also threaten the Chinese fireworks industry. Therefore, whether to invest in this industry is still a challenge to most investors. The objective of this report is to advise the investor on his decision to invest to a Liuyang fireworks industry or consider other alternatives. Proposals on how to improve the attractiveness and the competitiveness of Chinese fireworks industry at a long-run level are presented. To achieve this objective, an industry analysis is carried out, using Evironmental analysis and Porter`s Five-Force model analysis, and a gross conclusions are drawn based on the analyses and suggestions. The Environmental analysis describes a framework of macro-environmental factors. The model’s factors vary in importance to a given company based on its industry. Porter’s five forces model aims to examine the competitive status of an industry. According to this model, the nature of the competition that determines industry structure is personified in the following five forces: bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of new entrants, threat of substitute products or services, and rivalry among common competitors. These five forces are very significant for strategy formulation of a company can succeed. Industry Analysis Each industry is different, and to be able to provide the necessary information for the investor the analysis of the industry environment and Five- Forces analysis on the state of the market of Chinese fireworks will be completed. Environmental Analysis Before creating business plans or making decisions, it is important to ‘scan’ the external environment. This can be achieved through an Environmental analysis, which is an investigation of the demographic, political, economic, social and technological influences on an industry. It is a tool to identify changes in a business environment that can create great opportunities for the fireworks industry – and cause significant threats. Demographic factors China’s population growth rate is only 0.47% and the population of Liuyang is estimated of 1,278,928 by 2010. The Chinese domestic market is expanding and has potential to grow. Despite the fact that the market is faced with a number of the legal restrictions, a very intense price competition, local protectionism and difficulties to penetrate distribution channels there are still a number of opportunities to succeed in the fireworks industry. The foreign direct investment has opened up in China lately. Considering a global population growth rate of around 1.14% per year and a number of baby booms worldwide, an international market has a big potential to expand. Economic factors Heavy competition in the market is faced with reduced prices and profit margins affecting the whole industry. There has been an increase in level of income, better and increased job opportunities to the workforce in emerging markets. This is good for the industry with increased demand, but it is a disadvantage when skilled workers are lost to a different industry. The industry will be faced with constant increasing cost of labor and raw materials. Technological There is not much technological innovation in Fireworks production process or new kinds of innovations in the industry. The raw materials basically remained the same. Although machines could now complete some manual processes, the process technology also basically remained the same. The R&D investments have been low when compared to variation in manufacturing, mixing and process improvements. This led to some concerns over quality issues. Initially there was not much R&D, so in response the government began initiatives aimed at upgrading the traditional fireworks industry. There were new technological competitors that were being developed. On the positive side, the internet has become a large means of procuring fireworks for foreign customers. Socio Cultural factors The green-house gases emitted globally are on the rise affecting our environment every day. Lately, there is greater concern and consciousness towards the environment. The industry will have to deal with this due to environmental impacts. Due to advanced technology and other improvements, there are many other alternative options. Lately there are many other outdoor activities such as laser shows with music and water fountains with music. However, the demand and usage of fireworks along with these is still dominant. All over the world, there is a safety concern for either display or consumption of fireworks. Political / Legal factors There are both advantageous and disadvantageous aspects. One disadvantage is the safety issues associated with fireworks that resulted in them being heavily regulated in most countries. This industry is still highly regulated in most countries due to the nature of this product. Regulation exists at all stages right from manufacturing, distribution and consumption phase. Maximum impact to safety is during production process and quality of raw materials used. Industry faced with ever increasing environmental impact and concerns globally. Another disadvantage is that there is no pricing regulation. The legal system is not strong enough in China to enforce protection of intellectual property rights, copying of brand, identity and duplicates. One advantage, however, is the offensive strategy applied in 1997, which resulted in many legal restrictions being lifted. One in particular that was eased was foreign direct investment. Global factors Fireworks are manufactured not only in China, but in many other south East Asian countries. Globally emerging markets and developed markets are the primary importers of fireworks and the demand has been steadily increasing. Increased use of fireworks across nations traditionally has been during their major holidays such as Chinese New Year, July 4th in US, etc. There is also evidence of additional consumption in developed and emerging markets. Demographic Trends China’s population growth rate is 0.47% World`s population growth rate is 1.14% Socio-cultural Influences Environmentally conscious society Fireworks are a huge tradition in China Macroeconomic Impacts Due to heavy competition, the market is faced with reduced prices Industry with increased demand Workers are lost to a different industry The industry faces with constant increase in cost of labor and raw materials. Demand of domestic market is declining Export sales are rising Political-legal Pressure Highly regulated industry: -manufacturing -distribution -consumption No protection for: -intellectual property rights -copying of brand -identity -duplicates Technological Developments Low R&D investment New kinds of innovations in industry Quality issues Global Trade Issues Globally emerging markets Steadily increasing demand -New Year celebration -major celebrations as Olympics etc. Fireworks is manufactured in many other south East Asian countries and Europe Five-Force Model Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of suppliers is low because of the large number of suppliers of raw materials available, a limited product differentiation among fireworks products and just variation in the quality. Bargaining Power of Buyers The bargaining power of buyers is high due to a steadily increasing demand for fireworks both domestically and internationally and very low switching costs. The customers in fireworks and firecrackers market can be divided into individuals and business units such as government institutions, private associations or general companies. Every country has different regulations about manufacturing, selling and using fireworks and firecrackers. Because more and more countries prohibit the public launching fireworks and firecrackers, the individuals market declined dramatically. In the contrast, the business units market went up because in the display fireworks market, the buyers were often central and local governments who purchase product for public shows on national holidays or special celebrations. The foreign buyers have a high power due to the high demand in international market. Besides, foreign buyers are very well-informed and dealing usually directly with the factories, which results in high power as well. Threat of New Entrants The threat for new entrants is high. The opportunity for potential entrants is high due to the fact that the capital requirement for establishing a fireworks factory is very low. The economy of scale is high and the brand identification within this industry is relatively low. Furthermore, there is easy access to a labor force, materials and suppliers plus easy licensing process. All these facts provide very good opportunities for the new companies to enter this industry. Threat of Substitute Products or Services In terms of the threat of substitute products or services, several modern technologies already are applied in some performances, firecrackers still cannot be replaced because firecrackers present certain meanings and culture. Furthermore, fireworks can create several kinds of patterns in the air such as peony, ground bloom flower, etc. No real substitutes can replace fireworks. There are substitutes such as make-believe firecrackers and laser beams that have potential to replace the firecrackers in the future. Rivalry Rivalry of the fireworks industry is high due to the fact that it is easy to enter the industry and the exit barrier is low. There is also a little differentiation among products which makes competition even fiercer. According to exhibit one in the case, firecrackers and fireworks total revenue in China increased 36 % from 2007 to 2009. The revenue went up 68 % from 750.000.000 USD to 1.262.500.000 USD. Most factories are dominated by small family-owned –and –operated workshops and most of the employees in the factories are regular farmers who had learned how to make fireworks just by watching and following their elders. As a result, those factories only manufactured fireworks instead of designing fireworks. In terms of international rivalry, a number of different brands has become well known around the world, Chinese fireworks have lower reputation in quality control and packing comparing to the products made in Japan or Korea. In addition, some fireworks merchants will buy the products from China and repackage them, then resell them for much higher price. Domestic competition and foreign competition is very high. Assessment of the industry attractiveness Every industry has life cycle includes introduction phase including early phase and innovation phase, growth phase, maturity phase and decline phase. The Chinese fireworks industry is no longer in a period of growth and has begun to plateau. As a result, it is it`s maturity phase now. However, if the investor can input different strategy into this sunset industry, fireworks industry will probably start another life cycle. The investor can focus on high-end market and provide unique products and service in order to gain high profits. A good business model can make a company to succeed but it may take time and investment capital in order to prepare the company to start another life cycle. Fireworks industry is still a global opportunity because every country still has fireworks shows every year and the scare seems to become larger and larger. The revenue in both domestic the international market still also grows up. Implementation considerations This analysis indicates that rivalry of fireworks industry is extremely high and hence, if the company was to survive in competition, it should make great effort to differentiate their strategies to achieve sustainable competitive advantages. There are opportunities in this sunset industry if the company can build a totally new infrastructure. In terms of infrastructure and product development the investor should focus on the product diverseness and SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) management to have more competitiveness to their rivals. First of all the investor should concentrate on R&D to produce the fireworks that can shoot long distance and safely. R&D department also has to develop more environment-friendly fireworks by changing materials. Every New Year, most of the big cities in the world will schedule the large-scale fireworks displays. Those displays all are high altitude fireworks. However, more and more cities regulate the consumption and launch of the fireworks and firecrackers because of increased concerns about environmental pollution and safety. Launching fireworks becomes a business program to attract domestic and international tourists. Investor should recruit more young employees with art and design background to make fireworks to a brilliant shows. Furthermore, investor should enforce training programs such as enhancing working safety classes and machining. Experienced employees also need to learn new skills and learn how to work more efficiently. Labor costs in China are relatively low compared with that in Japan and Korea. As a result, fireworks made from China always have price superiority to provide lower price. Since Liuyang is investor’s hometown, he can also understand the working culture in China and can more easily to manage the local employees. Doing business with the Chinese government is not easy because interpersonal relationship is a very important element. Bureaucracy is also a problem. In contrast, the export market is not easy, either. Unfortunately, many products made in China have a doubtful reputation. Investor has to reverse the company imagine. Creating a brand identity costs long period of time and money. However, once the brand becomes famous and international one, customers will trust the quality of the produces from the company and the value of company will also increase because of brand value. The company can attend more international exhibition to get popularity and also focus on quality control and time control. Investor should reorganized the company structure and improve the equipment in my company to pass international identification and put more budgets in marketing to enlarge the popularity of the company. The company can sponsor different international events such as Olympic, etc. In terms of technological development fireworks and firecrackers displays can still combine with laser beam, computerized firing and music accompaniment to strengthen the visual, audio and emotional effects. Moreover, the investor should focus on the fireworks display design. What the company sells is not only the fireworks themselves but also the ideas of how to present more colorful modeling during the displays. The company should put more creativity into the display to make impossible turn to possible and impress all audiences. Most fireworks displays are launched at night. However, some events take place during a daytime, which can also be an opportunity for the company to distinguish itself from its rivals. Establishing relationships with universities worldwide and develop prototypes for new fireworks can help a brand building and for the company. Another strategy is to establish strategic alliances with other companies like suppliers, government agencies, distributors, etc. Such relationships can develop synergy that thrives in the industry and help to gain access to better quality raw materials at cheapest price and absorb foreign direct investments to improve equipment, capital and the above R&D facility. Jerry Yu should be prepared that all those changes, both internal and external, will take time to implement and require capital investment. Probably in terms of long-term investment the fireworks industry will sooner or later shift towards more environmentally friendly industry and use substitutes more and more. Recommendations Considering China’s one-child policy has led to one of the world’s largest elderly populations. Roughly 10 percent of the population is expected to be over 65 by 2015 and, by 2050, the average age in China is forecast to be nearly 45 – one of the oldest in the world. Additionally, some 20 percent of the population is already suffering from liver disease, cancer, diabetes and similar inflictions, and this number is likely to grow alongside its aging population. Private healthcare expenditures are expected to grow another 36 percent by 2015 to over US$200 billion. The entire medical services market is expected to reach US$500 billion by 2015. So if Jerry Yu may consider other investment opportunities I would advise him to invest in China’s medical industry and health care industry. In terms of more sustainable investments for a longer period of time the health care industry is more attractive both domestically and internationally. References Beamish, Paul W. Chinese Fireworks Industry – Revised. Richard Ivey School of Business. 2011 Porter E. Michael. The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review. 2008 T. Hesketh and W. X. Zhu. The healthcare market. BMJ. 2007 May 21
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